'Jula the poet'
'Jula the poet'
Views | Duration | ||
1. Born at the meeting point of diagonals | 313 | 03:34 | |
2. My brother Walenty, the 'father of endocrinology' | 146 | 00:54 | |
3. A hostile reception in Paris | 147 | 01:19 | |
4. My brother Edward, the photographer | 109 | 01:18 | |
5. 'Jula the poet' | 123 | 01:21 | |
6. Exposed to culture from an early age | 77 | 02:22 | |
7. Learning French | 109 | 01:26 | |
8. My first meeting with Czesław Miłosz | 1 | 144 | 02:06 |
9. Secret schooling in Warsaw | 75 | 04:34 | |
10. Lublin, the cultural hub | 75 | 02:47 |
Chciałabym także powiedzieć coś o moim drugim bracie Edwardzie, który jest – był, bo już nie żyje – jednym z najbardziej znanych fotografików, no, w Polsce – w Polsce na pewno, ale i także w Europie, a także miał swoje wystawy w Ameryce; także można powiedzieć, że miałam bardzo zdolnych braci, których bardzo szanowałam, także za ich osiągnięcia artystyczne. Ale... no, ale właściwie niewiele mieliśmy wspólnego, bo każdy był bardzo zajęty swoimi sprawami. Natomiast z Edwardem o tyle się zetknęłam i to dotyczy mojej pracy twórczej, że pisałam kilka wstępów do kilku jego albumów, między innymi taki... taki album Wierzby, który najbardziej się może podobał, taki dosyć poetycki – jako zdjęcia, mówię – a także Lublin. I także pamiętam, że Herling-Grudziński to dostał ten... ten, z wydawnictwa ten... ten album i właśnie pisał mi, że taki jest, że tak mu się podobał i wstęp – to już nieskromne, ale głównie przypuszczam, że zdjęcia.
I'd also like to say something about my second brother, Edward, who is – who was, since he's no longer alive – one of the best known photographers in Poland, well, definitely in Poland but also in Europe, and who also had exhibitions in America. So you could say that I had very talented brothers, whom I respected greatly and whose artistic skills I admired. However, we had little in common as everyone was very involved in their own affairs. Nevertheless, I had contact with Edward and this was related to my creative work when I wrote a few introductions to several of his albums, including one called Wierzby which was probably the most popular – the photographs were quite poetic as pictures – and also Lublin. And I remember that Herling-Grudziński got this album from the publishers and he wrote to me saying how much he liked my introduction – that's being immodest, but I presume what he liked the most were the photographs.
Born to a Polish father and a Russian mother, Julia Hartwig (1921-2017) was a Polish poet, essayist, translator and author of children's books. She studied at the University of Warsaw, the Catholic University in Lublin and the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Czesław Miłosz called her 'the grande dame of Polish poetry'. Julia Hartwig was one of the few poets in Poland who made masterly use of poetic prose. She translated poems by Apollinaire, Rimbaud, Max Jacob, Cendrars and Supervielle, and published monographs on Apollinaire and Gerard de Nerval. She also translated from English, and published a large anthology of American poetry which she co-edited in 1992 with her late husband, the poet Artur Międzyrzecki.
Title: My brother Edward, the photographer
Listeners: Andrzej Wolski
Film director and documentary maker, Andrzej Wolski has made around 40 films since 1982 for French television, the BBC, TVP and other TV networks. He specializes in portraits and in historical films. Films that he has directed or written the screenplay for include Kultura, which he co-directed with Agnieszka Holland, and KOR which presents the history of the Worker’s Defence Committee as told by its members. Andrzej Wolski has received many awards for his work, including the UNESCO Grand Prix at the Festival du Film d’Art.
Tags: Wierzby, Lublin, America, Edward Hartwig, Gustaw Herling-Grudziński
Duration: 1 minute, 18 seconds
Date story recorded: June 2010
Date story went live: 10 May 2011