Joseph Brodsky in exile
Joseph Brodsky in exile
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Views | Duration | |
31. Acquaintances from Moscow | 39 | 01:49 | |
32. Anna Akhmatova | 88 | 01:52 | |
33. Translating Anna Akhmatova's poems | 78 | 02:16 | |
34. Friendship with Joseph Brodsky | 157 | 01:37 | |
35. Czesław Miłosz | 147 | 00:51 | |
36. Joseph Brodsky in exile | 93 | 02:44 | |
37. The Aurora legend | 43 | 01:08 | |
38. Who is the best Polish poet? | 143 | 01:16 | |
39. Czesław Miłosz translated my poem | 57 | 02:00 | |
40. An unexpected love story | 110 | 02:18 |
Dabar jau dauguma jo eilėraščių išversta į lietuvių kalbą, ir ne tik eilėraščių ir prozos. Šiemet kaip tik šimtas metų nuo jo gimimo. Jis netaip seniai mirė būdamas devyms kelerių metų amžiaus, palaidotas Krokuvoje. Tuo metu jis buvo emigrantas, jis iš Lenkijos pasitraukė, Stalino laikais, ir gyveno, iš pradžių Prancūzijoje, vėliau Amerikoje. Ir štai, aš jo kai kurias eiles skaičiau. Aš sakiau, kad aš lenkiškai jau buvau pramokęs, ir labai man jo eilės buvo artimos, labai patiko, ir neblogai jas supratau. Ir vieną sykį Brodskis mane paklausė, tai buvo prieš pat Brodskio emigraciją.
The majority of [Miłosz’s] poems have already been translated into Lithuanian, and not just his poems but also his prose. This year, as it happens, is the centenary of his birth. He died not so long ago at the age of 90 plus and was buried in Krakόw. He was an émigré then. He had left Poland under Stalin, and lived initially in France and later in America. And I had read some of his verse. I’ve said that I had already learned Polish, and that verse was very meaningful to me, I like it very much and I understood it quite well. And there was one time when Brodsky asked me... that was right before Brodsky emigrated.
Born in 1937, Tomas Venclova is a Lithuanian scholar, poet, author and translator of literature. He was educated at Vilnius University and later at Tartu University. As an active participant in the dissident movement he was deprived of Soviet citizenship in 1977 and had to emigrate. Between 1977 and 1980 he lectured at University of California, Berkeley, where he became friends with the Polish poet Czesław Miłosz, who was a professor of Slavic Languages and Literature at the school, as well as the Russian poet Joseph Brodsky. He is currently a full professor at Yale University.
Title: Czesław Miłosz
Listeners: Andrzej Wolski
Film director and documentary maker, Andrzej Wolski has made around 40 films since 1982 for French television, the BBC, TVP and other TV networks. He specializes in portraits and in historical films. Films that he has directed or written the screenplay for include Kultura, which he co-directed with Agnieszka Holland, and KOR which presents the history of the Worker’s Defence Committee as told by its members. Andrzej Wolski has received many awards for his work, including the UNESCO Grand Prix at the Festival du Film d’Art.
Tags: Kraków, Poland, France, USA, Czesław Miłosz
Duration: 51 seconds
Date story recorded: May/June 2011
Date story went live: 20 March 2012