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New challenges: Food and painting


Osip Mandelstam and Haskell Wexler
Michael Chapman Film-maker
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We can afford to be sentimental about how wonderful it would have been to be a painter or a poet in Russia, but they killed them; they actually killed them. There's nothing sentimental about that. You know, they took all those people off and sent them to the Gulag and killed them. So I think in the end it's probably better to be unrecognized and treated as a trashy old cameraman here than to be a... you know, Osip Mandelstam. Osip Mandelstam did not come to a good end. However brave and wonderful he may have been, I don't think I would've liked to die in the Gulag, you know. So yes... in one way, yes, how wonderful it is to have your art be so meaningful that repressive regimes want to send you to the Gulag. On the other hand, how unpleasant to be sent to the Gulag. And so it balances out either way. But as far as Haskell goes, Haskell put his money where his mouth is, and he's always done these things on the side. Like the long thing that's still going on about the bus strike and stuff like that, which is wonderful stuff, and good for... good for Haskell. Good for Haskell, indeed. But, as I say, it is true also that only the very rich can afford to behave as though the revolution had already taken place.

Michael Chapman (1935-2020), an American cinematographer, had a huge influence on contemporary film-making, working on an impressive array of classic films including 'Taxi Driver', 'Raging Bull', 'The Lost Boys' and 'The Fugitive'.

Listeners: Glen Ade Brown

British Director of Photography and Camera Operator Glen Ade Brown settled in Los Angeles 10 years ago.

He has been working on features, commercials and reality TV. He played an instrumental role in the award-winning ABC Family series "Switched" and is also a recipient of the Telly and the Cine Golden Eagle awards for Best Cinematography. He was recently signed by the Judy Marks Agency and is now listed in her commercial roster.

Tags: Russia, Osip Mandelstam, Haskell Wexler

Duration: 1 minute, 12 seconds

Date story recorded: May 2004

Date story went live: 29 September 2010