Wajda's pupils
Wajda's pupils
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Views | Duration | |
141. Rough Treatment | 48 | 05:09 | |
142. Camouflage: Cinema of moral concern | 58 | 00:41 | |
143. Rough Treatment: The actors | 37 | 01:35 | |
144. Personal reflections after Rough Treatment | 28 | 01:14 | |
145. Wajda's pupils | 44 | 01:40 | |
146. Young Girls of Wilko: An enigmatic story worth filming | 51 | 04:39 | |
147. Young Girls of Wilko: Discovering myself as a film... | 38 | 02:59 | |
148. The person of Iwaszkiewicz in Young Girls of Wilko | 55 | 02:40 | |
149. The Conductor: Searching for a performer of the lead... | 47 | 04:14 | |
150. John Gielgud's authority in The Conductor | 48 | 03:32 |
Film Bez znieczulenia jakby doprowadził mnie do pewnej krawędzi. Zrozumiałem, że jeżeli dalej będę tak się bawił, to mi zamkną Zespół, rozgonią nas wszystkich, a też i ja nie, że tak powiem, nie znajdę dla siebie materiału, który by mógł iść dalej jeszcze w tę stronę. I zrobiłem to, co i wcześniej mi się zdarzało, kiedy zrobiłem film Brzezina kiedy cofnąłem się i zrobiłem film Smuga cienia, kiedy... No, krótko mówiąc, wiedziałem, że jeżeli nie będę przechodził z tematu na temat, tylko dalej będę próbował iść w tę stronę, nie... nie uda mi się to, że tu już się posunąłem za daleko. Najpierw filmem Człowiek z marmuru i tym wszystkim, co się zdarzyło wokół tego filmu. No a potem filmem Bez znieczulenia, który też bardzo cierpko został przyjęty, no bo pokazana jest ta cała manipulacja, która się odbywa wokół człowieka, który po prostu... którego po prostu partia wyrzuca na margines bez znieczulenia.
The film Rough Treatment brought me to a point where I realised that if I carry on playing this game, my whole crew would be disbanded, everyone would be dispersed and I wouldn't be able to find any material for myself with which to carry on in this direction. So I did what I had done earlier when I was making Birchwood, when I went back and made The Shadow Line. In short, I knew that if I didn't pass from one subject to another, but would continue trying to follow this direction, I wouldn't succeed. I had gone too far here, first with Man of Marble and everything that had surrounded that film, and then with Rough Treatment which also had a very poor reception. That was because it shows the way a person was manipulated once the Party decided to roughly shunt him to one side.
Polish film director Andrzej Wajda (1926-2016) was a towering presence in Polish cinema for six decades. His films, showing the horror of the German occupation of Poland, won awards at Cannes and established his reputation as both story-teller and commentator on Poland's turbulent history. As well as his impressive career in TV and film, he also served on the national Senate from 1989-91.
Title: Personal reflections after "Rough Treatment"
Listeners: Jacek Petrycki
Cinematographer Jacek Petrycki was born in Poznań, Poland in 1948. He has worked extensively in Poland and throughout the world. His credits include, for Agniezka Holland, Provincial Actors (1979), Europe, Europe (1990), Shot in the Heart (2001) and Julie Walking Home (2002), for Krysztof Kieslowski numerous short films including Camera Buff (1980) and No End (1985). Other credits include Journey to the Sun (1998), directed by Jesim Ustaoglu, which won the Golden Camera 300 award at the International Film Camera Festival, Shooters (2000) and The Valley (1999), both directed by Dan Reed, Unforgiving (1993) and Betrayed (1995) by Clive Gordon both of which won the BAFTA for best factual photography. Jacek Petrycki is also a teacher and a filmmaker.
Tags: Rough Treatment, Birchwood, Shadow Line, Man of Marble
Duration: 1 minute, 14 seconds
Date story recorded: August 2003
Date story went live: 24 January 2008