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The Sailor from Gibraltar filmed in cinemascope


The horrible tie
Raoul Coutard Film-maker
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Bon alors je reviens à notre histoire de cinémascope. Donc on commence à tourner à Florence et bon j'avais expliqué à Tony ce problème, alors ça ça l'emmerdait beaucoup, l'histoire de changer entre deux mètres cinquante et... A partir de deux mètres cinquante. On fait tout un tas de trucs, je comprenais rien du tout à ce qu'il faisait parce qu'on tournait tout au 100 mm. Et alors au bout de deux jours il m'appelle pour me dire, 'On va dîner ensemble ce soir, tu viendras à mon hôtel, je voudrais te parler'. Et puis il dit à Suzanne Shiffman de venir. 'Je voudrais te parler'. Qu'est-ce qu'il va raconter?

Finalement je vais à l'hôtel, alors il habitait dans un hôtel somptueux à Florence, comme j'avais pas de cravate naturellement je pouvais pas entrer. Suzanne qui était en jeans et tout ça, c'était une bonne femme elle a le droit de rentrer dans n'importe quelle tenue. Alors Tony il me dit, 'Bon, c'est pas grave, je vais te passer une cravate'. Alors je monte dans sa piaule et puis il me sort une cravate qui était toute neuve, qui était dans un emballage, qui était horrible, une horrible cravate. Alors je lui dis, 'Non, non, non, je vais pas mettre celle-là', j'en prends une, c'est des cons cet hôtel, une cravate je vais en prendre une, n'importe laquelle et puis je la mets autour du cou. Et finalement lui il la prend, il la sort de l'emballage et il se la met.

So I'll get back to talking about cinemascope. We started filming in Florence and so I had explained the problem to Tony, which really annoyed him, the fact that we had to change between two and a half meters and... after two and a half meters. We did a whole lot of things. I absolutely didn't understand what he was doing because we were filming everything in 100 mm. And so after two days he calls me to say, 'We're having dinner together tonight, you'll come to my hotel. I would like to talk to you'. And he also tells Suzanne Schiffman to come. 'I would like to talk to you'. What is he going to say?

In the end I go to the hotel, and he stayed in a sumptuous hotel in Florence, but since I didn't have a tie I obviously couldn't go in. Suzanne who was wearing jeans, she was a woman so she could go in, whatever she was wearing. So Tony says, 'Don't worry, I'll lend you a tie'. So I go up to his room and he takes out a brand new tie, which was still in its packaging, and which was horrible. A horrible tie. So I tell him, 'No, no, I'm not wearing that one', and I take another one. You know, they're idiots at that hotel, a tie is a tie. So I randomly pick one and put it around my neck. And in the end he picks it up, takes it out of the packaging and puts it on.

French cinematographer, Raoul Coutard (1924-2016) was twice nominated for the César Award for best cinematography which he won in 1978 for 'Le Crabe-tambour'. He made over 75 films and documentaries, including 'À Bout de Souffle', Le Mépris' and 'Band à Part'. He was the most acclaimed French cinematographer of his generation and one of the key figures of the New Wave.

Listeners: Bernard Cohn

Bernard Cohn est un réalisateur et écrivain français, ayant réalisé cinq film ainsi que de nombreux reportages et séries télévisées. En tant qu'assistant réalisateur, il a travaillé avec plusieurs grands cinéastes, notamment Luis Buñuel, François Truffaut, Otto Preminger et Woody Allen. Il fut membre fondateur du ciné-club Ciné-Qua-Non et a participé à la rédaction et traduction en anglais, de plusieurs ouvrages sur le cinéma.

Benard Cohn is a French filmmaker and writer, who has directed five films as well as numerous documentaries and television series. As an assistant director, he worked with many important filmmakers, including Luis Buñuel, François Jacob, Otto Preminger and Woody Allen. He was a founding member of the Ciné-Qua-Non cinema club and has acted as editor and translator for various publications on the world of cinema.

Tags: Tony Richardson, Suzanne Schiffman

Duration: 1 minute, 43 seconds

Date story recorded: October 2004

Date story went live: 24 January 2008