Site map
- Home
Ken Adam
- Evacuating Nazi Germany
- How my father lost all his money to Hitler
- Learning about life in my mother's boarding house
- Study either art or architecture
- Life at St Paul's school
- From friendly aliens to enemy aliens
- Looking after French Foreign Legion soldiers
- Finally getting accepted into the air force
- Graduation, but no commission
- 'Tally Ho!' - joining the 609 West Riding Squadron
- 'Little did we know how dangerous these bloody rockets were!'
- Trying to avoid being hit by our own explosions
- Finally getting commissioned
- Defence mechanism against getting too emotional
- 'I knew everybody was shooting at me'
- Friendly fire
- Losing fellow pilots on take off
- The 'cab rank'
- 'Order me a late tea'
- Norman Merrett
- Pre-flight superstitions
- The Falaise Gap: the smell of death
- 'We used to miss a lot of targets'
- Reunion at Duxford
- Belsen concentration camp
- Distractions from the heavy impact of the war
- Everlasting bonds with fellow pilots
- Bailing out: 'We didn't have ejector seats in those days'
- Spending another year in Germany after the war
- Riverside Studios: how I got started in film
- My first film: "This Was a Woman"
- Learning art direction
- My first big break: "Captain Hornblower"
- Getting yellow jaundice
- The first thing that went wrong
- Bernard Voisin: the shipbuilder
- Raoul Walsh: 'A tough guy'
- Tom Morahan
- The booming post-war smuggling trade
- Becoming the reluctant 'ship man'
- How I met my wife Letitzia
- "The Crimson Pirate"
- "Helen of Troy": the attack on the walls of Troy
- The Trojan horse
- The last time I had to build a boat
- 'We hit a gale... I thought enough is enough, of boats'
- Paul Sheriff
- Francis Ford Coppola and Michael Powell
- Korda forms London Films
- Designing "Around the World in 80 Days"
- Michael Todd
- My first Oscar nomination
- Saved – by Liz Taylor!
- A suitcase full of money
- Getting rid of diplomatic cars
- 'Too many real bombs around'
- "Ten Seconds to Hell": learning the American way
- "Night of the Demon": making monsters
- John Ford: 'I'm not the sort of arty-farty director'
- Making "Gideon's Day"
- The John Paul Jones payment dispute
- "The Trials of Oscar Wilde"
- The race to complete "The Trials of Oscar Wilde"
- Irving Allen
- The first time I received recognition from the British press
- "Dr No" makes a poor first impression
- Shark-sized goldfish
- The first Bond sets
- Making "Dr No" for less than $1 million
- Setting the style for future Bond films
- How "Dr No" introduced me to Stanley Kubrick
- Meeting Kubrick
- "Dr Strangelove": driving Kubrick no faster than 30mph
- The naivety of Stanley Kubrick and Barbra Streisand
- Redesigning the "Dr Strangelove" war room
- The real Peter Sellers
- The problem with Peter Sellers improvising dialogue
- Slim Pickens
- The bomb bay
- Trying to keep a straight face around Peter Sellers
- The war room
- The war room: the best set that ever designed – Spielberg
- Kubrick’s skill for revealing the set
- Three elements working together to make a brilliant film
- Stories with Stanley Kubrick
- "Dr Strangelove": the missing pie fight
- "Woman of Straw"
- Sean Connery's slap
- What we did in the evenings while shooting
- Making "In the Cool of the Day" with Jane Fonda
- "Goldfinger"
- The Kentucky Stud farm set
- Crushing a brand new Lincoln Continental
- An example of successful set design
- The "Goldfinger" laser
- The Bond gadgets
- "Thunderball": working under water
- Sharks: 'The biggest faux pas I made'
- Accidents
- The hydrofoil
- Sharks: '... then suddenly they attack'
- "The Ipcress File"
- Minimal design, maximum impact
- "Barry Lyndon": working with Kubrick again
- "Barry Lyndon": location scouting
- Moving the shoot to Ireland
- "Barry Lyndon": closing down the production
- Cracking up
- Starting life again after my breakdown
- The true Stanley Kubrick
- "Eyes Wide Shut"
- Winning Oscars: 'Barry Lyndon' and 'The Madness of King George'
- What is production design?
- "The Madness of King George": protecting the director
- No urge to be a director
- "You Only Live Twice": location scouting
- "You Only Live Twice": the enormous set
- "You Only Live Twice": near misses
- The 007 stage: the biggest set I've ever done
- The supertanker set
- The value of valium and a great team
- Reality vs CGI
- "The Owl and the Pussycat"
- Working with Joe Mankiewicz on "Sleuth"
- "Sleuth": the third star of the film
- Michael Caine vs Laurence Olivier
- Building a maze
- "Pennies from Heaven"
- The MGM studios
- Adapting "Pennies from Heaven" for the big screen
- Chicago recce
- 'The first and last major musical I had ever designed'
- "Pennies from Heaven": problems selling the film
- Getting Steve Martin to dance like Fred Astaire
- The shiny floor dilemma
- The Cuban
- Designing the L-street and 'Hopper' cafe
- Becoming associate producer
- An Oscar nomination for "The Adams Family Values"
- Projects that never made it to the screen
- 'One of the great dance numbers of all time'
- Special Project
- Collaborating with NASA on Special Project
- Creating a space station environment
- Collapse of Special Project
- The eccentric Danny Melnick
- Reflection on my life
- Working on the Bond computer game
- Cannes
- 'I never thought I would see the end of the war'
Brian Aldiss
- Canoodling among the carpets in my grandfather’s shop
- My secret romance
- Born in a shower of tears
- Discovering some of the world’s wonders
- How I came to possess 'mysterious powers' at school
- School survival strategies
- Why I'm grateful to Adolf Hitler
- Barnstable – our haven from Hitler
- The end of childhood
- My friend Eddie Breeze
- Schooldays in wartime
- My creative talent is rewarded
- The school Sister
- Writing was just something I did
- Books from my childhood
- Captain Justice flies to the rescue!
- Charles Monteith – a kindred spirit
- Taking to the sea in Troopship Otranto
- Destination: India
- Dining on poached eggs on toast
- Breakfast on the move
- The doorway of Burma
- The Royal Signals' lot in Burma
- Encountering the wildlife of Burma
- Elements of culture in the midst of war
- The beginning of the end of the war
- A dreary homecoming
- The most terrifying day of my life
- The biggest tree in the world
- Farewell to India
- 'Going Dutch' in Sumatra
- Giving barn dancing a whole new meaning
- How the British Army scuppered my plans for matrimony
- Killing time in Hong Kong
- A dismal homecoming
- Gaining work experience in Oxford’s bookshops
- Creating "The Brightfount Diaries"
- My journals in the Bodleian Library
- Encountering TS Eliot
- Colin Wilson in London
- Colin Wilson in Cornwall
- John Osborne – successful but unhappy
- Early days in Oxford
- Free petrol coupons are better than sex
- A successful second marriage
- Travels abroad
- "When the Feast is Finished" - a eulogy to my wife
- Devoted to the idea of writing
- Pragmatic prostitution
- Forced to move into digs
- How I came by a Hermes typewriter
- Being down on my uppers
- My friend Harry Harrison
- From misery to success
- A memorable family occasion
- Three generations of Buccaneers
- Buying a house on spec
- I fall in love with Yugoslavia
- The black olives of Yugoslavia
- A year’s-worth of free petrol coupons
- Hidden treasures of Serbia
- Lord Byron’s legacy to Montenegro
- Nocturnal yodelling on the island of Mljet
- The Englishman’s aversion to science fiction
- Without science fiction there’d be no Bovril
- More on "Billion Year Spree"
- Stanley Kubrick’s house
- Working with a genius
- Stanley Kubrick sets the bar high
- Steven Spielberg steps into the breach
- My wife Margaret
- I have always continued to write
- Contemplating the end of life
- The durability of love
- Love is not a straightforward business
- Mad with love
- Research – the key to making my stories credible
- Science fiction writers can be perceptive
- I’m a sort of artist
Diana Athill
- My family's love of books
- Spring-cleaning with granny
- Sex and Marie Stopes
- Granny used to read aloud to us
- Our favourite books when we were young
- Home schooling in the 1920s
- Getting into Oxford
- Oscar Wilde
- Meeting a 'pansy'
- Poetry and seduction
- Andrew Marvell's "To His Coy Mistress"
- The news
- "Having It So Good: Britain in the Fifties"
- "Into That Darkness" by Gitta Sereny
- 'It's not up to us to judge'
- Franz Stangl
- Gitta Sereny
- Being an editor
- Jean Rhys
- My secret life?
- What I like to read
- My own writing
- Madame Bovary: an over-romantic, unfortunate and silly woman
- A happy childhood
- My grandmother's house
- Our lifestyle
- A mesalliance in the family
- Reduced circumstances
- My parents' marital life
- Not a happy home
- My brother, Andrew
- Nature
- The female curse
- Falling in love
- A disappointing first kiss
- A broken engagement
- "Instead of a Letter"
- Writing as a form of therapy
- Falling in love again
- The secret of a successful marriage
- Tony's death
- Resilient natures
- Living with Barry and Sally
- The end of my love life
- Meeting André Deutsch
- 'One disaster after another': working with André Deutsch
- The inimitable André Deutsch
- Not being paid what I was worth
- The fuss over Norman Mailer's"The Naked and the Dead"
- My biggest mistake
- How I criticised VS Naipaul
- Animal spirits
- 'At least I was not married to Vidiadhar'
- Alfred Chester
- Alfred Chester's mental illness
- Having a beady eye
- The charming Molly Keane
- Brian Moore's offensive letter
- Love and madness
- The Jean Rhys Committee
- Two unfinished sentences
- Unnecessary 'which' and 'then'
- What was that sexual revolution about, anyway?
- Five houses selling eggs
- Desert Island Discs
- Myra Hindley
- Moral responsibility
- Getting older
- Sexual self-confidence
- Pornography is boring
- Thoughts on death
- Grasping universal truths
- My brother's death
- My 90th birthday
- The best and the worst moments of my life
- Having an abortion
- A long and bleak war
Michael Atiyah
- Schooling in Sudan and Cairo
- An aptitude for mathematics
- Travelling as a child
- A cultured background
- My artistic mother
- Preparing for Cambridge
- Academics at Manchester Grammar School
- Mathematics and chess
- Peers from Manchester Grammar School
- Mathematics and writing: conflicting disciplines
- Early experiences with physics
- Sent to Trinity College Cambridge
- Gap year spent in the army
- First year at Cambridge
- Geometry or algebra? The Cambridge approach
- Top in the Tripos
- My chosen geometry supervisor
- Background to differential geometry
- Starting to understand harmonic integrals
- Vector bundles
- How not to encourage somebody
- Giving up mathematics
- Prizes
- Princeton
- Oppenheimer on Princeton
- Road trip through America
- How mathematics can become an obsession
- Talks at Princeton
- Taking my wife to America
- Bringing America to Cambridge
- Working with my boss
- Mathematics at Princeton
- Working together in mathematics
- Topology and K-theory
- My mathematical growth
- And topological K-theory was born
- Technical problems in K-theory
- The real theory
- Readership at Oxford
- Differences between Oxford and Cambridge
- Lack of Collaborators at Oxford
- Difficulty in inviting people to Oxford
- Dirac operator
- Russian contributions to the Dirac operator
- Analysis with Singer
- First proof for the index theorem
- Problems with the first proof
- More on index theorem and K-theory
- Fixed point formula
- Delicacy of factor 2
- The mod 2 index theorem
- Fredholm operators
- 15 years of index theorem
- The Fields Medal
- Back to Princeton
- Eta invariant
- Refining the eta variant
- The L2 index theorem
- Students
- Bridging the gap between mathematics and physics
- Lacunas and hyperbolic equations
- Further research on lacunas
- Instanton
- Evolving story of instantons
- Almost beaten by Manin
- Euclidian version of twistor theory
- Collaborating with physicists
- The lack of a background in physics
- Three manifold invariants
- Individual contributions
- Interaction between maths and physics
- Simon Donaldson
- Symplectic geometry
- Geometry, physics and the future of mathematics
- Cambridge in 1990
- The Isaac Newton Institute
- Opposition to the Isaac Newton Institute
- British mathematics
- Trying to build a strong group
- The future of mathematics
- Continuing relevance of early studies
- Magnetic monopoles
- Continued importance of magnetic monopoles
- Interaction between science and society
- Thoughts on social and political issues
- Mathematics in society
- Mathematicians of the past
- Created or discovered?
- Did we invent number theory?
- Beauty in mathematics
- Simple explanation of my work
- My work in easier words
- Mathematical microscope
Uri Avnery
- My capitalist parents
- A political wedding present
- My Orthodox grandmother
- My father, the shrewd businessman
- Family dynamics
- Being Jewish in Germany
- Early schooldays
- The music of change
- Nazi takeover begins
- Why my father decided to leave Germany
- The only Jewish boy in a Catholic school
- Leaving Germany
- Reunited with the family thanks to a pair of shoes
- Arriving at Haifa, the city of the future
- Struggling to survive in Israel
- Exchanging my bike for a horse
- My love of Arabs from the age of 10
- Too bright for school
- Poverty affects my family
- Leave it to the Brits
- Going underground
- The breakaway
- Finding my place on the political spectrum
- Why I didn’t become a Canaanite
- "In the Struggle"
- My brother’s death
- My Hebrew name
- Becoming a journalist
- Working for the Histadrut
- A British licence to publish a newspaper
- One-nation state
- ‘We vowed to you, Homeland’
- Joining the army
- Carrying my first dead body
- Convoy to Jerusalem
- Conquering the first Arab village
- The Burma Road
- Battle of Latrun
- Photographing the battle of Latrun
- Ben-Gurion announces the establishment of the State of Israel
- Two separate wars
- Confrontation with Egyptian forces
- The first battle against a real army
- The first ceasefire
- The Ashkenazi commandos
- Battles of Negba
- The battle of Ibdis
- A test of courage
- Samson's Foxes
- The Fallujah pocket
- A first class troublemaker
- How I met the future chief of the general staff
- Training to be a squad commander
- First-hand experience of the ethnic divide
- Caught in the line of fire
- Lucky to be alive
- "1948: A Soldier's Tale"
- Invited to work for "Haaretz"
- The world of Gershom Shocken
- The start of "This World"
- Saving "Haaretz" from closure
- Running "HaOlam HaZeh" on a shoestring budget
- My book brings me fame
- Naked girls in, Ben-Gurion out
- I invented the back cover
- Photography was an integral part of the magazine
- "HaOlam HaZeh" v. IDF and the Establishment
- The ethnic demon
- Uprising of the Mizrachi Jews
- Who is the real enemy?
- Martial law but only for Arabs
- Saving Abu Ghosh
- Background to the 1956 Sinai Campaign
- The element of surprise
- Gamal Abdel Nasser
- Congratulations, Abdel Nasser
- "HaOlam HaZeh": the first newspaper to oppose the war
- Semitic Action
- The Lavon Affair - idiotic from beginning to end
- The spy cell is exposed
- The Lavon Affair: what really happened
- "The Alexis Affair"
- Resignation of David Ben-Gurion
- The 'fatal' envelope
- Did this little Jew meet Eichmann the devil?
- Decision to prosecute Israel Kastner
- Shmuel Tamir
- Israel Kastner's train to freedom
- Adolf Eichmann's offer
- Heinrich Himmler's ruse to save himself
- Kurt Becher the SS officer
- Kurt Becher strikes a deal with Israel Kastner
- Israel Kastner’s trial – the turning point
- Selling his soul to the devil
- My interview with Israel Kastner
- Israel Kastner’s murder
- Did Shin Bet kill Israel Kastner?
- Adolf Eichmann is captured
- The Eichmann trial
- May Allah have mercy
- Publishing the story of the massacre at Kafr Qasim
- The moment I thought of leaving Israel
- How I met Rachel, my wife
- The accident that led to romance
- Moshe Dayan does me a favour
- A very special wedding
- Defined by our similarities and our differences
- Born to be a teacher
- My magnificent wife
- Rachel falls ill
- Exposing police corruption
- Defeating the police in court
- "HaOlam HaZeh" comes under attack
- Attempts to destroy "HaOlam HaZeh" backfire
- Side by side with my sworn enemy
- Defamation Law was my turning point
- Choosing between politics and journalism
- I decide to join the Knesset
- To the Knesset or to jail
- Support comes from Ashkenazi Jews
- Voted in to the Knesset
- Sterling advice from a reliable source
- Ben-Gurion 'sees a giraffe'
- I make my mark on the Knesset
- Honouring my election promise
- The freedom to do what I wanted
- Knesset – a cross-section of society
- My precisely planned life
- Removing UN forces from Sinai
- No one dreamed of a war
- Panic in Israel
- Fulfilling a long-held dream
- A life blighted by hatred
- Arab-Israeli tension reaches breaking point
- Under fire at the Knesset
- Destruction of the Egyptian air force ends the war
- One of the biggest mistakes of my life
- Syrians opposed Palestinian independence
- Bargaining on a historical turning point
- My concept of a Palestinian state has its proponents
- An enlightened occupation
- Barriers tumble, friendship blossoms
- Why do you have a red arse?
- 'We want our own state'
- Lobbying Knesset on the establishment of a Palestinian state
- Voting for the reunification of Jerusalem
- Two votes – two regrets
- The reality of Israeli occupation
- The Hebron affair
- "Daf", my first serious failure
- We publish "HaOlam HaZeh" in Arabic
- The Latrun affair
- The Bar-Lev line
- Held or occupied territories?
- My party gains a second seat in the Knesset
- Rotating party members in the Knesset
- How I met Shalom Cohen
- Falling out with Shalom Cohen
- Shalom Cohen joins the Black Panthers
- Losing the election of ‘73
- Leaving the Knesset
- "One against 119"
- An exceptionally diligent Knesset member
- Yitzhak Rabin for Prime Minister!
- Golda Meir: a natural phenomenon
- Clashing with Golda Meir
- Trying to oppose Golda Meir
- The rise of Anwar Sadat
- Anwar Sadat surprises everyone
- Abdel Nasser's Arab-Israeli peace initiative
- Israeli government shows no interest in peace with Egyptians
- Italian communists support the Arab-Israeli peace process
- 'We are heading for war'
- Florence Peace Conference ends in stalemate
- Representing Israel at the Florence Conference
- 'Not even a fraction of a fraction'
- Egyptian armed forces – a formidable foe
- Outbreak of the Yom Kippur War
- Reporting on the Yom Kippur War
- Touring the battlefronts with a TV crew
- Losing the 1973 elections
- My role in Shulamit Aloni's election to the Knesset
- Attending the Geneva Peace Conference
- Meeting with social activist Raymonda Tawil
- A one-woman ministry of information
- Golda Meir rejects Egyptian peace deal
- The rise and fall of Shmuel ‘Gorodish’ Gonen
- The war of the Generals
- Opposing camps in my living room
- Genesis of the Likud Party
- Right-wing strategy to replace ruling Mapai party
- Sharon the extreme megalomaniac
- Ariel Sharon’s plot to overthrow Iran
- Winning over Ariel Sharon with flattery
- Sheli – left camp of Israel
- Don’t discriminate against the Mizrachi
- Ranking election candidates on a whim
- Returning to the Knesset
- Becoming a one-man party for the second time
- Voting for peace with Egypt
- Welcome to Cairo!
- An outstanding Egyptian compromise
- Advocating peace opens doors
- My love of Egypt
- Anwar Sadat – a mix of wisdom and innocence
- Devastation of Yamit
- Networking Egyptian style
- The Egyptian’s unique concept of time
- Geneva Peace Conference fails to boost our poll ratings
- A meeting of minds
- Hunting for Said Hammami’s house
- Clandestine diplomacy
- Becoming the PLO’s conduit of their peace plans
- A palm-reader’s prediction comes true
- Yitzhak Rabin refuses to establish a Palestinian state
- Who was Yitzhak Rabin?
- Shin Bet’s advice on how to conduct meetings with the PLO
- Talks between the PLO and Mossad made official
- Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace
- My contacts with the PLO
- Henri Curiel and the communists
- Meeting of VIPs
- Diplomacy scuppered by a joke
- Issam Sartawi did not have an 'Arab' mind
- The ‘Avnery theory’
- The pogrom in Iraq
- Issam Sartawi supports the two-state solution
- Yasser Arafat - a very cautious man
- Issam Sartawi, the peace advocate
- Problems surrounding contact with the PLO
- Sadat’s surprising peace initiative
- Multilateral peace talks held in London
- Anwar Sadat’s revolutionary initiative
- Israel invents a pretext to bomb Beirut
- Ariel Sharon’s failed attempt at destroying Syria’s army
- My complex relationship with Ariel Sharon
- Arranging to meet Yasser Arafat
- Our introduction to the Maronites of Lebanon
- Summoned to meet Yasser Arafat
- My first encounter with the leader of the PLO
- Peace with Egypt
- The rise of Ariel Sharon
- Ariel Sharon’s plan for war with Lebanon
- Yasser Arafat is smuggled out of Beirut
- Drumming up support for Yasser Arafat
- Two hats for Arafat
- Issam Sartawi receives death threats
- Shouting match at London City Hall
- Issam Sartawi is assassinated
- Yasser Arafat’s top secret travel arrangements
- Legal restrictions on contact with PLO
- Sailing on the Japanese Peace Boat
- Briefing PLO leaders about Yitzhak Rabin
- Staging a sit-in in a peace tent
- The inhabitants of tent city
- Genesis of Gush Shalom
- Hamas welcomes back deported Islamic radicals
- Yasser Arafat arrives in Gaza
- Covering Yasser Arafat’s first press conference in Gaza
- The different sides of Yasser Arafat
- Yitzhak Rabin and the Palestinian issue
- No deal without Yasser Arafat
- Rabin’s decision to deal directly with the PLO
- Who should get the glory for the Oslo Accords?
- Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin – the odd couple
- The night Rabin was murdered
- Decline of "HaOlam HaZeh"
- Facing bankruptcy
- As one door closes another opens
- Head-hunted by Robert Maxwell’s team
- A run-in with the Moscow police
- A kaleidoscope of experiences
- The witches of Warsaw
- Rachel and the Gypsy violinist
- Shielding Yasser Arafat from attack
- Oren Maddix
- Was Yasser Arafat poisoned?
- Were the Oslo Accords good for the Palestinians?
- Bil’in – a symbol of struggle
- You must be a fool if you’re not afraid
- Do demonstrations make any real difference?
- The settlements are Israel’s disaster
- Boycott the settlers!
- European boycott of Israeli goods
- Winning awards
- Historic handshake at the award ceremony
- Abu Gosh - the only place where I’m an honorary citizen
- A professional bastard
- Attacking the attackers
- Adventure in Paris
- Abu Sitta’s solution for resettling refugees
- Faisal Husseini – a true aristocrat
- Joint Palestinian-Israeli demonstration in support of prisoner release
- Our Jerusalem
- No chance for peace in Jerusalem
- No pig deserves to reach this age
- Divide and rule
- Hamas is born
- al-Ramm: a focal point for protests
- Rachel, the lioness
- Supporting Palestinians
- My friend, the fanatic Abu-Tir
- Israel’s biggest success
- Hamas wins the elections
- No one wants an official peace
- Edward Said
- Surviving two attempted assassinations
- The siege of Gaza
- Coming under attack
- Hijacking of the Ashkelon-Tel Aviv bus
- "Hadashot" steals our thunder
- When killing becomes an act of revenge
- Writing my autobiography from memory
- Confronted by fury
- I'm a born optimist
Ben Barres
- A sense of discomfort with myself
- Feeling like a boy
- Sexual confusion
- Changing gender
- Having my breasts removed
- What determines gender identity?
- I like myself now
- Other transsexuals
- Don Laub and the Stanford Gender Clinic
- Examinations before the surgery
- Testosterone and sex
- Transsexual dating
- My childhood interest in science
- Science and play
- How I decided to study brains
- Why can't the brain regenerate itself?
- What I'd like to know about the brain
- All you need is a good lab and a good question
- What's so great about science?
- Christopher Reeve's accident
- Developing treatment for nervous system damages
Jeremy Bernstein
- My father: The best fed person in his family
- How my mother got her man
- 'I had no idea if I was smart or not'
- Anti-Semitism in the USA
- Moving to the Golden Ghetto
- 'Public schools were dangerous'
- Getting into sport
- My interest in writing
- No interest at all in maths or physics
- My IQ
- Playing the trumpet
- Where should I go to college?
- How to steer clear of trouble
- I had no interest in becoming a scientist
- Understanding the theory of relativity
- Philipp Frank lectures
- Am I smart enough to take calculus?
- The difference between Schwinger's and Weiskopf's lectures
- You have to decide: physics or maths
- Choosing physics
- Flunking my exam in an interesting way
- My terrible thesis
- Working at the Harvard Cyclotron laboratory
- Why the Institute for Advanced Study appealed to me
- Julian Schwinger's letter of recommendation
- Getting my Q clearance
- The security levels at Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Witnessing test explosions of the nuclear bomb
- Travelling to the nuclear bomb test site
- Beating the casino one minute, Operation Plumbbob the next
- The explosion: 'There was no sound'
- The sequence: the light, the click and then the sound
- The aftermath: 'The ground was converted into glass'
- 'If any of them go up, going back a few feet isn't going to help!'
- Believing in nuclear testing
- Inside a nuclear bomb: the plutonium pit
- You would jump through fire for Oppenheimer
- The Plumbbob series declassified
- First introduction to Robert Oppenheimer
- In the confessional with Robert Oppenheimer
- I re-tooled
- 'Co-writing' a paper with TD Lee
- 'You are a nice boy, but Lee and Yang are crooks'
- Reading Proust
- 'Stick with me kid, I'll put you on Broadway'
- David Ben-Gurion's prediction
- 'It's not a good idea to get lost in Israel'
- Brookhaven National Lab: 'I was pretty unhappy'
- How I started writing for "The New Yorker"
- My first visit to "The New Yorker" offices
- My first article for "The New Yorker"
- William Shawn
- Lee and Yang: the break-up
- Tina Brown
- Mountain climbing
- My friendship with Stanley Kubrick
- Typical Kubrick
- Playing chess with Stanley Kubrick
- "A Clockwork Orange" killed my friendship with Kubrick
- 'This looks like a bird but no bird looks like this'
- Marvin Minsky's hand in the box
- Marvin Minsky: 'One of nature's originals'
- Hans Bethe
- Recording Hans Bethe's story
- The Three Mile Island incident
- My profile of Hans Bethe is axed from "The New Yorker"
- How my tantrum saved my article
- The effect of German inflation on Bethe's view of money
- What does Hans Bethe do with his money?
- Rabi
- Losing respect for Felix G Rohatyn
- Lewis Thomas
- Jonathan Miller: 'The greatest conversationalist I know'
- Oliver Sacks and the steak knife tracheotomy
- 'Freeman Dyson was a hero of mine'
- Freeman Dyson the genius
- Becoming friends with Freeman Dyson
- Planck time
- Freeman Dyson - superb physicist and superb mathematician
- The Templeton Prize
- Freeman Dyson and the good life
- Subscribing to Woody Allen's thoughts on death
- The logic behind my personal library
- EO Thorpe: the card counter
- The Black–Scholes model
- Ageing is a dirty trick
Hans Bethe
- Beginning physics at Frankfurt University
- My father's scientific influence on me
- Choosing to do theoretical physics
- 1926: a fortunate time to study with Arnold Sommerfeld
- Albrecht Unsöld's work on stars
- Fritz Kirchner's work on the charge of the electron
- Physics journals at the time and Wilhelm Wien
- The courses I took at Munich
- My ideas in wave diffraction theory
- My thesis on electron diffraction in crystals
- Controversy over whether electrons are waves or particles
- Max Born's papers on the theory of collision phenomena
- Born approximation
- Paul Peter Ewald
- Working on atomic spectra and applying group theory to crystals
- My paper on energy levels in crystals
- Felix Bloch's theory of conduction in metals
- Applying the work of Hylleraas to the negative hydrogen atom
- Getting into nuclear physics
- Numbers prove theories
- 'Bethe is my student. I want him back.'
- Atomic form factor in my Habilitationsschrift
- The usefulness of my Habilitationschrift to physics
- Energy loss: bridging classical and quantum formula
- Writing a paper with Enrico Fermi
- Going to Cambridge on a travel fellowship
- Friendship with Nevill Mott at Cambridge
- Visiting Rome and meeting Enrico Fermi
- People in Rome and Enrico Fermi's problem solving methods
- Working on level splitting in atoms with the Fermi atom
- Writing an article for "Handbuch der Physik"
- Writing two articles for "Handbuch der Physik"
- Looking after visiting Americans in Germany
- My working methods
- Getting my doctorate and honours
- Getting to know George Placzek and Edward Teller
- Teaching at Tübingen and the rise of Nazism
- Being dismissed by the Nazi government
- Getting a job in Manchester to escape the Nazis
- Emigrating from Germany to live in Manchester with Rudi Peierls
- Heisenberg's theory on the composition of a nucleus
- Chadwick and Goldhaber's work on deuteron disintegration
- Working on a theory of deutron disintegration
- The deuteron disintegration theory disproved
- Lecturing at Manchester University and Bragg's metal alloys
- Short range order vs long range order in the metal alloy
- Work on ferromagnetism and the 'Bethe Ansatz'
- Work on beta radioactivity
- Fermi postulates the beta-decay theory: Fermi's interaction
- Job offers from Bristol and Cornell
- First impressions of Cornell
- Stanley Livingston's small cyclotron
- Hiring Robert Bacher to Cornell
- Writing "Bethe's Bible"
- Neutron bombardment and resonance theory: Fermi's discoveries
- Explaining neutron bombardment and resonance theory
- Continuing work on solid state physics
- Attending meetings of the American Physical Society
- Electrodynamics and becoming a full professor at Cornell
- Visiting Isidor Isaac Rabi
- A paper on the orbits in a cyclotron
- The synchrocyclotron and the betatron
- The discovery of positrons
- My interest in the limits of quantum electrodynamics
- A paper with Arthur Compton on cosmic radiation
- The Bethe-Heitler Formula
- Yukawa's meson prediction
- Being recommended Emil Konopinski
- My postdoc students at Cornell
- How the Sun is radiating?
- The temperature of the sun
- Stellar composition and energy production
- Work on the carbon/nitrogen cycle of massive stars
- Winning the Cressy-Morrison Prize
- Robert Marshak's work on white dwarfs
- Edwin Salpeter's work in astrophysics
- Work by Fred Hoyle and Edwin Salpeter
- Winning the Nobel Prize
- The discovery of nuclear fission
- Chain reactions and atomic bombs
- Isotope separation to isolate Uranium-235
- Outbreak of World War II; scientists' efforts
- Offering to work with Edward Teller for the war effort
- The use of my paper on shockwaves with Edward Teller
- Armour penetration
- Joining the MIT radiation laboratory and the Bethe coupler
- Invitation from Oppenheimer to join the Manhattan Project
- Edward Teller's ideas for a fusion bomb
- Why Oppenheimer was the ideal leader of Los Alamos
- Building the laboratory at Los Alamos
- Becoming director of the Los Alamos Theoretical Division
- Meeting and working with Richard Feynman at Los Alamos
- The implosion design of the plutonium atomic bomb
- Help from the British, and the 'Christy Gadget'
- The atomic bomb test for 'Fat Man'
- The creation of a nuclear physics laboratory at Cornell
- The importance of support for pure science
- Hiroshima and the Federation of American Scientists
- Proposed international nuclear regulation
- Losing international control of nuclear research and weapons
- Joining the President's Science Advisory Committee
- The Shelter Island Conference
- The Lamb shift
- Calculating the Lamb shift
- Feynman, Weisskopf and Schwinger's calculations of the Lamb shift
- Feynman's new ideas at The Pocono Conference
- Freeman Dyson: An excellent graduate
- Presenting Schwinger, Feynman and Dyson's ideas at Birmingham
- Michel Baranger and Gerald Brown's work in the Lamb shift
- Thinking about mesons at the Shelter Island Conference
- CF Powell and the pi meson
- Members of the Cornell Laboratory of Nuclear Studies
- Resonance for neutral pi mesons
- Hoping high energy physics would be the key to nuclear forces
- Work on low energy systems
- The Bethe-Salpeter equation
- Robert Wilson creates the Fermilab
- People moving in and out of the Cornell physics lab
- Kinoshita's work on the extra magnetic moment of the electron
- Nobel prize winners here at Cornell
- The Alpher-Bethe-Gamow paper
- Studying nuclear matter with Jeffrey Goldstone
- Research on the binding of nuclear matter
- Experimental research on the binding of nuclear matter
- Binding of nuclear matter: simultaneous exchange of two pions
- Thomas Gold's explanation of pulsars
- Studying neutron stars
- Joseph Taylor's work on binary neutron stars
- My Nobel Prize lecture on energy production in stars
- The size of a star in stellar evolution theory
- Stages in the stellar evolution theory
- Gerald Brown suggests solving the problem of supernova
- Figuring how a supernova happens
- James Wilson’s theory of supernovae
- More on supernovae, the gain point
- Supernova shocks
- Accelerating shocks in supernovae
- The 1987 supernova
- Supernovas and the origin of the elements
- Gerry Brown speculates on the formation of binary neutron stars
- The formation of binary neutron stars
- The statistics of masses of neutron stars
- An upper limit to the mass of a neutron star
- Condensation of K-minus mesons
- How to observe a neutrino
- Trying to observe neutrinos from the sun
- Ray Davis's method of proving neutrinos come from the sun
- How the Kamiokande experiment worked
- Comparing the Kamiokande and Homestake experiments
- Stanislav Mikheyev and Alexi Smirnov's theory
- The SAGE experiment
- Pleasing results from the experiments
- Looking forward to the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory experiment
- The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory experiment
- Implications about the neutrino masses
- Thoughts on the development of 20th century physics
- Subatomic phenomena; quarks and gluons
- Physics in the future
James Black
- My journey from a mining community to a scholarship at St Andrews
- Highlights of the St Andrews and Dundee Medical Schools
- A year in the physiology department at St Andrews
- Working in Singapore
- Setting up a physiology department at Glasgow Veterinary College
- Developing the idea of a beta receptor antagonist
- Working in the dream world of Imperial Chemical Industries
- The accident that led to beta blockers
- The cautionary tale of James Raventos
- Simulating fear in patients
- Testing propranolol: A non-selective beta blocker
- Adam Smith's serotonin inspiration
- Excommunication from ICI
- Working on histamines at Smith, Kline & French
- Comparing the stories of beta blockers and histamine
- Winning the battle of histamine antagonists
- My dream of making medicinal chemistry in academia
- Going to work for the Wellcome Foundation
- Leaving the Wellcome Foundation and moving to King's College
- Setting up my own research unit
- The gastrin story
- Increasing incidences of oesophageal adenocarcinoma?
- Working on a gastrin antagonist
- Testing the effects of blocking gastrin on nude mice
- Experimentally treating pancreatic cancer patients
- Comparing our pancreatic cancer treatment with placebos
- The beta blocking story
- Realising a new drug is needed for heart failure
- An innovative look at beta blockers
- Inspiration from a Hammersmith Medicines Research report
- My theory on the gastrin antagonist
- The future of drug research
- The importance of cell physiology
Susan Blackmore
- What is heat and other difficult childhood questions
- Joining the Oxford University Society for Psychical Research
- My first experience with parapsychology
- How do I become a parapsychologist?
- Connection between memory and extrasensory perception
- Experiments with extrasensory perception
- The importance of keeping an open mind in science
- My advice to young scientists
- Serious illness and Daniel Dennett's "Darwin's Dangerous Idea"
- What are memes?
- Avuncular advice from Daniel Dennett
- Richard Dawkins writes a foreword for "The Meme Machine"
- Michael Persinger and the God Helmet
- Near-death experiences and questions of responsibility in science
- Support from Richard Gregory
- Consciousness and the nature of experience
- "What is it like to be a bat?" and the problem of subjectivity
- Studies on consciousness
- The idea of memes
- Imitating and memes are human-only features
- Memes today
- Memes and the internet
- Mindfulness and meditation: practising Zen
Quentin Blake
- Memories of early life and secondary school
- Drawing caricatures of my headmaster
- Art at school
- Getting help from my Latin teacher and her husband
- Rejections from Fougasse at "Punch"
- A visit to the office of "Punch" and my first publication
- The Festival of Britain
- Stanley Simmonds and preparing to read English at Cambridge
- My experience of national service
- Performing in "The Alchemist" in front of Alec Guinness
- National service: illustrating my first book
- A visit to France and art books
- Reading English at Downing College, Cambridge
- Teacher training in London and turning down a job at "Punch"
- Brian Robb: life classes at Chelsea College of Art
- Brian Robb: getting a job teaching at Chelsea College of Art
- Learning to teach art
- My exposure as a teacher to different styles of art
- How I came to run the graphic art department
- Rectors at the Royal College of Art
- Former students from the Royal College of Art and working methods
- Influences: Honoré Daumier, Ronald Searle and Andrï François
- Working for "Punch"
- André François
- Writing about the death of Michael Rosen's son
- Working for "The Spectator"
- Moving into books
- Collaborations in the '70s
- The characters in "How Tom Beat Captain Najork and His Hired Sportsmen"
- Joan Aiken and doing drawings for "Jackanory"
- Michael Rosen
- Writing about the death of Michael Rosen's son
- Collaborating with Roald Dahl
- Drawing a caricature of a crocodile
- Roald Dahl and working on "The Twits"
- Solving the problems surrounding "The BFG"
- Roald Dahl and working on "The BFG"
- Illustrating Roald Dahl books even after his death
- Illustrating "Esio Trot" by Roald Dahl
- "A Treasury of Roald Dahl" and a book of songs and verse
- Creating my own picture books and illustrating a book for Dr Seuss
- "The Story of the Dancing Frog"
- "Clown"
- "The Green Ship"
- "Zagazoo"
- "Angel Pavement"
- My time as Children's Laureate
- My 50 favourite books
- Travels with my art
- A project with French schoolchildren
- An international project led by an Englishman
- An exhibition at the Petit Palais
- The Campaign for Drawing and The Big Draw
- Moving from the museum tunnels to museum walls
- The Quentin Blake Gallery of Illustration
- Gallimard Jeunesse: my French publishers
- Gallimard Jeunesse: publishing a book of French poetry
- Gallimard Jeunesse: Prix littéraire Quentin Blake
- Illustrating "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"
- Drawing for adults
- Painting diverse subjects
- My paintings
- Painting different sequences: children and dogs and "The Life of Birds"
- Pictures for South Kensington and Chelsea Mental Health Care Centre
- Reactions to my work
Baruch Blumberg
- Early life and school
- Why I joined the navy
- How I decided to go to medical school
- Medical school and house staff training at Bellevue Hospital
- The importance of planning
- Preparing to sail across the Atlantic
- Sailing to America: riding out a storm
- Leaving Lisbon
- Hendrick Reijnders
- My first visit to Suriname
- A trip to the interior of Suriname
- Different ethnic groups' reactions to disease exposure in Suriname
- Focusing on variation
- Getting married and continuing with clinical research
- Studying hyaluronic acid at Oxford
- Working with Tony Allison
- Looking at global variations in serum protein
- My trip to Nigeria
- Inductive and deductive research
- Work on lipoprotein polymorphisms
- Discovering the Australia antigen
- Moving to the Fox Chase Cancer Center
- Forming a research group at Fox Chase Cancer Center
- Is there a link between Australia antigen and hepatitis?
- Testing the Marshall Islanders for Australia antigen
- How to avoid an argument
- Developing a radioimmunoassay method for testing viruses
- Developing a vaccine for hepatitis
- Patenting and finding an manufacturer for the vaccine
- Wolf Szmuness and the hepatitis B vaccine trial
- Examining the link between hepatitis B and liver cancer
- Collecting mosquitoes in Senegal
- An epidemiological study of liver cancer in Taiwan
- Working at the Indian Institute of Science
- Investigating the spread of hepatitis in China
- Looking for a therapy for hepatitis
- Woodchucks, ducks and the search for a cure for hepatitis
- Winning the Nobel prize
- Validation of my work on hepatitis B
- Becoming Master of Balliol College, Oxford
- Life as Master of Balliol College, Oxford
- Black tie dinners and other Balliol traditions
- Researching the effect of genetic factors on the hepatitis B virus
- Emily Oster's work on gender ratio and hepatitis B infection
- Researching disease susceptibility
- Observations on beneficial effects of hepatitis B antibodies
- Glycobiology of the hepatitis B virus
- Teaching undergraduates at Stanford
- Getting involved in astrobiology at NASA Ames Research Center
- Becoming director of the NASA Astrobiology Institute
- The NASA Astrobiology Institute - a fascinating place to work
- Developing a culture of communication at the NASA Astrobiology Institute
- Getting the best out of the NASA Astrobiology Institute research teams
- A field trip to Devon Island
- Field trips with the NASA Astrobiology Institute
- The success of the Mars exploration rovers
- Prebiotic chemistry
- Cells and their possible origins
- "Caenorhabditis elegans" survives the Columbia space shuttle disaster
- Working at NASA headquarters
- Tracking near-Earth objects
- Tapering down my engagement in academic science
- What's happening with the hepatitis vaccination program?
- The development of vaccines against cancer
- Medical research needs complex answers
- Hepatitis B: eradication or control?
- The success of the hepatitis B vaccine
- The American Philosophical Society
- The Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research
- The need to fund fieldwork projects
- Unusual applications for the Lewis and Clark Fund
- Other activities of The American Philosophical Society
- A meeting in Japan and the 40th anniversary of my first paper
- Taking medication prophylactically
- The pros and cons of individualized patient therapy
- What if... the future of epidemiology?
- Development of ancillary technologies
- Identifying disease carriers - a double-edged sword?
- The Daedalus Factor
- Expect the unexpected
John Bonner
- Remembering my father
- Frustrated ambition
- Why I don’t speak German
- From ornithology to biology
- A nightingale’s song
- Conflict in the classroom
- My distinguished friends
- Julian Huxley’s ‘heresy’
- Bringing biology to Exeter Academy
- The most successful exam I’ve ever had
- The charming Mr and Mrs Thomas H Morgan
- Too generous to be my daddy!
- Joining the inhabitants of ‘Mount Olympus’
- How far down does a blush go?
- Meeting Father Time
- My musical Swiss grandfather
- Edwin Conklin versus Hans Driesch
- My interests in evolutionary and developmental biology
- The biddies of Harvard
- Cracking calculus
- My inferiority complex
- The inimitable William H Weston
- A serendipitous discovery
- Upstaged by slime molds
- How slime molds grow
- My eureka moment
- Filming slime mold as it grows
- What makes slime mold grow at right angles?
- Ammonia is it!
- Complemented on my thesis
- Demonstrating chemotaxis in development
- Wallowing in the developmental aspects of slime mold
- I’m a 19th century biologist
- Learning about high altitude physiology
- Testing the effects of decompression
- Conducting experiments while still in the army
- Giving slime molds a name
- Learning about the facts of life
- Life was fun in Locust Valley
- A typical adolescence
- Like rewriting "Hamlet"!
- Physics of shapes appeals to everyone
- An unusual birthday present
- Roy Chapman Andrews - the real Indiana Jones
- Collecting mosquitoes puts me off applied biology for life
- A very different part of America
- My very happy marriage
- Alzheimer's disease
- A Eureka moment in the lab
- Learning molecular biology from the roots
- Notable scientist friends
- A memorable meal
- The brilliant JBS Haldane
- Discovery of cyclic AMP creates a stir
- Progress in experimental biology
- Is my kind of biology ‘dead wood’?
- If not slime molds, then what?
- Natural selection in small organisms
- What’s special about slime molds?
Sydney Brenner
- Coming from Eastern European stock
- Mother and father
- Where did the insult 'Peruvian Jew' come from
- Early memories of living in a shop
- Learning to read from the tablecloth
- Accelerated early schooling
- Libraries
- The early books that inspired me to do chemistry
- Never more than top six in high school
- Beaten, bullied and strangled
- Self motivation and independent learning
- Humans' interest in science
- Going to Johannesburg University to study medicine
- Minyan Man
- Science at university: Weinstein, Roux and Karnovsky
- Edward Roux
- My sad story of Harold Daitz
- Joseph Gillman
- Seymour Papert
- The beginning of my interest in biochemistry
- Realising my lecturers knew nothing
- What we learnt at medical school
- Doing an additional BSc year
- Joe Gillman's philosophy of science
- Getting into the philosophy of science
- Lab cocktails
- My first ever research paper
- Why I love pigments
- Archaeology and palaeontology
- Forming a territorial army
- The Army camps
- Geology: expedition with Alexander du Toit
- "To Serve Man"
- Language and wordplay
- The Nadi reaction
- My MSc in working out the chromosome complement of Elephantulus
- Microscopy
- Broad academic discussion as a student
- Passing the time with medicine
- Being the best in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Scientific work undertaken during medical school
- Experiments: really finding things out
- Cambridge or Oxford?
- Hunting for future-proof sciences
- John von Neumann and the history of DNA and self-replication
- Schrödinger wrong, von Neumann right.
- Schrödinger's belief in calculating an organism from chromosomes
- Automata akin to living cells
- Biology doesn't allow for relaxing baths
- Work on phage with Hinshelwood in Oxford
- Taking advantage of Oxford University
- Professor Dawkins and "Quest for Corvo"
- The surprise of England
- My secret input into the DNA model
- The DNA model: the beginning of molecular biology
- Crick, Watson and the first model of the double helix
- The first and second DNA structure papers
- The real concept of the DNA code
- Understanding the DNA model
- Impressions of Watson and Crick
- Enzymologists reject the model of DNA
- The fusion of genetics and biochemistry
- The power of luck and ignorance
- Seymour Benzer
- Physicists preparing for biology
- Scientific interaction with Francis Crick
- Being a heretic got me to Cold Spring Harbor
- Overlapping triplet code: George Gamow's diamond code
- Overlapping triplet code: eliminating all overlapping triplet code
- Seymour Benzer: the end of the classical gene
- Main elements of modern molecular biology
- Gamow: cracking the code
- The annual phage meeting: Leó Szilárd
- Leó Szilárd
- Caught in Hurricane Carol with James Watson
- Coast-to-coast road trip with Jim Watson
- Preparing to die in the desert
- Making plans with James Watson
- The RNA Tie Club
- The 'old days' experiments
- The gene protein problem
- The decision to join the Cavendish Laboratory
- Going to South Africa
- Fred Sanger on the structure of insulin
- Growing bacteriophage in a Hoover washing machine
- Taking the electron microscope out of the hands of the elite
- Anecdotes from the MRC lab
- The MRC lab at Cambridge: X-ray crystallography
- The MRC lab at Cambridge: Computers and determining structures
- Making mutant spectra with acid
- Purifying tRNA
- Purifying tRNA (Part 2)
- The first official use of Molecular Biology
- Genetics of the rII and the gene protein problem
- DNA and RNA synthesis
- François Jacob and Jacques Monod
- Volkin-Astrachan RNA and Phage
- Experimenting in California
- Experiments with "Tape RNA"
- Using magnesium to compete with caesium: radioactive Coca-Cola
- Using magnesium to compete with caesium: the experiment
- Still working on mutagenesis
- Acceptance of the paper
- François Jacob and genetics
- The curtain opens: the importance of conversation
- Internal suppressors: the Theory of Mutagenesis
- Another hypothesis: base additions and deletions
- Sense and nonsense: the Commaless Code
- Using frame-shift to determine the size of the genetic code
- Exceptions to the frame-shift rules
- A completely interlocking theory
- Lab space
- Experimenting with adding messengers to ribosomes
- The state of biochemistry in Britain
- 1962: a new lab and a new way of working
- The importance of understanding molecular structure (Part 1)
- The importance of understanding molecular structure (Part 2)
- Looking for a new subject and inventing names
- DNA replication
- DNA replication: the first experiment
- Issues of the organisation of DNA replication in a bacterial cell
- DNA replication: isolating temperature sensitive mutants
- Conditional lethals
- Virus assembly
- Deciding to work on higher organisms
- The next important problem: development and differentiation
- Reasons for choosing to work on the nervous system
- Choosing an organism to study
- Choosing the nematode
- Starting to work with nematodes and Richard Goldschmidt's paper
- Predicting behaviour from genes
- Relating genes to function
- How amber mutants were so-called
- The Amber mutants
- Discovering other mutants
- Continued experiments in molecular genetics (Part 1)
- Continued experiments in molecular genetics (Part 2)
- Genetic suppression: our beginnings with genetic engineering
- Lambdoid phages: phage 80 (Part 1)
- Lambdoid phages: phage 80 (Part 2)
- "Caulobacter" and "tetramitus"
- Cultivating organisms and pervertebrates
- The unique research environment in the Cambridge labs
- Satisfaction of completing 20 years studying "Caenorhabditis elegans"
- Choosing electron microscopy to study mutants
- The importance of finding the wiring diagram
- Encoding in DNA requires the correct 'language'
- Martini's with Lord Rothschild leads to Nichol Thomson joining the team
- 'Just bring me back some soil from holiday'
- "Caenorhabditis elegans": the perfect hermaphrodite
- Using John Sulston's method for freezing nematodes
- E1: The first isolated "Caenorhabditis elegans" mutant
- Mendelian experiments with behavioural mutants
- "Caenorhabditis elegans": finding drug resistant mutants
- Diffusion gradients in development
- Francis Crick's interest in gradients
- "Émigrés" often make the best discoveries
- Computing: the beginning of the love affair
- Modular 1: The first computer for the lab
- Writing my own computing language for Trac
- Lineage and special computation: European plan vs American plan
- Genes make proteins, but what for?
- Molecular recognition using the Beilstein paradox
- Theories may be logical but not natural
- We must be careful when making analogies in science
- A meeting with the President of the British Computing Society
- The importance of conversation for science
- The freedom to work without short-term justification
- Estimating the genetic complexity of Caenorhabditis elegans
- Isolating the gene proteins of the nematodes
- 'Leaky' mutants may give clues to the evolution of development
- Analysis of epistasis within nematodes
- The C paradox inspires Francis Crick to ideas about regulation
- Dispute over the repetitive DNA in Caenorhabditis elegans
- Extra DNA is kept like junk, not thrown out like garbage
- A new technique to get down to the molecular basis
- Inserting nematode DNA into Bacillus subtilis
- Using my invented unit - Av - in an experiment
- The beginning of controversy in genetic manipulation
- My predictions of synthesising at the Ashby commission
- Suggesting 'The Book of Man' at the Asilomar Conference 1975
- The influence of the press at the Asilomar conference 1975
- Is Lion DNA more dangerous than pussycat DNA?
- Scientists and social responsibility
- Testing possible safe strains on myself
- Cloning viruses to make them safer to work with
- A big danger in genetic manipulation: Shiga toxin and "E. Coli"
- The two eras of developmental biology: Before Cloning and After DNA
- Dealing with the monsters above and the idiots below
- Resigning as director and renewing my interest in the nervous system
- Links between the Human Genome project and "Caenorhabditis elegans"
- I am a strong believer in the value of ignorance
- Wanting a new and challenging problem to study
- Thomas Hunt Morgan and "Drosophila"
- How to study development?
- How do genes control development?
- Digital and analogue analogies
- 'Have A Look' biology
- Reading rots the mind
- How do I deal with a saturated memory?
- My collection of journal reprints
- Teaching yourself through reading
- Working Routines: Owls and Larks
- My reasons for choosing "Caenorhabditis elegans"
- Why choose "Caenorhabditis elegans" for gene-behaviour link?
- Are organisms computable by their DNA ?
- The oldest biological observation
- We must use the right language when trying to compute behaviour
- Biology needs to be an integrative subject
- Scientific progress: The heroic and classical periods
- The effect of competition in science
- Fraud and embezzlement in science
- The rewards of being a scientist
- Falling in love with a mistake
- Molecular Genetics and gene cloning
- Inside-out genetics gives faster results
- The daring act of sequencing the human genome
- Sequencing the human genome in a bingo hall
- Human Genome project generates new funds for science
- Differences between human and fish DNA
- Fugu: the puffer fish genome
- Benefitting from less junk in Fugu DNA
- From fish to man in DNA
- Putting fish genes into humans and mice
- The genetics of evolution
- My strengths and weaknesses
- Evaluation of my character
- Thoughts on creativity
- Ways to approach science
- The balance between ignorance and knowledge
- My greatest achievements
- My failures
- The exciting future of biology
- The profession of science will change
- Personal interests outside of science
- Scientific heroes
Anthony Caro
- Becoming an artist
- My parents' feelings about art
- What I didn't have at school
- Artists: clergymen manqués?
- Choosing Christianity
- What motivates my art
- 'I want to continue looking forward until I die'
- Royal Academy Schools
- Working with Henry Moore
- Learning from Henry Moore
- Henry Moore and David Smith: Two father figures
- Developing as a sculptor
- Not wanting to meet my heroes
- Travel grant for trip to America
- 'If you want to change your art, change your habits'
- David Smith
- Last hours with David Smith
- "Head of Oculus"
- Working with steel
- Approaching a sculpture
- My use of colour
- How to start a sculpture
- Rethinking sculpture
- Teaching and other ways of finding stimulation
- The pros and cons of my career
- Anxiety builds confidence
- Clement Greenberg
- Triangle workshop: A collaboration with Frank Gehry
- Sculpitecture
- The Millennium Bridge: Collaborating with Norman Foster
- Inspiration from paintings
- My first visit to Greece
- Greek art made real
- Travel and sculpture: Medicine Hat
- Working in ceramic clay with Hans Spinner
- "The Trojan War"
- "The Last Judgement"
- Sculpture is my life
- My sense of rhythm
- You need to show your work
- The struggle in art
- My place in the history of British sculpture
- Happy on the shelf
- Changing perceptions of sculpture
- The changing language of sculpture
- Curators and critics
- The importance of not being bored
- Working methods
- Artists who have influenced me
- 'Either a life or nothing'
- A little bit of travelling
- Advice to young artists
- The need for challenge
Jean-Claude Carrière
- A house with a history
- My rural roots
- My birthday tree
- Books of my childhood
- Pictures that shaped my image of the world
- First films
- My first real book
- Nurturing my flair for learning
- Growing up in the country
- An inspirational history teacher
- Each country writes history its own way
- Military experience in Algeria
- Algeria’s past
- 'It Was War'
- Working as the colonel’s secretary
- My life inclined towards films
- Jacques Tati picked me
- Observations in the rain
- What I learned from Tati
- Quest for the ideal sound effect
- Tati the great observer
- Friendship with Pierre Etaix
- Our reclaimed films
- Meeting Buñuel
- Work begins on 'The Diary of a Chambermaid'
- Learning to say no to Buñuel
- Sharing a Mediterranean culture with Buñuel
- A common religious background
- 'Le Ruban blanc': an anthropological study
- Fanaticism
- Papal assassination
- Buñuel and religion
- Buñuel and the Dalaï Lama
- Only silence is great
- My approach to Christianity
- Belief is stronger than knowledge
- 'The Manuscript Found in Saragossa'
- Working in Spain
- Working with Buñuel: the daily routine
- Henri and Georgette
- Encountering New York’s hippy culture
- The 1968 social revolution
- Milos Forman
- Paris 1968: the irrational and the unreal
- Meeting Peter Brook
- Working with Peter Brook
- Discovering the 'Mahabharata'
- Visiting India
- What has India brought us?
- In the presence of the Dalaï Lama
- The Buddhist perception of the world
- Conversations about the invisible
- What is knowledge?
- Hubert Reeves
- The search for certainty leads only to confusion
- Grasping the absolute
- Creating credible characters
- The new technologies of the 20th century
- A screenwriter must know more than how to write
- Jean-Louis Barrault
- Louis Malle
- Jeanne Moreau
- Brigitte Bardot
- Discovering Mexico
- Working with Andrzej Wajda
- Andrzej Wajda: 'Buñuel was my master'
- FEMIS: possible because of Jack Gajos
- How to write a screenplay
- Jean-Luc Godard
- Training the memory
- Keeping a 'book of deaths'
- Storing memories
- A scene observed but never used
- Returning to my hotel wearing only one shoe
- Editing-in the action
- A library should look like its owner
- My drug of choice
- Money: the giant octopus
- Expect everything from yourself
- 'Readiness is all'
Michael Chapman
- The early influence of the movies
- Student life at Columbia in the 1950s
- Exiled to Greenland for being left-wing
- The Arctic light
- How I got into the movie business
- Cinematography will be my career
- Fortunate accidents
- Camera operating is a heavenly job
- Operating is drawing and lighting is painting
- "The Last Detail": My first film as Director of Photography
- Two kinds of lighting: documentary and theatrical
- Memories of filming "The Last Detail"
- "The White Dawn": Working in the Arctic with the Inuit
- Operating on "Jaws"
- "Jaws" and seasickness
- "Death Be Not Proud"
- "Taxi Driver": Small budget but big players
- "Taxi Driver": The best movie of my career
- The advantage of being young, naive and egotistical
- Storyboards
- Being proud of "Taxi Driver"
- How we shot "Taxi Driver" on the streets of New York
- "Taxi Driver": Relationship with Martin Scorsese, Paul Schrader and Robert De Niro
- What makes films art?
- Why thinking about a movie as you make it is death
- The analogy between movies and opera
- Movies as the church of the 20th century
- Did I worry about "Taxi Driver"?
- "Taxi Driver": An all consuming shoot
- Was the shooting of "Taxi Driver" art or practicality?
- Zen and the art of movie making
- "The Front" and Zero Mostel
- "The Next Man"
- "The King"
- Good and bad memories of "The King"
- "The Last Waltz"
- "The Last Waltz": Filming in The Band's house at Zuma Beach
- The curse of Scorsese
- Working with Phil Kaufman and "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"
- "The Wanderers"
- 'The movie life is kind of like a club'
- Paul Shrader's "Hardcore"
- Working on "Hardcore"
- "Raging Bull": Stills and first job in black and white
- "Raging Bull": Preparing to shoot in black and white
- "Raging Bull": The style of fight scenes
- "Raging Bull": Filming fight scenes
- "Raging Bull": Shooting techniques and Jake La Motta
- "Raging Bull" as Verismo opera
- "Raging Bull": The home movies
- "Raging Bull": Literary references
- "Raging Bull": Oscars
- "Raging Bull": Using the mechanics of movie-making
- "Raging Bull": The parallels with opera
- "Personal Best": The subculture of women athletes
- "Personal Best": Shooting runners
- "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid": Tricks with light and water
- "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid": Alternative title
- "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid": Matching the footage
- "All The Right Moves": Directing
- "All The Right Moves": Valentine for my sons
- "All The Right Moves": Casting
- "Shoot to Kill"
- Interesting moments in ordinary movies
- "The Lost Boys": Covering all the genres
- "Scrooged": Meeting Bill Murray
- Bill Murray and "Quick Change"
- Studio movies in the '80s
- 'You can't dance unless you're asked to'
- "Ghostbusters 2" and working with Ivan Reitman
- "Rising Sun"
- "The Fugitive": Harrison Ford and Andrew Davis
- "The Fugitive": Lighting and crashing the train
- 'Primal Fear': Shooting in the same location as 'The Fugitive'
- "Six Days Seven Nights"
- The working hours and first time directors
- "Suspect Zero": Operating is so much fun!
- Working within the studio system
- Learning a moral code from the movies
- Movies: Then and now
- Directing
- "The Viking Sagas": 'I was not meant to be a great director'
- The joy of of camera operating
- Different operating styles
- Having fun operating on "Jaws"
- Operating movies is like a sport
- Influences and inspirations
- 'You can fight anything but can't fight technology'
- The future of film
- How technology changes art
- Politics and film
- Osip Mandelstam and Haskell Wexler
- New challenges: Food and painting
- New challenges: A werewolf movie and a prison movie
Raoul Coutard
- Family
- Growing up with Russian cinema
- From chemistry to photography
- The boss's brother
- The 1940 defeat and the communist uncle
- The liberation and leaving for the Far East
- The Expeditionary Forces
- Leaving for Indochina
- Life on board a Dutch trooper
- Landing in Saigon
- The cannonade
- The first days in Saigon
- Conditions in Vietnam
- Laos
- How we developed colour photography
- Photography
- Simplicity, divine quality, touchstone of the beautiful
- Returning to Indochina
- The information brigade
- Photo and cinema
- Filming conditions during the war
- Working for "Indochine Sud Est Asiatique"
- Censorship
- Releasing the prisoners
- Dien Bien Phu
- The fall of Dien Bien Phu
- Dialectics
- The prisoner camps
- Connaissance du Monde
- My first professional film
- From photography to cinema
- The team of "The Devil's Pass"
- Filming "The Devil's Pass"
- Problems during filming "The Devil's Pass"
- The royal Bouzkachi
- The Samarkand meeting
- The filming conditions of "The Devil's Pass"
- Leaving Afghanistan
- Stopping in Moscow
- Returning to Paris
- The laboratory
- Fox
- On the way to the Berlin Film Festival
- Berlin
- Photo-stories
- Financing a film
- The powerful section 30
- "Ramuntcho"
- The gaffers and the grips
- "Island Fishermen"
- Fear and seasickness
- De Beauregard
- Photography and cinema
- The important role of cinematography in cinema
- Sets and cinematography
- The hidden importance of cinematography
- Filming with Jean-Luc Godard
- Godard's filming techniques
- The limited means of filming on "Breathless"
- Ilford film
- Welcoming the film's first rushes
- "Breathless": The premiere
- The impact of "Breathless" on French cinema
- Ruling is foreseeing
- Storyboards
- Advertising
- Filming in video
- "Fuego"
- Alfredo Arias
- French-Italian collaboration
- Conflict between cameraman and technical consultant
- Going from black-and-white to colour
- Filming "Shoot the Pianist"
- "Jules and Jim"
- Filming "Contempt"
- Jack Palance
- "Contempt": The atmosphere on the shoot
- Jean-Luc Godard, a crocolion
- Jean-Luc Godard's 'sadistic' side
- The film director's explanations
- Communication
- Jean Valère
- The cameramen
- Getting along with the cameramen
- "Perched on a tree"
- "Dawn"
- Philippe Léotard
- Jean-Pierre Mocky
- "Pour Lucrèce"
- "The 317th Platoon"
- The filming conditions of "The 317th Platoon"
- "Objective 500 million"
- Schoendoerffer and Indochina
- Preparing the filming of "Dien Bien Phu"
- Fireflies in "Dien Bien Phu"
- A film's length
- "S.A.S. à San Salvador"
- What makes films good
- Philippe Garrel
- Philippe Garrel's cinematographic techniques
- Cinematography with Philippe Garrel
- The filming circumstances of "The Birth of Love"
- The chronological filming of "The Birth of Love"
- "The Birth of Love": Two trips to Italy
- The importance of text
- The different actor direction techniques
- The difficult filming of a foreign film
- "The Confession"
- "Z"
- Filming conditions in Algeria
- Jacques Perrin
- Filming at sea
- 'Here come the Marzine guys'
- The gaffer
- Key grip
- Jacques Demy
- Lighting whites
- David Hart
- Filming in England
- Tony Richardson
- "The Sailor from Gibraltar"
- From 8 mm to cinemascope
- Cinemascope
- The horrible tie
- "The Sailor from Gibraltar" filmed in cinemascope
- Going back to a normal format
- 70 mm
- The collaboration between the film director and cameraman
- Co-operating on set
- The importance of a good filming environment
- The evolution of cinematography
- "The Soldiers"
- The New Wave
- "Horizon" by Jacques Roufiot
- The relationship with other cinematographers
- Lighting tricks
- The lighting methods
- Developing films
- Digital
- Cinerama and Kinopanorama
- Filming in studio
- The studios and the New Wave
- Studio and Godard
- Costume designers
- Television
- Scourge of society and Molinaro
- Richard Dembo
- Jacques Baratier's light cube
- "Dangerous Moves" filming team
- "Jerusalem File"
- "The Southern Star"
- Front projection
- "Alphaville" and the static mark problem
- Filming "Alphaville"
- Filming in black-and-white
- Developing film rolls
- Filming "Weekend"
- The inspiration for "Hoa Binh"
- Looking for financing for "Hoa Binh"
- Preparing the filming of "Hoa Binh"
- Filming "Hoa Binh"
- Filming the military operation in "Hoa Binh"
- Choosing the film's title
- Two versions of "Hoa Binh"
- The release of "Hoa Binh"
- From cinematographer to film director
- Teaching lighting
- Lighting in theatre
- Working with foreign directors
- Retiring
- Cinema as a viewer
- The important cinematographers
- A surprising conference in Japan
- The creation of the AFC
- The members of the AFC
- Advice
- The injustice of the film world
- Difficult friendships between film directors and cinematographers
- A career with no regrets
Francis Crick
- My mother's ambitions for me
- My earliest interest in science
- Discovering science
- The book that most influenced me
- My Christian background
- Hearing about Darwin for the first time
- Being taught sciences at school
- Schooldays
- My parents deal with a 'scientific' child
- Having a scientific mind
- 'Knowing' in science
- How scientists and non-scientists perceive the world
- What we don't know
- Has science stripped the world of wonder?
- The mysteries of developmental biology and evolution
- Our understanding of evolution
- Making predictions in science
- Understanding the brain
- Understanding the brain through reverse engineering
- Darwin's big idea
- I’d never thought I was anything very special
- Luck in science
- Influences
- Giving advice to young scientists
- A career in science starts with an apprenticeship
- I was fortunate with funding
- What makes a good collaboration?
- Theoretical vs experimental biology
- The effect of World War II on my career
- What you gossip about is what you’re interested in
- The two areas of biology I chose to work in
- Social interactions among scientists
- Molecular biology in the late 1940s
- The road to Cambridge
- James Watson - the bald American
- James Watson - precocious and fun
- Treating our research results with caution
- The triplet code
- The difficulties solving scientific problems
- The emotional ups and downs of scientific research
- Publishing papers in "Nature"
- Reactions to the papers we published
- The beauty of the double helix model
- "Life Story" - a dramatisation of our work on DNA
- Gradual acceptance of the structure of DNA
- Elegance and beauty in scientific theories
- Mathematics is a discipline in its own
- A physicist no longer
- Looking at the world in a different way
- Interest in the brain generates many questionable theories
- The complexities of working on the brain
- How does the brain control memory and consciousness?
- The question of qualia
- Science and the soul
- How do we see?
- An argument in favour of animal experimentation
- Is the knowledge we have the knowledge we need?
- What's happening in molecular biology now?
- Visual illusions
- The importance of the discovery of DNA
- Chefs against DNA!
- Scientific advances as a result of the discovery of DNA
- Speed in scientific research is a relative thing
- Would Darwin understand DNA?
- The idea of natural selection is formed
- Natural selection: the essence of the idea
- Explanation of species change before natural selection
- Charles Darwin's career path
- Adam and Eve: myth-busting
- Thoughts on religion
- Reasons for religion
- What happens when we die?
- Degrees of plausibility in science
- Truth in science
- Wining the Nobel Prize is a lottery
- Cooperation and rivalry in science
- Would you prefer to be Newton or Shakespeare?
- The effect of individual personalities in science
- What makes science unique?
- The need for strong motivation in choosing a career
- How being a scientist affects the way one sees the world
- The complexity of a single cell
- The length of a strand of DNA
- George Gamow and the RNA Tie Club
- How we came to write the genetic code
- If not Crick and Watson then who?
- Should Rosalind Franklin have shared the Nobel Prize?
- Which field of science is the right one for you?
- Getting the balance right between work and relaxation
- What is at the bottom of consciousness?
George Daniels
- Did I have a miserable childhood?
- My early artistic talents
- First experiences with watches
- Making an exploding clock
- Doing battle with a gramophone spring
- Escape from the bedding factory
- Gaining skills in mechanical jobs
- Making money playing the mouth organ
- Learning to blow up tanks with a mortar
- Farming while in the army
- Aborting the flight to Egypt
- Army service in Egypt and Palestine
- Actively repairing watches while in the army
- Moving from watch repairer to watchmaker
- Evening classes in horology were not beneficial
- Enjoying the experience of learning
- I didn't have any friends in horology
- My partner drank all the profits
- My Bentley exuded quality
- Sam Clutton introduced me to the upper echelons of horology
- The Clockmakers' Company and an historic document
- Becoming an agent for Breguet Paris in London
- Breguet had a peculiar talent
- Breguet really influenced the horology profession
- My first house in South London
- Sam Clutton demonstrates the skill of a master surveyor
- Deciding to make my first watch
- Working for nearly two years on my first watch
- Selling and rebuying my first watch
- I knew I had to beat Breguet
- I beat the quartz watch for timekeeping
- The Daniels cipher
- Tick and tock - the double wheel escapement
- The Tompion Gold Medal
- The Space Traveller's Watch
- The origins of the co-axial escapement
- Moving to the Isle of Man
- My aim was to produce an original watch
- Making all the components for a Daniels watch
- The business of selling watches
- Each Daniels watch is different
- Handmade repeater mechanisms
- I kept some of my best watches to amuse me
- My struggles to get the Swiss watch industry interested
- The co-axial escapement was a superlative timekeeper
- The difference between lever and co-axial escapement
- Who would produce the co-axial escapement for me?
- Persuading Omega to take an interest in the co-axial escapement
- Putting on a show at the Baselworld Fair
- Patek Philippe produce a poor replica of the co-axial escapement
- Making the Millennium watches with Roger Smith
- Clear evidence that I made a contribution to horology
- My book on "The Art of Breguet"
- "Watches" written with Sam Clutton
- My second book: "English & American Watches"
- Writing "The Practical Watch Escapement"
- "Watchmaking" explained how to make escapements
- Master of the Clockmakers' Company
- Helping younger craftsmen to exhibit
- The 350th anniversary of the Clockmakers' Company
- My honorary livery dinner as master
- Why I started the George Daniels Educational Trust
- My enjoyable lunch with the Queen
- The hassles of travelling
- Unwilling to accept I had migraine
- Cancer didn't stop me from talking
- Treating myself for tuberculosis
- My struggles to resolve my heart problems
- Devising a frame to help my back problems
- The appeal of mechanical watches
- Mechanics and the elegance of mechanical things
- The majority of modern watches lack elegance
- The principle of the lever
- The elegance of the pocket watch
- The future for watchmaking
- The thrill of the chase
- How to be a successful artist-craftsman
- Motorcars peaked with the 4½ litre Bentley
- Buyng and rebuilding cars
- First Bentleys and amateur racing
- How I and my Bentley won a silver cup in racing
- Birkin's track record car
- I very much like the early primitive cars
- Birkin's Alfa Romeo
- The Doctor's Coupe
Christian de Duve
- A rather ordinary person
- Family background: Napoleonic beginnings
- Birth in Thames Ditton during bombing in World War I
- A multicultural upbringing
- How I came to be multilingual
- Success at school and a sense of duty
- Choosing a career: The decison to become a physician
- Family influences: A scientist in a humanities-orientated family
- I discover and fall in love with science
- Studying at the Catholic University of Louvain
- The physiology lab: Experimenting with insulin
- The Second World War
- Decision to go into research
- Decision to study chemistry
- 'De Duve, chemistry and medicine, that's the science of the future'
- Studying chemistry and getting married
- Purifying penicillin
- Sweden, and memories of Hugo Theorell
- Working at Theorell's lab
- Theorell's lab: Carl and Gerty Cori
- Writing to Carl Cori, and crystallised insulin
- The Lilly Research Labs: Making a re-discovery
- 'You will get a fur coat when I get a Nobel Prize'
- Becoming Professor of Biochemistry at Louvain
- Setting up a lab: A grant from Eli Lilly and Company
- Setting up a lab: Difficulties getting equipment
- Glucose 1-phosphate and glucose 6-phosphate
- Purifying enzymes and visiting labs
- The Rockefeller Institute and Albert Claude
- Centrifugal fractionation
- Using centrifugal fractionation to locate enzymes
- The first fractionation experiment
- Surprising results of the first fractionation experiment
- Experiments resulting from the 2nd International Biochemistry Congress
- Experimenting with phenolphthalein
- George Hogeboom and Walter Schneider
- Using Jesuit logic to solve a problem
- Three possible explanations for our findings
- Acid phosphatase: A new kind of particle
- Experimenting with acid phosphatase
- The sixth enzyme: Uricase
- The discovery of lysosomes
- A passion for bioenergetics
- Uptake and digestion in lysosomes
- Autophagy: Self-eating by cells
- 'Suicide bags': Lysosomes in pathology
- Pathological implications: Osteoclasts and osteoblasts
- Pathological implications: The work of Géry Hers
- Glycogen storage diseases: Géry Hers and Gerty Cori
- Glycogen storage diseases: Autophagy
- The first lysosomal storage disease
- Dame Honor B Fell and vitamin A
- 'Pericanalicular dense bodies'
- Alex Novikoff
- Uricase: Not a typical enzyme
- Peroxisomes
- Becoming weary of teaching and administrative duties
- Joining the Rockefeller Institute
- A dual life between New York and Louvain
- Jacques Berthet and Miklós Müller
- Learning I'd won the Nobel Prize
- The 'fallout' of winning the Nobel Prize
- The purpose of science
- The importance of pure research
- The division of the Catholic University of Louvain
- Louvain-la-Neuve
- The International Institute of Cellular and Molecular Pathology
- Collaboration within the ICP
- Expanding and funding the ICP
- Thierry Boon and the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
- Thierry Boon's work on tumour cells
- The growth of the ICP
- Freedom in Research: Learning from the Rockefeller Institute
- The boundaries of freedom in research
- Fundraising for the ICP
- 'Choose your mentors well'
- The Nobel Prize is a lottery
- The Rockefeller Christmas Lectures
- "A Guided Tour of the Living Cell"
- Writing "Blueprint for a Cell: The Nature and Origin of Life"
- Research into a new field: the origin of life
- "Vital Dust: The Origin and Evolution of Life on Earth"
- Philosophical aspects of the saga of life
- The origin and the evolution of life: "Life Evolving"
- From philosophy to religion
- Religious considerations regarding the chair at Louvain
- The evolution of religious thought
- The explanations of science
- Ultimate Reality
- The different facets of Ultimate Reality
- A feeling of mystery
- The evolution of the human brain
- The human species as an intermediary stage
- The human species as a watershed
- The future of our species
- An admiration for excellence
- "Life Evolving": My intellectual testament
- "Singularities": The accident of life
- Accidental events and natural selection
- Natural selection - selective optimisation
- The duty of scientists towards the public
- LUCA and RNAs
- Chemistry and selection
- Thioesters: Compounds between acids and thios
- The role of peptides in the origin of life
- Society for the Study of the Origin of Life
Carl Djerassi
- Conversations with strangers and three autobiographies
- The difference between my three autobiographies
- "The Pill, Pygmy Chimps and Degas' Horse"
- Revising my "Who's Who" entry
- Writing fiction as auto-psychoanalysis
- I was married at an ungodly age
- Meeting my second wife and divorce from my first wife
- Removing my first wife from my "Who's Who" entry
- What do you talk about with a first wife whom you haven’t seen for 25 years?
- Meeting my first wife after 25 years
- A present from my first wife
- Robert Maxwell and Cyrus S Eaton changed their "Who's Who" entries
- Being jilted and starting to write poetry
- "Lingonberries Are Not Sufficient": my first published poem
- Writing an autobiography in poetry form
- "The Clock Runs Backwards"
- Writing out of self pity and revenge
- Getting back together with my ex
- "Marx, Deceased" should have been entitled "Ego"
- The German title of the novel is "Ego"
- The compulsive drive for recognition
- The greatest compliment I ever had in my life
- "Marx, Deceased": a book about productive insecurity
- My Play "Ego" and automythology
- "What's Tatiana Troyanos doing in Spartacus' Tent?"
- "The Futurist and Other Stories"
- My teenage fantasy
- Confusing the facts in autobiographies
- Another revenge poem and the story of my wife's nickname
- "Vocalissima"
- My parents and my early childhood
- My family and my childhood in Vienna
- School in Vienna and its renowned alumni
- The area where I was born in Vienna
- An Austrian stamp in my honour
- Elias Canetti
- A literary exhibition on Elias Canetti
- Admitting to my children that I had a previous marriage
- Becoming an Austrian citizen
- Escaping the Nazis and learning English in Bulgaria
- The history of the Bulgarian Jews
- Meeting my father after 10 years
- My father's death and a revelation
- Relationship with my mother in later life
- My daughter Pamela
- My daughter's suicide
- Writing inspired by my daughter's death
- Reading from a coda inspired by my daughter's death
- Two poems
- Getting into Newark Junior College
- Living with the Meiers
- Attending Newark Junior College without finishing high school
- Failing the draft and a letter to Mrs Roosevelt
- Taking up a full scholarship at Tarkio College
- Being asked to give lectures while at college
- Paying to hear myself speak
- Transferring to Kenyon College, Ohio
- Getting a job at Ciba working on antihistamines
- Studying at graduate school at night
- Research fellowship at Wisconsin University
- Cultural and scientific life in Wisconsin
- Refusing to work at night in Wisconsin
- A tough problem in steroid chemistry
- Working on steroids at Ciba
- Steroid chemistry and synthesis
- Working on partial syntheses of cortisone
- Everyone wanted to work on cortisone synthesis
- The beginnings of Syntex
- Syntex formed to manufacture progesterone
- Deciding to move to Syntex in Mexico
- The race to synthesise cortisone
- Working on making the first oral contraceptive
- Getting into academia: moving to Wayne State University
- Deciding to get my knee fused in Mexico
- My knee operation and working at Syntex
- Considering changing career
- Getting a job at Stanford University
- Building a house in California
- Designing my dream house
- Why I wanted to work in academia
- Having my cake and eating it
- Working on natural products chemistry
- The most important contribution that I made in science
- Women's contribution to X-ray crystallography
- Chiroptical methods and mass spectrometry
- Non-destructive spectroscopic methods
- Analysis of all my papers by Eugene Garfield
- Using artificial intelligence in chemistry
- Marine chemistry: discovering new sterols
- Work on sponges: setting up underwater labs
- Sponges have the weirdest forms of fatty acids
- The great dilemma within science
- The history of the pill
- Discovering that progesterone is not orally active
- Synthesising orally active progesterone
- International contribution in the development of the pill
- East-West dominance in contemporary science
- Can science work in Africa?
- Pygmy chimps: research priorities in the Congo
- Head of a primatology committee
- Pygmy chimps and a lend-lease operation
- Work on pygmy chimps didn’t do much for Zaire
- The Pugwash Conferences
- Celebrating Sweden's 150 years without war
- Memorable Pugwash Conferences
- My interest in artists who cross two boundaries
- Picasso sculpture unveils problems in my marriage
- We donated the Picasso
- Picking up the Picasso sculpture
- Alberto Giacometti's head of Diego
- Degas' horse
- Taking Degas' horse home
- Selling off my art collection
- "The Pill and Paul Klee"
- My Klee collection
- What does it mean to be Jewish?
- 'I want them to know that I'm Jewish'
Renato Dulbecco
- 'Why am I called Renato?'
- Origins and first school
- Education
- First passions and experiments
- One class, three Nobels
- Working on the thesis
- War experiences
- Return from the war
- The resistance
- Post-war journey to America
- First impressions of America
- Bureaucracy and citizenship in America
- Discovery of photoreactivation
- The phenomenon of photoreactivation
- Travelling to Caltech
- Animal virology
- Tackling polio
- Relationship between a virus and the cell
- Bureaucracy and citizenship in Italy
- Understanding polyoma DNA
- Experiments with polyoma DNA
- Innovation at Cold Spring Harbor
- Understanding cancer
- Work on 'temperature mutants' leads to a discovery
- Levi's lesson, Watson's theft
- Working with Paul Berg and the birth of genetic engineering
- Birth in the family
- Fiona growing up
- Salk Institute: Architect Louis Kahn
- Salk Institute: Art and science
- Difficulties in England
- Nobel coming
- Receiving the Nobel Prize
- Offers of work
- Fiona at school
- Working on cancer
- Highs and lows of cancer research
- Return to Salk, as Chairman
- Chairman of Salk
- Ambitious ideas
- The Genome Project
- Called to Italy
- Tissue culture
- Identifying genes
- Formation of breast cancer
- Dome mechanism
- Measuring messenger RNA
- Isolating 500 cells
- Tumour development
- Stem cells and tumours
- Research into stem cells
- DNA sequencing
- Hard-earned success
- The Nobel Prize changed my life
- Science and politics
- Appealing to the public
- Science problems and foundations
- Hopes for young people
- Science and communication
- Influences on life
- The future
Freeman Dyson
- My middle class upbringing
- Early interest in science
- Family relationships
- Winchester during the Depression
- A young love for numbers
- Uncle Freeman: the classical scholar
- Persecution at prep school
- Coming to Winchester
- Exams and friends at Winchester College
- My additions to the Winchester College Museum
- Falling in love with Russian
- Opening the gates of mathematics
- Inspirational chemistry teacher: Eric James
- Biology: talents versus interests
- Reading in Winchester College library
- What did I win for coming top of the class?
- Studying mathematics at Winchester
- Snobbery and the class system
- Piaggio and school holidays
- Mother's influence on my relationships
- Political feelings in the '30s: Communism and pacifism
- Being on the outside
- Pure mathematics at Cambridge: the influence of Besicovitch
- Relationship with Besicovitch
- GH Hardy and JE Littlewood's lectures
- Littlewood's Tauberian theorem and Dyson's ferromagnet paper
- Other tutors at Cambridge: Dirac, Jeffreys, Eddington
- Oscar Hahn
- The Hahn Family - Judaism
- The walk from Cambridge to London
- Family warmth
- Father's move to London
- Ending pacifism by joining the army
- Receiving a BA Degree
- Sent to Bomber Command
- The bombing of Hamburg and Dresden
- The people at Operations Research in Bomber Command
- Problems in bombing policy and aircraft design
- Failure to provide defence for pilots
- Mathematical work during the war: the alpha-beta theorem
- Effect of experiences at Bomber Command
- Hermann Bondi: The adviser
- Hiroshima and the end of Bomber Command
- Sinecure at Imperial College
- Work in pure mathematics while at Imperial College
- Harold Davenport
- Coming to Cambridge as a fellow - Wittgenstein
- Decision to move from mathematics to physics
- Being supervised by Nicholas Kemmer
- Heitler: quantum theory of radiation
- Studying quantum field theory
- The reasons for moving to Cornell University
- Good fortune
- Introduction to the American way of life
- Community at the Rockefeller building
- Courses and people at Cornell
- Work on the Lamb shift equation
- Richard Feynman and his work
- Presenting the Lamb shift findings
- Introduction to strong interactions
- Fellow graduate students at Cornell
- Social differences between England and the US
- The Cold War and the Federation of American Scientists
- The Lamb shift
- Hans Bethe
- The difficulty of getting anything started
- Working practice
- Moving from Cornell to the Institute for Advanced Study
- Julian Schwinger's summer school talks
- An educational road trip with Richard Feynman
- Talking physics with Feynman: path integrals
- The Feynman diagrams
- How difficult was it to understand Schwinger?
- George Uhlenbeck and David Park at Ann Arbor
- Travels: Berkeley, Martin Luther King, Salt Lake City
- Linking the ideas of Feynman, Schwinger and Tomanaga
- Meeting Feynman with Cécile DeWitt-Morette - the proof needed
- Trying to convince Oppenheimer that the old physics works
- The seminar series: convincing Oppenheimer
- The S-matrix paper that made me famous
- Oldstone conference: Renormalization of theories
- Returning to England
- Oppenheimer
- The Princeton Institute: faculty, friends, attitudes
- Oppenheimer's parting advice
- Falling in love with Verena Haefeli
- Verena Haefeli
- Relationship with parents
- Being a house guest of Rudolf and Genia Peierls
- The betrayal by Klaus Fuchs
- Gerry Brown
- Attempts to make quantum electrodynamics into a completely solvable theory
- Work on the strong interactions
- Fermi's rejection of our work
- Why I don't like the PhD system
- Being the laundry boy during the Oppenheimer security hearings
- Leave Princeton if Oppenheimer was sacked?
- Summer school at Les Houches
- Work at Berkeley with Charles Kittel
- Ferromagnetism and spin wave theory
- One-dimensional ferromagnets
- The ground state energy of a hard-sphere Bose gas - Elliot Lieb
- Energy levels of complex systems: background
- Inviting Mehta to work on circular ensembles
- My work with Mehta is now more relevant
- A bottle of champagne to prove the stability of matter
- Lieb and Thirring clean up my matter stability proof
- Phase transitions in three dimensional ferromagnets
- Could gravity vary with time?
- Work by Dyson and Alex Shlyakhter on the fine-structure constant
- Samarium 149 proves the world is so rich in detail
- Building a safe reactor at General Atomics
- How the warm neutron principle works
- Edward Teller: Like a spoilt brat
- Project Orion: background
- Project Orion: using basic principles of physics
- Project Orion: Dyson's work
- Interest in space science and space travel
- Project Orion: the question of fallout
- The nuclear test ban and the end of Project Orion
- Discussion with Bethe and Teller on the nuclear test ban
- Becoming an American citizen
- Invitation to join JASON
- JASON's involvement with the Human Genome Project and JASON's members
- My opinion of the DoE and NIH positions on genome sequencing
- Adaptive optics and the problems of classification
- Claire Max and adaptive optics
- Misconceptions about JASON in Vietnam
- Work with the Disarmament Agency
- Matthew Meselson's opposition to chemical and biological weapons
- Positions on further weapons research
- Being wary of genetic engineering
- Genetic engineering and the responsibility of scientists
- Astrophysics: 'I've been a cheerleader but not a player'
- Gravitational wave astronomy
- Communication with aliens: The Cocconi-Morrison conjecture
- Detecting aliens through artificial sources of infra-red
- The Dyson sphere - hijacked by science fiction
- Being outside of general relativity
- Survival in an older and colder universe
- The origins of life
- My theory on the origin of life
- The origins of life - the idea of symbiosis
- The balance of carbon in the atmosphere
- Stratospheric cooling vs global warming
- Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere: conclusions
- Early work on Ramanujan and the continued relevance of mathematics
- 'God appears to be a mathematician'
- On becoming a writer
- Shift in priorities from career to global problems
- Science and religion
- Reflections on my career
- Rocky relationships with institutions and people
- My friendship with Oliver Sacks
- Family, friends and work
- Friends and children
- Why I am an optimist
Gerald Edelman
- Love of music in early childhood
- Learning how to pick locks
- Getting into science
- My first bit of scientific research
- My interview for Massachusetts General Hospital
- Working long hours at Massachusetts General Hospital
- Diagnosis: Then and now
- Getting drafted and ending up in Paris
- The American Library in Paris and going to the Rockefeller Institute
- An army anecdote
- Developing my interest in gamma globulin at the Rockefeller Institute
- Lunch at the Rockefeller Institute
- Stein and Moore and beginning work on gamma globulin
- The ghost of Landsteiner
- The benefits of having been a doctor: Bence Jones protein
- Studying myeloma proteins with my graduate student Joe Gally
- Pauling's instructive theory vs Burnet's selectional theory
- Lessons learnt from Pauling and Burnet
- An epiphany working on Bence Jones protein
- The institutional situation at the Rockefeller Institute
- A visit from Leo Szilard
- Completing work on the structure of gamma globulin molecule
- Building a model of gamma globulin
- Theorizing on the problem of how antibodies became different
- Somatic recombination theory
- Open and closed science
- Into the field of embryogenesis and morphogenesis
- Our laboratory as a chicken farm
- 'In my end is my beginning': Back to antibodies
- The morphoregulator theory
- 'Making an organism is a pretty horrendously complex thing'
- Ed Lewis
- The sciences of recognition and population thinking
- An original thought at Zurich airport
- The Neurosciences Research Program
- Why I don't think the brain is a computer
- The theory of neural Darwinism
- The idea of re-entry
- The idea of value
- Response to criticism of "Neural Darwinism"
- Michael Merzenich and stroke patients
- Anosognosia
- The importance of the Neurosciences Institute
- The effectiveness of the Neurosciences Institute
- Proving invertebrates sleep
- Brain based device
- Hippocampus and memory
- Philosophy and consciousness: Galileo and Descartes
- Putting the mind back in nature
- A theory of consciousness: The thalamus
- A theory of consciousness: Language
- An experiment to test re-entry
- Consciousness: A process not a thing
- The process of re-entry
- Homunculus and the origin of language
- Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace
- The idea of self and consciousness
- Conscious artifacts
- Complexity and Darwinism
- Trying to complete Darwin's work
- What is science about?
- The problem of language
- Waardenburg's syndrome
- Complexity and language
- The nature of science and knowledge
- Choice in science
- How I got into RNA translation
- My attraction to darkness and how that led to RNA translation
- Contradictions in science
- Science, consciousness and the world
- The place of crisis in science
- The ideal conditions to practice science
- The issues of writing scientific books
- The benefits of writing books
- Philosophy
- Neuroscience and philosophy
- The limits of science
- The human need to make sense of life
- The crossing of fields
- Sleep
- Creating a scientific monastery: The Neurosciences Institute buildings
- Attention attracted by the Neurosciences Institute buildings
- Neuro architecture
- Changes in science
- Where is science going?
- The importance of creativity in science
Marek Edelman
- Recollecting my parents
- The Bolsheviks killed my mother's family
- Gaon of Vilnius
- The apartment in Warsaw
- Guardians following my mother's death
- School
- School friends
- The story of the radio lamp in satellites
- Graduation exams
- School for the children of members of the Bund Party
- Medem's Sanatorium
- Korczak
- The legend of Korczak
- Poverty in Warsaw before the war
- The beginnings of the activities of SKIF: Children from Annopol
- Summer camps
- SKIF: Friendship with Stasia
- Pre-war Bund
- Alter and Erlich
- Communists in Poland before the war
- Anti-Semitism before the war
- Austria before the war
- Not such a terrible devil
- My mother's grave in the Jewish cemetery
- Following my mother's death
- Learning to speak Polish
- Friendship with Stasia
- The outbreak of war and Stasia's fate
- The end of the war
- Leaving for Lublin
- First days in Lublin
- Feiner's notebook
- What it means to die normally
- Unit WIS 5 took in people from the ghetto
- Wacław - Henryk Woliński
- Żania Kormanowa
- Mossad, the best secret service in the world
- Escape from the labour camp
- Jewish émigrées – organisation of departures
- Mrs Goldowa's 'Drop of milk' and her family
- 1968 – family's emigration
- Contact with the opposition
- Leszek Kołakowski
- Signing of the letter regarding the Constitution
- Are soldiers from the battle of Lenino heroes?
- KOR and Solidarność
- Zygielbojm's escape from Poland
- Talks of creating a ghetto
- The start of an underground, clandestine action
- The beginning of the war-time underground in Poland
- Life in the ghetto begins
- Well mannered bandits
- The Jewish Community Council's difficulties with reclaiming its money
- The first organisations in the ghetto
- Terror on the streets
- Closing the Warsaw ghetto
- Organising illegal schools for children in the ghetto
- The black market in the ghetto
- Attempts to live normally in the ghetto
- Typhoid epidemic in the ghetto
- The crisis with typhoid epidemic
- Poverty and starvation sickness in the ghetto
- Suffering of the people in the ghetto
- 'They're killing for no reason?'
- People didn't believe they were going to their death
- Learning about Treblinka
- Competition for mass execution
- Different criteria for measuring the value of human life
- Rescuing people from the Umschlagplatz
- The true picture of the war
- The atmosphere in the ghetto
- The story of a certain policeman in the ghetto
- The trial of the Jewish policeman
- The trial of the Nazi criminal Blosche
- Numbers of life
- Putting up with terrible conditions
- The story of Mrs Tenenbaum's number
- The story of Deda Tenenbaum
- At last we could eat our fill
- The first fighting organisations in the ghetto
- The first assassination attempt in the ghetto
- The setting up of the Jewish Fighting Organisation
- First armed action in the ghetto
- Warsaw followed our example: Operation Arsenał
- First supplies of weapons
- The weapons factory in the ghetto
- The arrest of Jurek Wilner and loss of our contact
- Money for the ghetto from America
- Money dilemma
- First purchase of weapons
- Anielewicz becomes the commander
- Taxing the people
- Getting food for militant groups
- Ransom from the Jewish Community Council
- The big disaster
- The people who fought in Warsaw
- A leader must take responsibility for another person's life
- Germans plan to destroy the ghetto
- The uprising in the ghetto
- At the brush-makers
- Civilians at war
- Gaining distinction on the field of glory
- The Germans knew how to find the bunkers where people were hiding
- A luxury bunker in the ghetto
- The dangers of being a doubly secret agent
- German listening devices
- Learning the terrible news
- Going through the canals
- Escape from the ghetto
- Medicine
- First job in the hospital in Łowicz
- The legend of Sterling Hospital: Dr Zylberblat
- The story of the artificial kidney
- Saving the life of a beautiful girl who had thallium poisoning
- Enforcing ban on the use of thallium
- The children's ward for rheumatic fever
- The first mitral stenosis operation on a child in an acute condition
- The golden Sixties in the clinic
- Mitral valve surgery
- Dr Jakubowski, Picasso and the sardines
- Memories of the doctors in the clinic
- Work in the clinic comes to an end - anti-Semitism
- Post-doctoral thesis
- Anti-Semitism
- Resurrection ward
- Aftermath of a successful emergency operation
- Paying a visit to the First Secretary in Łódź
- New job in the Pirogow hospital
- Experience with medical journals
- You need to appreciate the nurses
- The Pirogow hospital: Sodi Pallares
- The Pirogow hospital: Protected by God
- Arterio-venous fistula - the first operation in Poland
- The era of coronary arteriography
- A case of basal artery thrombosis
- Parathyroid crisis
- The doctors have changed
- A good doctor must be able to observe and make associations
- Mystery that exists in medicine
- Progess in medicine
- Work in a hospital - trainees
- Antigovernment clinic
- Recollecting Professor Moll
- Transplantation
- A demanding boss
Manfred Eigen
- Early childhood recollections about music
- My father's conditions when I wanted to give up the piano
- My parents did not agree with my teachers' view of the Nazis
- Being drafted at fifteen
- Walking home at the end of the war
- Choosing between music and science
- Going to university and building a seismograph
- Göttingen University and some of its famous professors
- My thesis: 'The specific heat of heavy water'
- Building an adiabatic calorimeter
- Getting pretty arrogant during my studies
- Measuring electrolyte solutions
- Converting my diploma thesis to a doctoral thesis
- Physical chemistry had a great tradition in Göttingen
- Burying Nernst three times
- Studying with some of the greatest people in physics
- Becoming interested in fast reactions
- Immeasurably fast reactions
- Giving a lecture on sound velocity in heavy water
- Sound absorption in sea water
- The birth of the relaxation methods
- "Damned fast reactions"
- The fast diffusion of proton and hydroxyl ions
- A new successor at the University Institute of Physical Chemistry
- Almost becoming a coordination chemist
- Creating a periodic table of reaction rates
- Studying cage molecules
- Building T-jump machines
- Becoming President of EMBO
- Trying to set up the Max Planck Society Institute of Music
- Using the relaxation technique to study enzyme reactions
- The exciting new field of allosteric enzymes
- Differences between the Monod and Koshland mechanisms
- T-jump machines
- The importance of understanding life at the molecular level
- Proposing that Darwin's principle works at the molecular level
- The error threshold and the origin of the hypercycle work
- Why do we need reproduction?
- When did the genetic code originate?
- Without reproduction there would be no evolution
- One of the main requirements for life to come about is reproduction
- Darwinian selection and metabolism
- The prerequisites of molecular self-organisation
- The hypercycle is a theoretical basis of life
- Evolution experiments
- Sol Spiegelman's quantitative evolution experiments
- Charles Wiessmann and the error rate
- Realising that one has to do experiments in biology
- The kinetic theory of replication, leading to the quasispecies
- Setting parameters for the kinetic theory of replication
- A nice story about quasispecies
- Günther Strunk's true evolution experiment
- Nature finds a way not to calculate everything in detail
- A chance meeting with Francis Crick in Mainz
- What does a hypercycle do?
- Proving the hypercycle system
- "The Hypercycle - A Principle of Natural Self-Organization"
- No theory without experiments, no experiments without theory
- The necessity for the theory for hypercycles
- Einstein and the theory of quantum mechanics
- Extending Darwinian theory to molecules
- The difference between my theory and classical genetic theory
- The fitness landscape
- The complexity of a sequence of nucleotides
- Population and mutation
- The progress of evolution
- Finding a ridge in sequence space
- Low and high dimensional landscapes
- Peter Schuster's concept of sequence space and shape space
- The space of mutants
- Renormalisation and stochastic theory
- Evolution is a quick process whenever the conditions are good
- David Blow's work on the structure of a pancreatic enzyme
- Subtilisin had exactly the same proton relay
- Lerner and Schultz – making catalysts from antibodies
- The evolution of viruses
- Evolutionary technology
- The PCR method
- The 3SR method
- The serial transfer experiment with more than one sample
- Rudolf Rigler: looking at fluctuations
- Rigler's method of determining the rotation of single molecules
- Reasons to focus into a small volume element
- Using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to observe a single molecule
- Using primers to see single particles
- Using nanotechnology to do evolutionary experiments
- Viruses
- Using viruses as models for evolution
- The evolution of HIV
- Anti-viral strategies
- The versatility of viruses
- Polio: acceptance of errors
- Virus detection methods
- Prions are protein molecules not viruses
- Autocatalytic proteins in BSE
- Methods for early detection of prion diseases
- Manfred Eigen and Ruthild Winkler's book "The Laws of the Game"
- The difference between chemical reactions and living systems
- Why do we do research?
- Talent
- Population growth
- Only science can prevent the problems of population growth
- Eigen's book: "Treatise on Matter, Information, Life and Thought"
- Duties to society
- The molecular biologist and the shepherd
- Science in society
- Public lectures
- The winter seminars
- Why the winter seminars are unique
- Summing up: remembering co-workers and colleagues
- Two papers: the connection between fast and slow reactions
- What is life?
- Life is a game of chance and necessity
Jules Engel
- A baby with a head like a hexagon
- Sisters
- Coming to the USA from Hungary - language
- The first animation film I ever saw
- Early encouragement from a teacher
- Evanston High School: Miss Page, Mr Rungy, athletics
- Seeing dance for the first time
- Athletics, rhythm, beauty
- Coming to California
- Coming to Los Angeles
- The world of learning how
- The first 'in'. Working on 'Fantasia': the importance of dance
- Working at Disney: being on the outside
- Working at Disney
- Walt Disney
- Working with Walt Disney: 'You want to see the frog?'
- Walt Disney as teacher and film-maker
- Walt Disney and the ostriches waking
- Work on 'Bambi': movement and color
- Color in 'Bambi'; animation as a non-naturalistic art form
- Ward Kimball
- Other Disney animators; 'You have it or you don't have it'
- Unionism and the 1941 Disney strike
- Joining the Air Force
- Work in the Air Force: maps and abstraction
- Abstract art and me
- Working for the military Motion Picture Unit
- Hollywood’s high-flyers
- Leaving Disney and forming UPA
- Central figures at UPA
- Contrast between Burbarnk and New York premieres of 'Gerald McBoing Boing'
- The great UPA films
- Working methods at UPA
- Disney and UPA
- The Disney/UPA rivalry; 'Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom'
- Reaction to UPA in Europe
- Robert Canon
- 'Mr Magoo': WC Fields as inspiration, Jim Bachus as voice
- The end of UPA
- From the high to 'Alvin and the Chipmunks'
- Jacques Tati
- Not making money in Paris
- Tati and his producer
- Differences between Europe and America
- Out on the town with Man Ray
- Man Ray and Julie
- Buying a Man Ray print
- Man Ray - valued more in death than in life
- Making 'Carnival'
- Making films after 'Carnival'
- How I 'kidnapped' my own film
- The first animation film I ever made
- Herb Klynn
- Surprising my mentor with my skill
- Making live action films in Paris
- Having fun producing my personal work
- Oskar Fischinger
- Oskar Fischinger's work
- "Train Landscape"
- The difference between working in a studio and working for oneself
- Abstract art
- Importance of having a sense of color
- Why color co-ordination matters
- Unbound by rules
- Benefits of retrospection
- All I need is a kitchen table
- Creating animation
- Unpredictablity of co-workers
- Getting the sound score right
- Having fun filming live action
- Shooting images in black and white
- Working without a storyboard
- Having an idea
- Lack of stamina in the young
- Anaïs Nin
- My appointment as head of CalArts’ animation department
- A difficult student
- Choosing and working with students
- Relationships with students
- Not teaching but sharing
- Advice to young animators
- Animators: who gets the credit?
- The world of animation has lost its roots
- Independent animators
- The animation industry
- Matisse and Picasso - a question of influence
- Orson Welles
- Reactions to independent and experimental animation
- New direction in animation: Asia
- Being open to inspiration
- Dance and film
- Fascinated by movement
- Tamara Toumanova
- Using geometric shapes in my work
- Who is responsible for a great animation?
Joan Feynman
- My family history: Arriving in America
- My family history: The values we lived by
- My family history: Our sense of humor
- My family history: Being brought up the German way
- My family history: How we were educated
- My family history: Living in New York
- My brother, Richard: How he came to be so smart
- My brother, Richard: My first teacher
- My brother, Richard: A sad love story
- My brother, Richard: Brother and sister relationship
- My work and career: Schooldays
- My work and career: On becoming a woman scientist
- My work and career: Man's influence on his surroundings
- My work and career: How is an aurora formed?
- My work and career: The importance of the Sun
- My work and career: Smart people in science
- My work and career: The pleasure of finding things out
- My work and career: The NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal
- 'What would a dead vegetarian girl do to find a husband?'
- Dinner with my grandmother
- Jokes were never at anyone's expense
- The telescope that was never made
- Things my brother taught me
- My brother the inventor
- Storms on Long Island
- Being Richard Feynman's younger sister
- Being the best
- Sibling non-rivalry
- Joan Feynman's brother
- Arline Feynman
- Everyone loved Arline
- My family's popularity during the summer months
- There was no 'them' and 'us'
- Being of benefit to the town
- Missing out on riches
- Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin paves the way for women scientists
- Brotherly advice
- The enlightened views of Oberlin College
- Encountering prejudice
- Working with women
- Fighting prejudice against women
- The dearth of female Nobel Prize winners
- A woman can be as smart as a man
- Never marry a mam just because he seems nice!
- Planning for all eventualities
- Man's influence on his surroundings
- Climate change determines human development
- Strange changes in the chemistry of the atmosphere
- Being in the wrong place at the wrong time
- How is an aurora formed?
- Life revolves around the sun
- Experiments to measure activity associated with the sun
- How is helium distributed in the sun?
- Our secret weapon
- Far Rockway High School was special
- Two classes with two different goals
- Why many of our teachers had PhDs
- Immortalized in a stairway
- The pleasure of finding things out
Eugene Garfield
- Family history
- My family and my relationship with my father
- Childhood memories
- Moving to the West Bronx and my stepfather
- Growing up across the street from the New York Public Library
- High school
- My mother
- My uncle Sam
- Learning to play the clarinet and the piano
- Working before university
- Learning to type and clerking in the army
- Getting drafted
- Army training and getting an ulcer
- Columbia and Berkeley
- My first wife leaves me and coping as a single parent
- The origins of Eugene Garfield Associates
- Jobs after graduation and working for Louis P Hammett
- Going to an American Chemical Society meeting and getting a new job
- Working at the Welch Medical Library
- Developing new computer systems for indexing
- Starting "Contents in Advance" and getting sacked
- 'As a documentalist, you make a great career'
- Writing papers and going to Columbia library school
- Getting a job with Smith, Kline & French
- Discovering Shepard's "Citations"
- Getting my paper published in "Science"
- Looking after my son Stefan and getting married
- Early days of "Current Contents"
- The genesis of "Current Contents"
- "Index Chemicus" and completing my doctorate degree
- Handing in my dissertation
- A proposal for the "Genetic Citation Index"
- The indexing project
- Financial problems for the "Scientific Citation Index"
- Problems starting "The Scientist"
- The ups and downs of the business and the office atmosphere
- The impact of scientific information systems on scientific progress
- Impact factors
- Historiographs
- Usefulness of citations for historians
- JD Bernal, politics, and science
- Scientometrics, JD Bernal and Joshua Lederberg
- Moving to Philadelphia to work for Smith, Kline & French
- People at Smith, Kline & French and paying back taxes
- My son Stefan
- My son Josh
- Job security and outsourcing
- Working with Irving H Sher
- The peccadillos of Irving H Sher
- Using abstracts and changes in the company
- Working with the patent office and the start of "Index Chemicus"
- "Index Chemicus"
- Using molecular formula for retrieval and citations of my work
- Promoting "Current Contents"; the FASEB meeting in Atlantic City
- Attitudes of the not-for-profit organisations
- The 1961 International Congress of Biochemists in Moscow
- George Vladutz and VV Nalimov
- Russian colleagues and travelling on the Trans-Siberian Railway
- Eastern European readership
- "Citation Classics"
- A job offer and teaching at the University of Pennsylvania
- Sharing information and encyclopedists
- "The Atlas of Science"
- "The Atlas of Science" as a dynamic projection
- Algorithmic and historiographic analysis
- The future of open access and retractions in citations
- Duplication in research and a citator for patents
- Citing in patents and papers
- Errors and how they affect retreival
- The mathematics in papers today
- H-indexes and impact factors
- Communicating science
- Getting your kids into science and the role of class in science
- Interest in information science; grants and awards
- Hit lists and baseball cards for science
- The future; information Nirvana
- The economic issues around open access
- Citations as currency
- Big science and how things are changing
- ASCA selective dissemination system
- What scientists want
- Summing up my career
Murray Gell-Mann
- How my father came to America
- My mother's nationality
- A supplementary education
- Birdwatching with my brother
- A cornucopia of early interests
- Individuality and freedom: its importance and its absence
- My mother liked me and believed in me
- Doc Beene
- Studying elementary physics - reluctantly
- How I ended up studying physics at Yale
- Henry Margenau's physics class
- The eccentric Gregory Breit
- How World War II affected the graduate program at Yale
- The unwritten letter of thanks
- The many varied courses at Yale
- Applying to graduate schools
- MIT or suicide
- Making friends at MIT
- Interaction with other MIT students
- Parity conservation: an inviolable principle?
- Using symmetry to learn about physical laws
- When theory was in disgrace
- The race to calculate the relativistic Lamb shift
- The shell model and J-coupling
- Examining intermediate coupling inside the nucleus
- Taking courses at Harvard
- Student days: living hand-to-mouth
- The Institute for Advanced Study
- Gell-Mann's first paper with Francis Low
- Work on Radar System at the University of Illinois
- Trying to make a reliable computer out of unreliable parts
- Doodling during seminars at the Control Systems Laboratory
- Einstein
- Oppenheimer
- The atmosphere at Princeton. Getting a job in Chicago
- Theoretical physics discussion group at Chicago
- Fermi
- Work at Chicago. Pseudo-scalar meson theory
- The atmosphere at Chicago
- Discussions with Enrico Fermi; resonance and symmetry
- Learning about theory
- We never wrote up the crossing relations
- Quantum field theory on the mass shell
- Geoff Chew and mass shell field theory
- 1961 La Jolla meeting: taking Oppenheimer to lunch
- 1961 La Jolla meeting: Geoffrey Chew
- Stanley Mandelstam
- The bootstrap theory
- The assistant professorship at Chicago
- Working on the renormalization group with Francis Low
- Inconsistencies in the theory of quantum electrodynamics
- Bogolyubov, Shirkov and the renormalisation group work
- Frustated by professional rivalry
- The effects of Khrushchev's anti-Stalin speech
- The Moscow meeting on particle physics
- Ken Wilson's work with the renormalization group
- Positive and negative weights
- Heisenberg
- Strange particles
- Dick Dalitz; tau decay
- Isotopic spin
- Explaining Dave Peaslee's letter
- Giving talks on the idea of isotopic spin
- Almost getting drafted; a letter to the Physical Review
- Problems with the letter to the Physical Review
- Talking to Fermi, the theory of high angular momentum
- Confirming the theory
- The role of Pais; associated production
- Associated production, isotopic spin and strangeness
- Giving a class in Chicago. Presenting a paper with Pais
- Another visit to The Institute for Advanced study. Shiing-Shen Chern
- The Yang-Mills theory
- The move to Caltech
- Early days at Caltech. Working with Feynman
- Weak interactions
- The parity revolution: accounting for the τ and θ puzzle
- Disagreement among the top physicists
- 'The Last Stand of the Universal Fermi Interaction'
- A brush with the CIA
- Begrudgingly signing my name to a paper with Feynman
- Electromagnetism, PCAC and global symmetry
- The Stanford meeting of The American Physical Society
- Muon and electron neutrinos
- Collaborating with Feynman
- Global symmetry. Yang-Mill's theory. Phil Anderson
- Symmetry schemes
- The Sakata model. A field theory model
- London and Paris. Partially conserved axial vector current
- The Sigma model
- Sheldon Glashow. The SU(2) times U1 theory
- Departmental interaction holds the key
- The Eightfold Way
- Worries about the Caltech report
- Re-writing the Eightfold Way paper and publishing in 1962
- 1962 International Conference at Geneva and the birth of quarks
- Yuval Ne'eman
- Working on Regge pole theory
- People at Caltech
- SU(3) - fundamental triplets
- Working with Goldberger and Low at MIT
- Investigating regge poles at MIT
- Quarks, mass shell analysis and the bootstrap
- Giving a course on general ideas about elementary particles
- Parastatistics. Lunch with Bob Serber
- The job situation
- Criticism of Julian Schwinger
- Woods Hole; working on classified problems
- Anti-ballistic missiles and strategy
- Julian Schwinger
- The summer of 1963
- Back at Caltech; looking into triplets
- George Zweig
- Writing up the quarks. Real, mathematical or fictitious particles
- George Zweig and Leon van Hove
- Proposing quarks. The Physical Review and Physics Letters
- Naming quarks
- A paper on current quarks
- Inspired by a recipe
- Representations
- Pugwash meeting in India
- Meeting Millionshchikov
- Millionshchikov's message to me
- A meeting in Moscow
- Talks about banning anti-ballistic missile systems
- Pole dominance
- Piecing together the particle physics puzzle
- The Han-Nambu picture
- A difference of opinions
- Lecturing in Cambridge, England
- Bjorken's idea
- Feynman's partons
- Quarks as asymptotic states. Missed opportunities
- A year at CERN. Parastatistics and color
- Parastatistics and color: using the correct data
- Calculating pi-zero into two gamma. Giving a talk in Munich
- My 'business trip' honeymoon in 1992
- Reading from "Quarks, color and QCD"
- The ninth axial vector current and the corresponding pseudo-scalar boson
- Asymptotic freedom in field theory; Gross and Wilczek
- The color picture with confined color
- Giving a paper at SLAC. David Politzer
- The idea of QCD takes hold
- Feynman and QCD
- Strings and bootstraps. The Veneziano model
- People at CERN. Veneziano's theory, string theory, bootstrap theory
- Pierre Ramond, John Schwarz and André Neveu; superstring theory
- The importance of superstring theory. Dimensionality
- Getting the Nobel Prize
- Sight-seeing in Stockholm
- Electro weak and charm
- The fourth quark
- Salam and Ward
- Sheldon Glashow; enemy of superstring theory
- Crucial tests for string theory
- Superstring theory
- Testing superstring theory
- Calculating the probability of possible solutions for the universe
- Boundary conditions in the context of string theory
- Cosmology, astrophysics and particle physics
- Working on quantum mechanics, the work of Everett
- Decoherent histories, realms
- Do we need a fundamental generalization of quantum mechanics?
- Teaching quantum mechanics
- A revolution in physics?
- The experimental confirmation of quantum mechanics
- The lack of academic diversity at Caltech
- Founding the Santa Fe Institute
- A broad range of topics covered by the Santa Fe Institute
- Research and study at Santa Fe. The founding workshops
- The structure at Santa Fe
- Early days at Santa Fe
- Finding accommodation for the Institute
- Achievements of the Institute
- The future of the Institute. Models
- Complex adaptive systems
- Analytic work at Santa Fe. Integrative workshop
- Gell-Mann's research: 1997
- Simplicity and complexity. Complex adaptive systems
- Competition among different schemata
- Information overload. A crude look at the whole
- Integration of data
- Conservation. The MacArthur Foundation
- The World Resources Institute. Policy studies, climate change
- The World Environment and Resources Committee
- Other work with the MacArthur Foundation
- Serving on presidential advisory Committees
- The work of PCAST and PSAC
- The voice of scientists in the public arena
- The scientist as a go-between
- The decision to write "The Quark and the Jaguar"
- Writing "The Quark and the Jaguar"
- What "The Quark and the Jaguar" is about
- A follow up book; regularity versus randomness
- The future of science
- 'Physicists are remarkably flexible people'
- Major issues in science
- Scientists I've known
- Students
- Living and teaching in New Mexico
- So many interests, so little time
Norman Greenwood
- The only Australian in the family
- The superb University High School
- The unique assessment system at University High School
- How I got to working with nitroglycerine
- The old degree structure at Melbourne University
- The Laboratory of Lubricants and Bearings
- Being valued as a lab technician
- 'Don't be a bloody fool, put in for Honours!'
- Cradling nitroglycerine
- A world class chemistry department
- Physical chemistry: thermodynamics
- Inorganic chemistry classes
- The Oxford lecturer who blew his fingers off
- Gustav Adolph Ampt: 'Near enough is not good enough'
- Working hard as a part-time student
- 'The Doc'
- 'The girls thrashed us'
- Passing with 'flaming' colours
- Benefits of coming top of the class
- JS Anderson
- Playing tennis for fun
- Bushwalking and skiing
- Religious colleges at Melbourne University
- My squash partners
- Spotting the lyrebird
- The Young Australia League
- The deferential headmaster
- Republican changes in Australian values
- Hitchhiking out of Melbourne
- Coming across Gundagai
- Hitchhiking: the beauty of Sydney
- Lamington Park and the Antarctic forest
- Taking the liner to England
- Passing through the Suez Canal
- Visiting the Buddhist temple in Kelaniya Vihara
- Passing through Aden
- Reaching England
- Harry Emeléus
- Arriving in Cambridge
- Meeting my paternal relations
- The Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 scholarship
- Rules and regulations of university life in Cambridge
- Cambridge's famous first female graduate
- How I horrified a Cambridge head porter
- What should I do in the lab?
- Background to Harry Emeléus's work with halogens
- Testing the properties of iodine monochloride
- Before pride comes a fall
- Making boron trifluoride
- Attending the lectures of the Cambridge notables: Harry Emeléus
- Sir John Lennard-Jones at Cambridge
- Theoretical chemistry with Lennard-Jones
- Attending the lectures of the Cambridge notables: Bertrand Russell
- The quality of Cambridge University
- Another notable: Wolfgang Pauli
- WL Bragg's 'culture for the scientists'
- Plans to holiday in Scandinavia
- Making friends en route to Newcastle
- A party on Fløyen mountain
- Beautiful Norway
- Meeting Endre Berner and Odd Hassel
- My VIP Stockholm tourist guide
- My Scandinavian holiday ends
- Why I went to post-war Germany as a student
- Experiencing the devastation of Darmstadt
- Life as a foreign student in post-war Germany
- Hitchhiking in post-war Germany
- Youth hostelling in the Lake District
- Background to my first work with boron trifluoride coordination compounds
- Ray Martin and I get our PhDs in record time
- The surprising results of our boron trifluoride experiments
- Addressing the points raised by my PhD research
- Paul Dirac's inspiring lectures
- Skiing in Norway for Easter vacation
- The trip of a lifetime
- Final year and post-doc in Cambridge
- A great expedition to Lapland
- 'You don't know about Norway's mosquitoes!'
- Preparations for the Lapland expedition
- The end of civilisation
- How the Nazis destroyed northern Norway
- Being saved by two Lapp women
- Experiences in Jotunheimen
- Summing up the Cambridge experience
- The possibilities after Cambridge
- GLEEP: The beginning of the British nuclear programme
- Obtaining a Harwell research fellowship
- Inefficient deuterium research at Harwell
- Applying for a lectureship at Nottingham after getting married
- The increasing number of British universities
- Why did I move from Australia to England?
- Water-like solvent work at Nottingham: Cliff Addison
- All science aids the future
- Cliff Addison's work on dinitrogen tetroxide AKA rocket fuel
- Our chemistry work helps the Apollo mission
- Deciding to work with gallium, indium and thallium
- Gallium's importance in the formation of the periodic table
- Dmitri Mendeleev's first class prediction
- The wonder of atoms
- Work with Ken Wade as my first PhD student
- My graduate students: Peter Perkins and Ian Worrell
- Expansion of the Department of Chemistry at Nottingham University
- My role in IUPAC
- Establishing atomic weights
- Forming a team at IUPAC
- How isotopes affect atomic weight
- Geochemistry determining atomic weight
- How radioactivity affects atomic weight
- The Oklo Phenomenon
- The Oklo sake vase made for me
- The Atomic Weights Commission publicises atomic weight changes
- Atomic weight: mass or weight?
- What is an atomic weight?
- Two decades of work with IUPAC
- IUPAC conferences in marvellous places
- Returning to Australia after 18 years as a visiting professor
- Seeing my family again in Perth after 18 years
- The 1969 moon landing cancels my lecture
- The last of my work in hydrides at Nottingham
- The expansion of sciences at Newcastle University
- I held the first Chair of Inorganic Chemistry in the UK
- Negotiations for the Chair of Inorganic Chemistry at Newcastle University
- Planning help at Newcastle University
- Thinking about the purpose of a university education
- How to teach an ever-updating chemistry field
- Developing my students' education
- Tricks to engage students with learning
- University must not produce matriculated sponges!
- Creating Chemistry Centres for school teachers
- The Royal Institute's 'travelling circus'
- "Education in Chemistry" journal
- Patterns of the invisible
- The astounding rate of advance in chemistry
- Doing research as well as teaching students
- Where did my chemistry research funding come from?
- Dr Tadyon’s generous donation
- One of the first NMR spectrometers
- Our creative group
- Working on iodine pentafluoride
- A superb chief technician: Jim Smith
- Work on inert gases
- Introduction to my hydride work
- Aluminium hydride
- Boron hydride
- Bob Parry's similar boron work
- No publication restrictions on research at Newcastle
- Other people's interest in hydrides
- Harry Emeléus was the first to make decaborane
- Motivation for working on gallium hydride
- Making gallium hydride
- The Gordon Research Conferences
- First finding out about Mössbauer spectroscopy
- Explaining Mössbauer spectroscopy
- The Doppler effect in Mössbauer spectroscopy
- The use of Mössbauer spectroscopy in chemistry
- New research opportunities with Mössbauer spectroscopy
- The help I received within Mössbauer spectroscopy
- Those who helped with Mössbauer spectroscopy
- Writing the definitive book on "Mössbauer Spectroscopy"
- Studying tin using Mössbauer spectroscopy
- Realising other uses for Mössbauer spectroscopy
- 'If you want to learn a subject, write a book on it'
- Being a family man
- Bringing up a family in Northumberland
- Why I left Newcastle for Leeds
- Staying in student halls for the first year at Leeds
- Three eminent chemists at Leeds University
- X-ray diffraction group at Leeds University
- Being the 'new boy' at Leeds University
- My new group's work at Leeds University
- Founding an MSc course in spectroscopic properties
- Sorting out the tripartite heads of chemistry
- Unifying chemistry departments at Leeds University
- Settling in to Leeds University
- Precursors to further work at Leeds
- Tougher work on ruthenium
- Mössbauer spectroscopy on tin, antimony and tellurium
- Mössbauer spectroscopy on europium and summary
- Exciting work on the lunar rocks
- The diverse group working on Mössbauer spectroscopy
- Deciding to give up my work in Mössbauer spectroscopy
- Boron hydride problems: how to measure reactions?
- Our experiments to measure the different boron hydrides
- Opening up the metalloborane compound field
- Working with stable metalloboranes
- Creating conjuncto-boranes
- Other responsibilities of being Head of Department
- Open days
- The first open day at Leeds University
- Deciding who discovered each element
- Creating the rules about discovery of elements
- The nature of discovery: a supernova
- How the IMEBORON conferences began
- Unification of the UK chemistry societies
- The Royal Society of Chemistry
- The Royal Society of Chemistry qualifications
- Being an examiner for the Royal Institute of Chemistry
- 'Norm's famous Question 9'
- How do chemists keep up with the scientific literature?
- Genesis of the "Specialist Reports"
- Setting up "Spectroscopic Properties"
- Compiling an index of earlier vibrational spectra of compounds
- Lecturing in America
- Land grant universities
- I taught the senior students
- A dissatisfied student
- The astonishing variety of birds in America
- Experiencing my first tornado
- Visiting NASA Mission Control Center, Houston
- Advanced technology at NASA
- The actual role of the Houston Space Center
- Official invitation to watch Apollo 15 launch
- Visiting India on a sponsored tour
- Souvenir from the Taj Mahal
- Being a tourist in India
- Visiting the science institutes in Bombay
- A sponsored tour to China
- Language difficulties when lecturing in China
- Experiencing the after effects of The Great Leap Forward
- An adventure down the Yangtze river
- Visiting Guilin and Shanghai
- The feeling of being followed in China
- Visiting the Great Wall of China
- The one-industry cities in China
- Multiple visits to Japan
- Lecture trips to Japan
- Sight-seeing in Japan
- The Japanese as people
- The pleasant shock of Hiroshima
- 'Monstrous' Tokyo
- 'Much to be admired and learned from Japan'
- Japanese universities
- Giving demonstration lectures in Japan
- Chemistry in Japanese is ‘magical change’
- 'One must never show one’s tongue in Japan'
- Teaching technical English to the Japanese students
- The Japanese students' grasp of English
- Experiencing a Japanese wedding
- Courtesy and formality in Japan
- The two qualifications of a Japanese professor
- "Chemistry of the Elements"
- Building up my information for "Chemistry of the Elements"
- My unique chapter in "Chemistry of the Elements"
- Atomic weights issues in "Chemistry of the Elements"
- My writing style for "Chemistry of the Elements"
- Running out of time to write the textbook
- Why collaborate with Alan Earnshaw?
- Exceptional secretaries
- My invaluable secretary at Leeds University
- An inquorate Senate meeting
- Jean Thomas's insightfulness
- Sheona Ferguson, university administrator
- 253
- 254
- 255
- 256
Richard Gregory
- Why I tell jokes
- Early memories and my father
- My mother and school
- My grandparents and visiting their old house
- King Alfred School
- Creativity and the influence your parents have on you
- Joining the RAF and investigating mediums in Blackpool
- Why I was interested in mediums and my investigations in Blackpool
- My time in Canada with the RAF
- Cambridge and meeting Bertrand Russell
- Memory
- My early work at the Applied Psychology Unit in Cambridge
- I helped redesign submarine escapes
- Torpedo practice and brass portholes in the wardroom
- Working on neural noise at the Applied Psychology Unit
- Why I got into psychology
- Trying to set up a brain unit and moving to Edinburgh
- Work at the Brain and Perception lab in Bristol
- The case of Sidney Bradford
- The Exploratory
- The philosophy behind The Exploratory
- My book "Eye and Brain"
- Other publications: "The Intelligent Eye" and "Mind in Science"
- The hearing aid (Part 1)
- The hearing aid (Part 2)
- How I run my lab and Susan Blackmore
- Work on visual phenomena
- Classifying illusions and representing the three-dimensional in art
- A book and an exhibition: "Illusion in Nature and Art"
- The use of optical devices in art
- IQ and my perfect school
- Mirrors and in-and-out reversal
- "The Oxford Companion to the Mind"
- Communication and books
- Science, perception and William Ockham
- Thomas Bayes and Bayesian probabilities
- Why science is important
- Sir Frederick Bartlett, memory and perception
- Ernst Gombrich
- Frank Oppenheimer and the Exploratorium
- The World War II bomb site exhibition
- Gadgets and understanding the brain
- John Zachary Young
- George Porter
- The psychology of science
- Teaching and machines
- Informal teaching
- What we should learn at school and artificial intelligence
- Work on flat fish camouflage with Vilayanur S Ramachandran
- Parrot pupils and mirror cells
- My interest in the evolution of vision
- Classifying and explaining relationship
- Bottom up and top down
- Sidney Bradford and Mike May
- "Perception"
- An essay on Sherlock Holmes
- The future: technology and the mind
Donald Hall
- Family background
- Childhood and tensions between the two sides of the family
- My grandfather and life on the farm in New Hampshire
- Farming History in New Hampshire
- Old Home Day
- The spoken word when I was growing up
- Mother's illness
- Childhood influences and my first poem
- Deciding to become a poet
- Early love of poetry
- High school, ambition and rewriting
- My father's experience of prep school
- Philips Exeter Academy
- Exeter, poems and publication
- A rather unimpressive second term at Exeter
- A sarcastic teacher
- Suffering from migraines and my last year at Exeter
- Harvard University
- "The Harvard Advocate" and meeting Robert Bly
- Life at Harvard
- Planning what to do next; applying for the Henry Fellowship
- Going to Christ Church College, Oxford
- Meeting TS Eliot
- Arriving at Christ Church College, Oxford
- Enjoying Oxford
- The Newdigate prize
- The poetic scene at Oxford
- My second year at Oxford
- Starting to publish and a fellowship at Stanford
- The Society of Fellows at Harvard
- Publication of my first book and my father's death
- The critical response to my first book
- Editing "New Poets of England and America"
- Poetry Editor at "The Paris Review"
- Getting a teaching job at the University of Michigan
- My love of teaching
- Working habits, writing for a living, and changes in style
- International modernism and changes in writing style
- Letting the mysterious come through in poetry
- Changes in style, new collections and poetry readings
- Going to England for a year
- Getting the money together to go to England: meeting Henry Moore
- "String Too Short to Be Saved" and interviewing TS Eliot
- Interviewing Ezra Pound
- Ezra Pound: lonely and misunderstood
- Working for the BBC and Wednesday drinks in London
- Publishing "String Too Short to be Saved"
- Publishing 'that' book
- A job offer from "The New Yorker" and a profile of Henry Moore
- Writing a play based on the life of Robert Frost
- The end of my first marriage and psychoanalysis
- Peaking too soon and changes in university life
- Getting to know Jane Kenyon
- Falling in love and getting married to Jane Kenyon
- Major league baseball and writing "Fathers Playing Catch with Sons"
- Riding in a hot air balloon
- Returning to poetry
- Jane fell in love with New Hampshire
- Moving to New Hampshire after a year off work
- Nicknames
- First winter in New Hampshire and writing a book about Dock Ellis
- Routine in New Hampshire
- Jane Kenyon's depression
- Jane Kenyon's poetry and doing readings with her
- Life and work in New Hampshire and a second marriage ceremony
- The life of a freelancer
- Helping out with each other's poetry
- "The Happy Man" and developing adult onset diabetes
- "The One Day"
- Discussing mine and Jane's various poems
- First grandchildren and discovering I had cancer
- Dealing with cancer
- 1993 - A busy year
- The onset of Jane Kenyon's leukemia
- Jane Kenyon's leukemia: chemotherapy and the Philadelphia chromosome
- Jane Kenyon's leukemia: searching for a bone marrow donor
- The influence of leukemia on my writing
- Jane Kenyon's bone marrow transplant
- After the transplant: aftercare and a psychotic episode
- Going home and the return of the leukemia
- Working on "Otherwise: New and Selected Poems" with Jane Kenyon
- Planning for Jane Kenyon's death
- Visitors and the cover of "Otherwise"
- Jane Kenyon's last days and death
- Jane Kenyon's funeral
- Letters of condolence and memorials
- Working on "Without"
- The benefits of a change in the pronoun
- Reactions to "Without"
- Back to metrical poetry
- Coping with life after Jane Kenyon's death
- Working habits and growing old
- Poetry readings: "White Apples"
- Poetry readings: "Mount Kearsarge"
- Introduction to "The Man in the Dead Machine"
- Poetry readings: "The Man in the Dead Machine"
- Poetry readings: "My Son, My Executioner"
- Introduction to "Christmas Eve in Whitneyville"
- Poetry readings: "Christmas Eve in Whitneyville"
- Introduction to "The Day I Was Older"
- Poetry readings: "The Day I Was Older" - "The Clock" and "The News"
- Poetry readings: "The Day I Was Older" - "The Pond", "The Day" and "The Cup"
- Poetry readings: "Kicking the Leaves"
- Poetry readings: "Names of Horses"
- Poetry readings: "Gold"
- Poetry readings: "Summer Kitchen"
- Poetry readings: "Affirmation"
- Poetry readings: "Her Garden"
- Poetry readings: "Distressed Haiku"
- Poetry readings: "Ox-Cart Man"
- Poetry readings: "Without"
Peter Hall
- 'Surrounded by adults, adults, adults'
- Lucky to be 'lumped' near Cambridge
- 'What do you want to be?'
- I want to be a director!
- "Great Expectations" kept me out of the washing up
- Extraordinary times at Cambridge
- The secret of the Cambridge University drama department is...
- How "Waiting For Godot" changed my life
- Trying to create a company
- 'You're absolutely mad, but I'll back you'
- The great adventure of the Royal Shakespeare Company
- My ideal theatre company
- 'I still don't know why an actor accepts a part'
- Opera vs Cinema
- Leaving the Royal Shakespeare Company
- Nobody wanted the National Theatre
- Opening the National Theatre
- Glyndebourne
- 'A bit like having two ladies in your life'
- My experience with 'The Ring'
- The role of a theatre director
- Blocking the last scene of "Cymbeline"
- Directing a play more than once
- Being a divided Wagnerian
- 15 years hard labour at the National Theatre
- The author as part of the directing process
- My expectation of actors before rehearsals
- Pauses are as important as the lines
- Remaining true to the classics
- After the run has finished
- Final polishing of a play
- What do you do with a casting mistake?
- My obsession with theatre
- My memorable work
- My favourite work
- Working in film and TV
- Musicals: 'nice escapist bilge'
- State support for culture
- Lord Chamberlain tries to censor my work
- 'Theatre has always been dying'
Julia Hartwig
- Born at the meeting point of diagonals
- My brother Walenty, the 'father of endocrinology'
- A hostile reception in Paris
- My brother Edward, the photographer
- 'Jula the poet'
- Exposed to culture from an early age
- Learning French
- My first meeting with Czesław Miłosz
- Secret schooling in Warsaw
- Lublin, the cultural hub
- Cultural life in Warsaw during the occupation
- The hazardous streets of Warsaw
- Facing danger as a courier
- Escape from the Gestapo
- Literary activity after the war
- Refugees from Russia
- Łódź, the cultural capital of Poland
- The literary company in Łódź
- A new life beckons
- Crossing the Vistula under a hail of bullets
- How Edward survived Siberia
- Making the most of living in Paris
- A permanent seat in the Bibliothèque Nationale
- Adventures with Apollinaire
- Evenings in the cinema
- Working in the embassy in Paris
- Holidays in France
- I meet Ksawery Pruszyński
- As one door closes, another opens
- Making friends with Jerzy Turowicz
- New life in the new Polish reality
- Artur Międzyrzecki
- Censored correspondence
- Joining the PEN Club
- Friendship with Monika Żeromska
- Among other writers
- Hard times bring out the best in people
- Martial law
- Shooting at civilians
- Enforced social stagnation
- Waiting to leave Poland
- Settling in in America
- Life on Long Island
- Getting to know America
- The literary fruit of my time in America
- Happy days on Long Island
- What about going back to Poland?
- Coming back to martial law
- Does political freedom deter good writing?
- A year without my husband
- Preparing the anthology of American poets
- A constant fiesta in Paris
- The literary underground
- Literary café culture
- Afternoon tea at the Słonimskis
- Herbert's attack on Słonimski
- Herbert and Miłosz
- No one had an unblemished past
- Political divisions among writers
- Keeping Słonimski company
- After martial law
- Our admiration of Iwaszkiewicz
- Friends in the opposition
- International connections
- My prose poetry
- Poetry Readings: "Victoria"
- Poetry Readings: "A Procession"
- Poetry Readings: "On the Road"
- Poetry Readings: "Classmates"
- Poetry Readings: "Yet we desire it above all"
- Poetry Readings: "For you Europe"
- Poetry Readings: "The Gift of Mediation"
- Poetry Readings: "Mavericks heretics spoilers"
- Poetry Readings: "Seated woman"
- Poetry Readings: "Philemon and Baucis"
- Poetry Readings: "It is also this"
- Poetry Readings: "He doesn't know"
- Poetry Readings: "Sharks"
- Poetry Readings: "Ghosts"
- Poetry Readings: "Maurice"
- Poetry Readings: "Under This Island"
- Konstanty Jeleński
- Kot's gift of friendship
- Kot's friends
- My work with Artur Międzyrzecki
- Writing children's literature
- Inspiring diaries
- The Church comes to our aid
- Winning awards
- The resurrection of Polish society
- Artur's influence on the PEN Club
- Translating Hungarian poetry
- Getting along with Italians
- Entertaining notable guests
- Painting is my passion
- Favourite American painters
- My love for music
- Lutosławski
- Brodski
- 'A moment can be enjoyed, too'
Leonard Hayflick
- Childhood in Pennsylvania
- My first chemistry kit
- A laboratory in our basement
- My fascination with chemical glassware
- Experimenting with metallic sodium
- Outsmarting the teacher
- Fascination with science
- Applying for scholarships
- My fellow students
- The GI Bill funds my university education
- Life in the army
- First encounter with microbiology
- Early days at Merck
- Going back to university
- Joining the microbiology graduate team at the University of Pennsylvania
- A laboratory in need of modernization
- Our $75 laboratory
- Learning about cell culture
- The transition from cells to bacteria
- The Wistar Institute
- The history of the Wistar Institute
- The Wistar rat colony
- No stranger to the Wistar Institute
- A difficult graduate year
- The whale skeleton outside my lab
- Isolating mycoplasma free in nature
- The work of Edmund Farris
- Opposition to artificial insemination
- My first contact with virology
- Moving to the University of Texas, Galveston
- Professor Charles M Pomerat
- Working with adenoviruses
- A seredipitous discovery
- Why Galveston tap water was special
- Charles Pomerat's polkadot shorts
- Financial security came with the Fellowship at Galveston
- Hilary Koprowski appointed Director of the Wistar Institute
- Hilary Koprowski
- On our way to Philadelphia
- Reconstructing the Wistar Institute
- The world's first live virus vaccine
- Jonas Salk
- Creating sterile rooms
- 'The golden era of virology'
- The early days of cytogenetics
- Working with cancer-causing viruses
- Studies of normal human tissue
- The immortality of cancer cells
- Can cells live forever?
- How to isolate your own cells
- Cell division
- Cryobiology
- Studying the transformation of normal cells into cancerous cells
- HeLa cells
- The WISH cell line
- Testing cell cultures for contamination with mycoplasmas
- Setting cell cultures using human embryonic tissue
- Properties of human tumor tissue
- Testing cell cultures for sensitivity to human viruses
- Discovering a new rhinovirus
- Robert Chanock and the Eaton agent
- Walking pneumonia
- How to grow the Eaton agent
- A mystery organism
- Experimenting with different tissue culture media
- Working with an unknown mycoplasma
- Choosing to focus on cell cultures
- Identifying the etiological agent of human primary atypical pneumonia
- An unexpected co-author
- Scientists seek recognition and reward
- What motivates scientists
- Receiving no credit for identifying "Mycoplasma pneumoniae"
- Naming "Mycoplasma pneumoniae"
- How "Mycoplasma pneumoniae" came to be attributed to the wrong research team
- Identifying "Mycoplasma orale"
- Maurice Hilleman
- Meeting Monroe Eaton
- Citation from the International Organization of Mycoplasmology
- A very active laboratory
- The walk-in incubator
- Why a cell culture would fail
- Subcultivation of fibroblast cells
- A surprising observation: older cell cultures stop growing
- Determining cell karyology
- What's causing the cessation of mitotic activity in cells?
- Differences in cell division between male and female cells
- The results of the 'dirty old man' experiment
- Alexis Carrel's claim that cells are immortal
- A bizarre way of protecting cell cultures from contamination
- Alexis Carrel's quest for media attention
- How cell culture came to be seen as 'black magic'
- Examining Alexis Carrel's immortal chick cell populations
- How Alexis Carrel obtained his anomalous results
- Jan Witkowski questions Alexis Carrel's experiment
- Flaws in Alexis Carrel's method of producing 'immortal' cells
- Cell replication is due to an internal cellular phenomenon
- Do cells in culture lack an essential constituent?
- The power of numbers
- The cells have a memory!
- 'When I go down in flames, I'm going to have a very important company'
- Theodore Puck
- Theodore Puck confirms my observations
- Demonstrating that our cultured cells were normal
- Fulfilling Koch's postulates
- Ageing as an interpretation for the non-proliferation of cells in culture
- Our paper in the "Journal of Experimental Medicine"
- "The Journal of Experimental Medicine" rejects our paper
- Francis Peyton Rous' review of our paper
- Our article is published in "Experimental Cell Research"
- Dangers surrounding the use of cultured monkey kidney cells
- The discovery of the SV40 virus
- Discovering that SV40 causes tumors
- The continuing debate about the cancer-causing properties of SV40
- Opposition to my observations on monkey kidney cell cultures
- The debate on the use of passaged cells for vaccine production
- Vaccine production uses my cell cultures
- The WI-26 and WI-38 cell lines
- Problems with patenting WI-38
- Lack of renumeration from Merck for use of WI-38
- Helping people, not profitting
- Frank Perkins
- Human adult cell replication lower than fetal cell replication
- Nathan Shock
- Replacing WI-25 with WI-26
- Searching for healthy female fetal tissue
- Laying down the first standards for vaccine production
- The global distribution of WI-38
- The Hayflick limit
- Drago Ikić promotes the use of human cell culture
- Worldwide production of vaccines using the WI-38 cell strain
- Establishing criteria for the karyology of our cell cultures
- You are a biogerontologist whether you like it or not!
- Failure of vaccine manufacturers to grow cell cultures
- Physical chemistry frustrates my concept for medium formulation
- Eagle's medium
- David Kritchevsky and the ball mill
- Developing the powdered media industry
- Why powdered medium couldn't be patented
- Cell immortalization
- My work was not supported by either a grant or a contract
- The military and the production of an adenovirus vaccine
- The Marburg virus stalls polio vaccine production
- Advocating the use of WI-38 in polio vaccine production
- Making the first polio vaccine using WI-38
- Formalizing the production, storage and distribution of my cell culture medium
- My involvement in worldwide vaccine production
- Is science all about helping people?
- A fish in a tank of sharks
- Moving from the Wistar Institute to Stanford University
- Moving supplies of WI-38 to Stanford University
- Settling into Stanford
- My contribution to biogerontology
- The Baltimore Longitudinal Study on Aging
- Studying the biology of aging
- Trying to understand the fundamental biology of aging
- It is illegal to die of natural causes or of old age
- Why patients with Alzheimer's disease live longer
- Motives for telescoping conditions into Alzheimer's disease
- Rita Hayworth's daughter and the Alzheimer's Association
- 'Our knowledge about causes of death in old age is a black box'
- Death certificates with 50% error rate
- Alzheimer's disease is not a major cause of death
- Searching for the location of the 'replicometer'
- Woodring Wright's experiment with the cell nucleus
- The DNA end replication problem
- Closely observed train tracks lead to inspiration
- The work of Elizabeth Blackburn and Carol Greider
- Key areas of my research and other relevant discoveries
- Why are cancer cells immortal?
- Providing researchers with WI-38 cell cultures
- Pioneering the Material Transfer Agreement
- The issue of disposition of funds received for WI-38 cell culture
- Who owns WI-38 and similar cell strains?
- Shafted by a bean-counter
- Branded a thief and denied a defense
- Having WI-38 confiscated by the government
- Bringing a lawsuit against the federal government
- Fighting legal battles on three fronts
- 'Shape up the disqualification procedures to deny Hayflick his grant'
- The Chakrabarty decision and the patenting of life forms
- Establishment of the biotechnology industry
- The impact of the Bayh-Dole Act
- Science was not meant to be a money-making enterprise
- Following my principles: the personal cost
- 'Sufficiently wealthy to buy London'
- The writing of "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks"
- A feature article for "Nature" and a forthcoming biography
- The work of Elizabeth Blackburn and Carol Greider
Antony Hewish
- A wonderful early life
- A career-changing encounter
- How the war helped to focus my mind
- Getting my foot into research
- Advancing the field of radio astronomy
- Calculating the velocity of ionospheric wind
- Building antennas
- Tracking the solar atmosphere
- Scintillataion, quasars and pulsars
- Being the first to measure solar wind
- Picking up pulsars for the first time
- Who's sending us signals from space?
- Discovering the first millisecond pulsars
- Mapping space weather
- Teaching and notoriety
- Working with computers
- Working on Martin Ryle's telescope
- How radio astronomy has changed
- Winning the Nobel Prize
- Being treated like royalty
- Consequences of being a Nobel Prize laureate
- Benefits of winning the Nobel Prize
- The pleasure of teaching
- A lecture course in physics
- The naming of pulsars
- Criticism from America
- The beginnings of radio astronomy
- Influential figures from the early days
- Astronomy in the early 50s
- Moving to the Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory at Lord's Bridge
- Developing the department of radio astronomy
- Martin Ryle's ill health and new directions for the group
- New directions in the group
- Pulsars and the Square Kilometre Array
- Physics versus astronomy
- The importance of pulsars
Howard Hiatt
- Talking to Web of Stories
- Family peregrination ends in the USA
- Why I became a doctor
- Accepted by Harvard to major in English
- My early medical career
- My wife: the most important person in my life
- Discovering the beauties of science
- Sidewalk seminars
- Crash course in oncology
- Researching ribose metabolism
- How I cost Stanford University $150
- An American in Paris
- A year at the Pasteur Institute in Paris
- Return to Boston
- Getting the Chair of Medicine at Beth Israel Medical Center
- Building the Department of Medicine at Beth Israel
- Battling on behalf of Beth Israel Medical Center
- Selecting Bill Silen as Professor of Surgery
- 'What do you think of the National Health Service?'
- Developing health programs in the community
- Benefits of interdepartmental relationships
- Becoming dean of the Harvard School of Public Health
- Proposing improvements in the running of Harvard Medical School
- Developing a good bedside manner
- Starting work at the Harvard School of Public Health
- My politicized children
- Working with Fred Mosteller
- Difficulties recruiting public health instructors
- Benefits of recruiting outsiders
- Recruiting for other departments in the school
- John David
- Working with Herb Sherman
- The Center for the Analysis of Health Practises: Milton Weinstein
- Important extra-departmental activities
- Averting Armageddon
- Going back to medical school
- Influencing the future of public health
- Letter of thanks from Derek Bok
- Reasons for writing "Medical Lifeboat"
- Investigating medical malpractice in New York State
- The Quality Chasm report
- Setting up the Research Training and Clinical Effectiveness program
- The Clinical Effectiveness program
- Partners in Health: Paul Farmer and Jim Yong Kim
- Tackling multidrug-resistant TB in Peru
- Rallying support for the eradication of multidrug-resistant TB
- Health is more than just the absence of illness
- PACT: Prevention and Acces to Care Treatment
- The pied pipers of medical anthropology
- Tackling AIDS in Lesotho
- Residency program at Brigham draws in students
- Battling epidemics in Haiti and Russia
- Setting up community health programs in Rwanda
- The Global Health Residency Program
- Interest in the global health program grows
- Setting up programs with the help of benefactors
- Sitting on both human rights and medical organisations' boards
- The Gateway to Higher Education
- Initiatives for Children
- The role of chance in my career
- My marvellous family
- What does the future hold?
- My advice to undergraduate students at Harvard
W Daniel Hillis
- My progressive grandmother
- My father's little black bag
- Pooh bear helps me discover my self-awareness
- Living in rural Louisiana
- Mrs Catherine – a teacher of wonderful misinformation
- My special friend, Johnny
- The assassination of John F Kennedy changes America
- My painful first experience with politics
- Walking to school through the jungle
- Memories of Africa
- My little pygmy friend
- Africa – the most wonderful place I've ever lived in
- Leaving Congo with my pet chameleon and a piece of lava
- Flying out of Rwanda in a hail of bullets
- Waiting for news about my father
- Sultani, the giant mountain gorilla
- A sense of connection with the Congolese
- Facing segregation issue in Louisiana
- The black and white childhood picture from Congo
- My first lesson in unfair trade
- Life in Calcutta, India
- The servants came with the house
- Friendship with my driver, Pratap
- Living across the road from a Yugoslav spy
- An uncaring school principal
- A chemistry lab experiment goes wrong
- Building my first computer for the science fair
- Receiving a special award from Jyoti Basu
- My first romantic kiss
- Unscheduled visit to a game reserve
- Saved by an elephant
- Stuck on a rock slide
- My fondness for India
- My first memory of Africa
- How a diplomat's wife saved a chicken dinner
- Africa - a place of warm hugs and warm smells
- Feeling safe in Africa
- Indian festivals
- The Indian village that made idols
- An egg joke that backfired
- Reunited with my driver, Pratap
- 'Dependence' and Twist – American culture in Africa
- My trip to Papua New Guinea
- In search of Kanganaman, the lost village
- Landing 'mixmaster blong jesus' in Kanganaman
- A trial in the village
- Finding the village, the pots and the lost world
- Possessing things is not a natural state for humans
- 'Your job is just to be human'
- Chasing a plane in a caravan of rickshaws
- How much does it cost to settle an air strike?
- Culture shock on return to America
- Earning money as a paper boy
- Trying to build computers
- Detonating a bird bath
- Making a computer controlled mass spectrometer
- Work in a room full of poisons
- My little nerdy power trip
- 'Hoist on my own petard'
- Fighting the school administration and censorship
- A terrible chemistry teacher
- My refusal to make the Pledge of Allegiance
- Falling victim to a racial attack
- Standing up for my attacker in court
- How I became a hero in the black neighbourhood
- Arrested and wrongfully jailed
- I felt that school wasted my time
- The worst teacher I ever had
- Getting into arguments with the teacher
- Mrs Wilner, our remarkable librarian
- The book that influenced my application to MIT
- MIT – the perfect place for me
- How Jerry Lettvin talked me out of neurobiology
- Doubting the things I heard from adults
- 140 units of courses in one semester
- Making a surprising mathematical discovery
- Realising that I may be smarter than others
- There are many ways of being smart
- Programming an interface for autistic children
- How I met Marvin Minsky
- Living in Marvin Minsky's basement
- My first run-in with Steve Jobs
- In search of Steve Jobs's lost love
- My clashes with Steve Jobs
- The beginning of the Internet
- Marvin Minsky's intellectual generosity
- Marvin Minsky writes "Society of Mind"
- The great people surrounding Marvin Minsky
- Marvin Minsky's warmth and kindness
- Fun times with Marvin Minsky
- Why I started making parallel computers
- The evolution of artificial intelligence
- Not realising the importance of our inventions
- Why the Internet is designed with security flaws
- Hacking the elevator's controller
- The culture of inventing
- My close encounter with an elephant
- The benefits of owning a fire engine truck
- A ride with drunk Spanish Tall Ship officers
- A computer made out of Tinkertoys and escutcheon pins
- Calculators and computers are the future
- 'I think I want to do what he does': Alan Kay
- Getting to know people before they were famous
- Meeting Freeman Dyson
- Richard Feynman and Thinking Machines
- Richard Feynman – quartermaster for the stationery
- Neurobiology and fast computing
- How Thinking Machines started
- Proving Amdahl's Law wrong
- Thinking Machines – my second education
- Picking locks to get a calculator
- My regretful contribution to "Simon"
- Getting a fellowship from the Hertz Foundation
- 'In times of national emergency, real or imagined'
- Feeling rich as a student
- Being on the board of the Hertz Foundation
- How Edward Teller was set up
- People who influenced my generation of scientists
- The Manhattan Project and its influence on scientists
- Thinking Machines – a magnet for great people
- No future for Thinking Machines
- Difficult times post-Thinking Machines
- My reflections on Thinking Machines
- Getting funding from Bill Paley
- Paine Mansion – our headquarters
- Being a wedding crasher
- Richard Feynman – scholar and charming chauvinist
- Thinking Machines' biggest liability
- My interest in emergent phenomena
- Francis Crick and consciousness
- Marvin Minsky's Society of Minds
- Does cause and effect really exist?
- Why I don't believe in cause and effect
- My 'tour' of Imagineering at Disney
- Becoming a Disney Fellow
- 'Daddy, did God make that or did you make that?'
- My work at Disney
- 'What's your biggest new idea?'
- The working culture at Disney
- The giant robot dinosaur project
- What happened to the giant robot dinosaur?
- The wonderful vineyard in Napa
- The 10,000-year clock
- Seeing the future emerging from dreams
- My 'pinch-to-zoom' invention
- Special treatment at Disney
- The 'Siliwood' days: Silicon Valley and Hollywood
- Hollywood culture versus tech culture
- Leaving Disney and starting Applied Minds
- Not feeling appreciated at Disney
- Strategic Defense Initiative aka 'Star Wars'
- Falling in love with a spy
- Refusing a $6 million Russian bribe
- The Hillis Claim – my dinosaur
- Decision to adopt twins
- The birth of Asa and Noah
- Life with the twins
- 'Your children are on the roof'
- India, the third baby
- The worst day of my life turns out to be the best
- The challenges of having identical twins
- From a house of twins to a house of twins
- India and the twins
- India and martial arts
- The ultimate Amazon service story
- My children's passions
- 'I'm already hatched'
- Happy family life
- The 'mini-sodas' night-time story
- Rescued by the Navajo in the Canyon of Death
- The ultimate spoon trick gone wrong
- Flipping a coin helps me meet my future wife
- Al Gore, the 'Ozone Man'
- Radioactive skeleton in Marvin Minsky's closet
- A microprocessor in every doorknob
- The Clock of the Long Now
- Jeff Bezos funds the Clock Project
- A bell at a tenth of the cost of a normal bell
- People who supported the Clock Project
- The story of the Clock of the Long Now
- AI and why I built the Connection Machine
- The complexity of human intelligence
- Recreating evolution inside a computer
- Nature – the great engineer
- Morphogenesis as an adaptive process
- The two-dimensional landscape of evolution
- Evolving an intelligence with the use of computers
- Programming an intelligence for solving complex problems
- How to create an intelligence
- My interest in proteomics
- An idea that could revolutionise modern medicine
- Re-examining time in economics
- Artificial intelligence and human health
- Chalk dust – the answer to global warming
- How Surfatron could save the world from global warming
- The idea of the 'other' Internet
- Applied Invention and its three main principles
- Benefits of sharing the men's room with the CIA
- Working with the intelligence agencies
- What I was doing on 9/11
- Wars and disappointment in the government
- 'The government is a pretty lousy customer'
- My visit to Guantanamo Bay
- The map of knowledge and the map of ignorance
- The 'Cyc' project and why it was flawed
- Freebase – the first free semantic network
- Freebase pioneers semantic search
- 'Better search makes people smarter'
- Emergency breach manoeuvre in a nuclear submarine
- Saying 'left' instead of 'right' in a nuclear submarine
- Getting to steer a nuclear submarine
- Connection Machine and MapReduce paradigm
- Programming is not what it used to be
- Biology and technology become increasingly alike
- Age of Enlightenment versus Age of Entanglement
- The Entanglement needs a different paradigm
- My life list: Climbing the Great Pyramid
- My life list: Flying a helicopter
- My life list: Northern Lights
- My life list: Ise Shrine
- My life list: An amphicar
- My amphibious car versus the presidential helicopter
- Building BSSTO – Boosted Single Stage to Orbit
- The most fun rocket launch
- The first vertical rocket landing
- Why I worry about drone warfare
- My children – little builders
- The boys' immunity to pain
- My daughter – a perfectionist
- A successful second date with Taylor
- Applied Invention's not-so-standard interviewing techniques
- 'Quit my job at Microsoft, off to be a sculptor, thank you'
- A fire engine ride that could have turned bad
- My memories of Richard Feynman
- My life list: Rides and places I would like to visit
- My life list: Places I have visited
- My life list: Natural phenomena
- My life list: Plants and animals
- My life list: Writing and publishing
- My life list: Build and create
- My life list: Learning new skills
- My life list: Owning things
- My life list: Perils to survive
- Perils to survive: A car crash
- My life list: Things that would matter over the long run
- Openness versus privacy in modern society
- The truth is your friend
- How I see artificial intelligence now
- French Intelligence infiltrates us
Dorothy Hodgkin
- Developing an early interest in science
- Panning for gold in our back garden
- Family history and school
- A rather rackety childhood
- Preparing to get into Oxford
- The mosaic pavements of Jerash
- Thomas Hodgkin's family history
- How I met my husband, Thomas Hodgkin
- Coping with children and research
- Career advice from Sir Charles Harington
- More help from my cousin Sir Charles Harrington
- Pink teeth
- Crystallography at Oxford University
- Work on thallium with HM Powell
- Working with JD Bernal in Cambridge
- Photographing pepsin crystals
- The beginning of my rheumatoid arthritis
- Sharing a research student with JD Bernal
- Choosing not to work on defence against chemical warfare
- My first insulin crystals
- Working on cholesterol
- Determining the chemical structure of penicillin
- Work on penicillin
- Crystallising penicillin
- Photographing potassium, rubidium and sodium salts
- Mapping the molecular structure of penicillin
- Correlating the work on penicillin
- Computing solutions for the structure of penicillin
- My molecular model of penicillin
- Visiting America
- Meeting Lester Smith
- Working on vitamin B12
- Mapping the chemical structure of B12
- Calculating three-dimensional electron density maps
- Complex chemistry
- The phase problem
- Insulin and heavy atoms
- The Bijvoet effect
- The structure of insulin
- Synthesising insulin
- The upside-down molecular map of insulin
Anthony Howard
- Beginnings
- Two masters at school who had enormous influence on me
- My overriding ambition to be President of the Oxford Union
- Lucky rather than privileged
- Keeping up with old friends from Oxford
- Advantages of being a public school boy in the army
- Humiliation of the British defeat at Suez
- Turning down a job offer from Lord Beaverbrook
- Feeling homesick while on the Harkness Fellowship
- Owing a lot to Alastair Hetherington
- Being supported by John Freeman
- The importance of meeting politicians personally
- Being fascinated by politics for a long time
- Accepting that I would not become a politician
- It's an advantage not to be a writing editor
- Tiny Rowland, Lohnro and the decline of "The Observer"
- Tiny Rowland's control over "The Observer"
- Proprietors shape the ethos of a paper
- Journalists admire politicians who make a splash and cut a dash
- Clement Attlee: the greatest Prime Minister of 20th century
- A political commentator is like being a dramatic critic
- When I started out journalism was an anonymous trade
- Missing the pressure of deadlines
- Michael Heseltine's early business enterprises
- Michael Heseltine had hoped to be Prime Minister
- What went wrong for Michael Heseltine?
- Not getting on well with Margaret Thatcher
- Never meeting Margaret Thatcher while she was Prime Minister
- Robin Cook was not leadership material
- Predicting that Tony Blair would be Prime Minister
- Tony Blair - a Tory in disguise?
- Denis Healey: 'The cat that walks alone in politics'
- Enoch Powell 'had the air of the fanatic'
- At the end, Enoch Powell was a very unhappy fellow
- The state of Britain?
- Protégés
- You can't be an editor unless you've tried to be a writer
- Martin Amis was the golden boy from the start
- My appearance on "Desert Island Discs" was disappointing
- Avoid exaggerated pronouncements
- Old age and death
François Jacob
- My childhood and my studies
- Secondary school
- Professor Hovelacque – an outstanding character
- My grandfather's influence
- Discovering surgery
- My mother's death and the collapse of the regime
- The German threat and French morale
- Leaving for England
- The Free French forces
- General de Gaulle
- Africa and the practise of medicine
- My first operations
- The battle of Ksar Ghilane
- Meeting with a German soldier
- Algiers and the death of the two brothers
- The chaos of war
- The landing in France
- The injury that ended my career as a surgeon
- Return to Paris
- Reunited with my family
- 'Les compagnons de la libération'
- My work with penicillin
- A new direction – molecular biology
- Starting at Lwoff's laboratory
- André Lwoff
- Lwoff's laboratory
- Important scientific works
- Induction of the prophage
- Working with Elie Wollman and Jacques Monod
- Lysogeny
- Observing conjugation
- Explaining the mechanism of conjugation
- Lwoff's Attic
- The American links
- The Operon model
- The PA JA MO-PA JA MA experiment
- The repressor
- Working with Jacques Monod and Georges Cohen
- Mutations
- Messenger RNA
- How messenger RNA was welcomed
- Presenting the entire model
- A discovery worthy of the Nobel Prize
- The Operon model and genetics in France
- The Nobel Prize
- The molecular biology community
- Francis Crick
- Seymour Benzer
- Jean Weigle
- Leo Szilard
- Aaron Novick
- Jim Watson
- Salvador Luria
- Gunther Stent and working in pairs
- Isolating the repressor
- The replicon
- Bacteriophage
- The mouse facilities of the Pasteur Institute
- Jean Louis Guénet and Jacques Oudin
- Drosophilia and the mouse
- Teratocarcinoma cells
- Genetic engineering
- Homeotic genes and bricolage
- Genome sequencing
- Night science
- Identity, equality and stem cells
- My writing works
- Georges Canguilhem
- Getting into the Pasteur Institute
- The Pasteur Institute
- Personalies at the Pasteur Institute
- The technicians of the Pasteur Institute
- A new start for the Pasteur Institute
- Hubert Condamine and François Cuzin
- Science in France
- The current scientific movement
- The precaution principle, ethics and cloning
Eric Kandel
- Memories of a Viennese childhood
- My gifted brother Ludwig
- How Hitler annexed Austria
- Annexation to Germany ignites Austrian anti-Semitism
- Saved by my mother's prescience
- Kristallnacht – the turning point in my family's history
- Sailing to Hoboken
- Going to school in America
- Falling in love
- Transformed by my time at Erasmus Hall
- How I got into Harvard
- Blossoming intellectually at Erasmus Hall
- Gaining an education thanks to my parents' hard work
- Enjoying academe
- Meeting the Kris family
- How I came to study the brain
- Studying the direct cortical response
- My inspiring wife
- How Denise survived the war
- Working with Stanley Crain
- I decide to learn how memory works
- Working with Alden Spencer
- Thrilling discoveries about intracellular activity
- Discovering "Aplysia"
- I’m a Harvard snob!
- Goldfish brains
- I begin to work on "Aplysia"
- Using "Aplysia" to study the neuroscience of behavior
- Investigating the mechanisms of learning and memory
- Working with Ladislav Tauc
- An exceptionally rewarding year
- Driven to study "Aplysia" by a sense of adventure
- Being in the right place at the right time
- Setting up my own lab
- Mapping the ganglion
- Recording connections between cells
- Moving to New York
- Division for Neurobiology and Behavior
- Exploring the mechanism behind habituation and dishabituation sensitization
- A good syllabus is like a symphony
- "Cell" accepts my article for publication
- Discovering the machinery for turning on long-term memory
- Investigating the initiation and maintenance of long-term memory
- What is so special about prions?
- The characteristic features of prions
- Alden Spencer
- S Channel
- How a review inspired a textbook
- Coincidences that influenced my work
- Nurturing the ideas of post-doc students
- The joys of scientific research
- Becoming a senior investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- What makes the hippocampus so attractive
- Dissecting LTP and memory storage
- Understanding how LTP functions in relation to memory storage
- Investigating the stability of the place cell map as a function of attention
- CPEB and exploring age-related memory loss
- Brains, bones and age-related memory loss
- Investigating the biology of post-traumatic stress disorder
- How I learned I’d won the Nobel Prize
- How I learned to bow to the king of Sweden
- In the shadow of Isaac Bashevis Singer
- After-dinner Nobel banquet speech
- Waltzing with my wife
- Can Nobel laureates avoid intellectual death?
- Investigating the paradigm that nicotine boosts the effects of cocaine
- Art and science combined
- Dinner with the President of Austria
- Enjoying the public outreach aspect of science
- My privileged career
- Feeling intellectually invigorated
- It takes as much effort to work on a boring problem as an interesting one
- What if psychoanalysis were combined with neuroscience?
- Being surrounded by beauty
- My book on German Expressionist artists
- Enjoying life
- Contemplating life’s imponderables
- The love of a good woman
- My wife, Denise
- Teaching Denise to love opera
Jan Klein
- Born in Czechoslovakia
- Jan and Klein - my name has always caused confusion
- Critical events which change one's life
- Why I would always call Czechoslovakia my home
- Having to work hard on the family farm
- My earliest memories are associated with World War II
- Terror as part of a plane falls out of the sky
- Near misses during World War II
- War experiences made me a person who cannot tolerate violence
- Several times the story of my life might have ended
- Never knowing what happened to my father
- An early interest in botany and love for nature
- 'I'm among the people who cannot live without nature'
- Inspiration from my biology teacher
- Searching for new plants and making a rare discovery
- My decision to become a botanist
- Wanting both - to teach and to be a botanist
- Deciding to apply to Prague and the entrance exam
- Falling in love with Prague
- Election of the Communist party and the end of freedom
- Strong dislike of Communism
- The influence of Lysenko on Czech biology
- Saved from a teaching post on the Czechoslovakian border
- Competing for a place to study for a PhD
- Secretly evaluated by the Communist party
- Reading the communist dossier on myself
- Wanting to have my own project at the Academy
- Abandoning botany
- Blood group antigens
- Immunological tolerance and hybridising somatic cells
- Popularity of somatic cell genetics
- Working with Milan Hašek and Pavol Ivanyi
- Becoming excited in the H2 system
- Organising one of Mendel's anniversary symposia
- Deciding to return to Czechoslovakia during the Prague Spring
- Being offered a chance to defect after the invasion of Prague
- Whether to go back to Czechoslovakia after the Soviet invasion
- Deciding not to return to Czechoslovakia
- Taken for interrogation by the state police
- Sent by the secret police to meet my cousin
- Realising I could be blackmailed by the secret police
- The last time I applied for a job
- Having to decide quickly to leave Czechoslovakia
- Unable to keep my mouth shut
- An explanation of the H2 system
- Gorer's discovery of the four antigens in mice blood groups
- Origin of the name H2
- The Prague school of immunogenetics
- The H2 Club
- The world suddenly became interested in the H2 system
- Difficulty of explaining the H2 system
- Working on H2 with Hugh McDevitt
- The two-locus model of H2
- Publishing a controversial essay
- Presenting the H2 locus model in Asilomar
- Editor-in-chief of the new "Immunogenetics" journal
- The role of lymphocytes in H2
- Using cytotoxicity and immunofluorescence
- Why it took us so long to find these antibodies
- Competing with Shreffler's lab
- Everyone jumping on to the bandwagon
- IA became the new nomenclature
- Working in an increasingly competitive field
- Calling the two antigens class I and class II
- Class I and class II nomenclature eventually prevailed
- Adoption of the term major histocompatability complex
- Differing concepts of the H2 system
- Collaboration and friendship with Fritz Bach
- Dual recognition appeared as a bolt out of the blue
- How does the immune response function?
- Why I opposed the idea of antigen processing
- Deciding to learn immunology by writing a textbook
- New books were published on a Thursday in Czechoslovakia
- Period of confusion in immunology with many false claims
- Confusion interpreting the H2 system
- Where papers on H2 were published
- "Science" and "Nature" publish the most fashionable papers
- The negative influence of fashionable science on research
- Trapping mice in the wild in order to study polymorphism
- Breeding mice to study polymorphism
- Using mice to analyse variability in H2 antigens
- A new definition of polymorphism
- Having a mental block about polymorphism between species
- Comparing the alleles of the rat and the mouse
- Scepticism regarding trans-species polymorphism
- Changing the direction of my research toward evolutionary biology
- Evolutionary biology and the evolution of the immune system
- Evolution of the immune system in vertebrates
- Evolution of the MHC genes
- Challenging the generality of the adaptive immune system
- Researching the development of the adaptive immune system
- Challenging the Eve molecule hypothesis
- Media misrepresentation of the origin of the human species
- Challenging the origin of the Darwin finches
- Research into how speciation occurs in Lake Victoria
- The fish of Lake Victoria are still interbreeding
- The fish of Lake Victoria are still exchanging genes
- The implications of Lake Victoria on the process of speciation
- The lottery of life
- Lucky to be a scientist
- The importance of avoiding politics in science
- Reflections on George Snell - why he deserved the Nobel Prize
- The future of biology
- The future looks bleak
- We are doing the best to eliminate ourselves
- The ethics of science
Aaron Klug
- Father's work
- School with a locked library
- Reading and the book that got me into science
- Studying at the University of Witwatersrand
- An MSc and PhD at Cape Town University
- Reginald W James
- Meeting my wife and moving to Cambridge
- Finding work at Cambridge
- My work on steel helped with accelerating the growth of TMV
- Politics and working on haemoglobin
- Moving to Birkbeck College to work in JD Bernal's department
- Work at Birkbeck and meeting Rosalind Franklin
- Work with Rosalind Franklin
- An argument leads to a grant from the National Institutes of Health
- Starting work on spherical viruses
- Crick and Watson's work on viruses
- Rosalind Franklin and the discovery of DNA
- After Rosalind Franklin's death
- Buckminster Fuller inspires my work in the structure of spherical viruses
- Discovering the structural rules for spherical shell viruses
- Hugh Huxley – the best electron microscopist in the world
- Developing 3D electron microscopy
- Using 3D electron microscopy to understand viruses
- Image reconstruction in electron microscopy
- Electron microscopy: defocussing to see transparent objects
- The main ingredients in modern electron microscopy
- 3D imaging: X-ray tomography and Godfrey Hounsfield's patent
- 3D imaging: Allan Cormack
- Involvement with 3D image reconstruction
- TMV: attempting to crystallise the A protein
- TMV: the biological role of the two-layer disc
- Producing a phase diagram for the A protein
- TMV: turning the disc into a helix
- Finding the origin of the assembly of TMV
- TMV: the direction of assembly
- Work on the structure of tRNA
- Competition to solve the structure of tRNA
- Creating modern structural molecular biology
- 'It was the time for chromatin'
- The citation for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1982
- Choosing to work on chromatin
- The importance of histones to chromatin structure
- The solenoid model
- Crystallising the nucleosome
- Electron microscope work and crystallising the histone octamer
- The high-resolution structure of the nucleosome
- The solenoid structure and developing new technologies
- Continuing debate on chromatin
- Experiments with lead enzyme
- Work on hammerhead ribozymes with Bill Scott
- Work on Alzheimer's disease: Getting interested
- Work on Alzheimer's disease: Trying to extract brains
- Work on Alzheimer's disease: Studying the brain fibres
- Starting to work on Alzheimer's disease
- What causes Alzheimer's disease?
- Interest in active chromatin and work on "Xenopus"
- Work on TF3A with Jonathan Miller
- More work and papers on TF3A
- Our paper on zinc fingers and other papers on the subject
- Class II zinc fingers and the effect zinc deficiency has on puberty
- Solving the structure of a two-zinc finger construct
- Repertoire selection technology
- Phage display and solving the 'mystery' of the stereochemical code
- Refining the structure of zinc fingers
- Zinc finger binding
- Intervening in gene expression for the first time
- Trying to improve the zinc finger constructs
- Experimenting with zinc finger constructs
- Yen Choo's company: Gendaq
- Making zinc finger archives
- Work on zinc fingers and mitochondria
- Sangamo's work with zinc fingers
- Zinc finger work with different viruses
- Experiments with zinc fingers: 'The mouse ear model'
- Experimenting with zinc fingers on rabbits and patients
- Gene editing: Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease
- Gene conversion and gene targeting
- "Highly efficient endogenous human gene correction using zinc fingers"
- The use of zinc fingers in permanent gene therapy
- Therapeutic use of zinc fingers in serious diseases
- Teaching at Peterhouse College, Cambridge
- Winning the Nobel Prize
- Accepting honours and awards
- Setting up Cambridge Antibody Technology
- Lack of interest in therapeutic antibodies
- Private vs public funding
- Technology transfer: Ending the patent agreement with Celltech
- Technology transfer: Grants and awards
- Creation of the first confocal microscope
- Confocal microscope – a great step forward
- Avoiding the threat of privatisation
- John Sulston's work on "Caenorhabditis elegans"
- Will the Human Genome Project work?
- The first Human Genome Group
- Gene sequence patents
- Fellowship of The Royal Society
- Climate change and the greenhouse effect
- Two offers of presidency of The Royal Society
- Climate change and nuclear energy
- Climate change and the need for governments to take action
- G8 Summit – a slow process on tackling climate change
- 'Pusztai affair' and genetically modified crops
- 'Frankenfoods' and the battle on GM crops
- The appearance of BSE
- Science was blamed for BSE
- Educating the public about BSE
- Why BSE affected young people
- BSE and the prion hypothesis
- Social life at The Royal Society
- Internal politics at The Royal Society
- Stem cells and experimentation on human embryos
- What does a 14-day human embryo look like?
- Legalising the production of stem cells from embryos
- Can we beat Thomas Malthus?
- Talking about the future of molecular biology
- Influences and heroes
- The influence of my wife Liebe and my parents
- Other interests: Egyptology and literature
- Other interests: Old coins and history
- Other interests: Cinema, music and my "Desert Island Discs" project
Donald Knuth
- Family history
- Learning to read and school
- My mother
- My parents' finances
- Interests in high school
- Being a nerd of nerds at high school
- My sense of humor
- "The Potrzebie System of Weights and Measures"
- Feeling the need to prove myself
- Why I chose to go to Case Institute of Technology
- University life: my basketball management system
- University life: the fraternity system
- Meeting my wife Jill
- Bible study at university and a time of personal challenge
- Extra-curricular activities at Case
- Taking graduate classes at Case
- Physics, welding, astronomy and mathematics
- My maths teacher at Case and a difficult problem
- My interest in graphs and my first experience of a computer
- How I got interested in programming
- Learning how to program on the IBM 650
- Writing a tic-tac-toe program
- Learning about Symbolic Optimum Assembly programs
- The Internal Translator
- Adding more features to RUNCIBLE
- Wanting to be a teacher and why I chose to go to Caltech
- Writing a compiler for the Burroughs Corporation
- Working for the Burroughs Corporation
- Burroughs Corporation
- My interest in context-free languages
- Getting my PhD and the problem of symmetric block designs with lambda equals two
- Finding a solution to an open problem about projective planes
- Inception of "The Art of Computer Programming"
- 1967: a turbulent year
- Work on attribute grammars and the Knuth-Bendix Algorithm
- Being creative in the forest
- A new field: analysis of algorithms
- "The Art of Computer Programming": underestimating the size of the book
- The successful first release of "The Art of Computer Programming"
- Inspiration to write "Surreal Numbers"
- Writing "Surreal Numbers" in a hotel room in Oslo
- Finishing the "Surreal Numbers"
- The emergence of computer science as an academic subject
- I want to do computer science instead of arguing for it
- A year doing National Service in Princeton
- Moving to Stanford and wondering whether I'd made the right choice
- Designing the house in Stanford
- Volume Three of "The Art of Computer Programming"
- Working on Volume Four of "The Art of Computer Programming"
- Poor quality typesetting on the second edition of my book
- Deciding to make my own typesetting program
- Working on my typesetting program
- Mathematical formula for letter shapes
- Research into the history of typography
- Working on my letters and problems with the S
- Figuring out how to typeset and the problem with specifications
- Working on TeX
- Why the designer and the implementer of a program should be the same person
- Converting Volume Two to TeX
- Writing a users' manual for TeX
- Giving the Gibbs lecture on my typography work
- Developing Metafont and TeX
- Why I chose not to retain any rights to TeX and transcribed it to Pascal
- Tuning up my fonts and getting funding for TeX
- Problems with Volume Two
- Literate programming
- Re-writing TeX using the feedback I received
- The importance of stability for TeX
- LaTeX and ConTeXt
- A summary of the TeX project
- A year in Boston
- Writing a book about the Bible: "3:16"
- The most beautiful 3:16 in the world
- "Chess master playing" at Adobe Systems
- Giving a lecture series on science and religion at MIT
- Back to work at Stanford and taking early retirement
- Taking up swimming to help me cope with stress
- My graduate students and my 64th birthday
- My class on Concrete Mathematics
- Writing a book on my Concrete Mathematics class
- Updating Volumes One to Three of "The Art of Computer Programming"
- Getting started on Volume Four of "The Art of Computer Programming"
- Two final major research projects
- My love of writing and a lucky life
- Coping with cancer
- Honorary doctorates
- The importance of awards and the Kyoto Prize
- Pipe organ music is one of the great pleasures of life
- The pipe organ in my living room
- Playing the organs
- An international symposium on algorithms in the Soviet Union
- The Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm
- My advice to young people
- My children: John
- My children: Jenny
- Working on a series of books of my collected papers
- Why I chose analysis of algorithms as a subject
Jacek Kuroń
- Attitude towards Ukrainians in Lwów
- Mother and father: a misalliance
- My father moves to Lwów
- I wanted to be a revolutionary
- My father
- The funniest house of all time
- Your identity at birth is down to chance
- My first revolution
- Declaration of war
- My father takes a stand
- A fear of imprisonment
- My attitude towards Jews
- Consequences of my indiscretion
- Rescuing Zośka
- Living with Zośka
- Zośka's fatal attraction to cyanide
- Anti-Semitism in Poland before and after the war
- Why anti-Semitism flourished in Poland
- My desire to fight
- Freedom at the age of 10
- My first political choice
- After the war
- My father's political views
- A sense of community in Lwów
- The Jewish pogrom in '46
- My advance towards communism
- First steps in communism
- Pre-election battle
- The idealised world of communism
- Should I inform or not?
- Informing in school
- Hooligans in the opposition
- The story of Ela the 'pious' ZMP devotee
- The first trend of resistance
- The second trend of resistance
- How the people's government dealt with undesirable citizens
- How could I remain a communist?
- Why I wasn't accepted into the Party straight away
- The consequences of being opinionated in the Party
- Why they threw me out of the Party
- Studying at teacher training college
- Stalinism at the teacher training college
- Careerists
- Class enemy
- Three kinds of upbringing - Walterowcy
- Bringing up the Walterowcy
- First signs of a thaw
- Khrushchev's secret speech
- The events in Poznań, June '56
- Start of the changes in Poland - preparing for the elections
- A 'coup' in the university student's union
- October thaw. First rallies
- October thaw. The display cabinet
- Who was behind October '56?
- Two enemies: Comrade Gomułka and the right wing
- Five days in October
- The demise of the Polish October
- Why we failed
- Revival of the Polish Scout Movement
- Walterowcy - scouting as a medium
- How the authorities destroyed the scouts
- The end of the scouts
- I discover pluralism
- Debating societies at the university
- Plan for radical changes
- The start of anti-Semitic operations - Moczar's group
- The open letter
- Imprisonment aided our political activity
- How "Dziady" sparked off the March events
- "Dziady" and the fight for the national traditions
- The events of March '68
- March '68 - strikes and demonstrations
- The students' battle
- March '68 - trial
- March '68 - a sense of failure
- The biggest triumphs of March '68
- The events of December '70 seen from the perspective of prison
- Invasion of Czechoslovakia
- The strength of our organisation
- Prosperity under Gierek
- Abandoning Marxism
- True democracy
- Organising self-help
- The trial of the Ursus workers
- The first workers to be saved - letter to Berlinguer
- The beginnings of KOR
- Why KOR was formed
- Co-operation with Radio Free Europe
- The Radom trials
- No end to the work in KOR
- KOR's modus operandi
- Co-operation from abroad and within Poland
- The funeral of Stanisław Pyjas
- I land in prison again
- Unrest in the court in Radom
- How to handle the opposition
- Setting up of the Committee for Social Self-defence
- The funny story of the 'beautiful Ophelia'
- NOWa, an Independent Publishing House, is formed
- "Robotnik" for different groups of workers
- Worker's meeting in Pruszków
- Bogdan Borysewicz organises "Robotnik"
- Kazio Świtoń's trade unions
- What is a trade union?
- Session of hate
- Socialist Youth Union hit squads
- The defeat of the ZMS
- Setting up the worker's commission
- The role of "Robotnik" during the strikes
- False PAP agendas
- The decision to strike
- Where did the name "Solidarność" come from?
- How they took us from one police station to the next
- Legal sanctions
- Gajka's role in our release
- Independent trade unions
- The greatest diploma I've ever received
- The article in the "Biuletyn Informacyjny"
- Everyone took part in creating Solidarność
- Solidarność in session
- The case of Sienkiewicz from Jastrzębie
- Our lives were not improving
- Our concept of self-government
- The truth about the strikes in 1981
- Strike in the Party press printers
- The idea of appointing a national government
- The second round of the convention
- Imprisonment once again
- The most important years of my life
- My views on Yalta
- The dissolution of KOR
- An appeal to the countries of Eastern Europe
- A few words about Jan Józef Lipski
- Reaching for the stars
- The 'reform' of totalitarianism
- The formation of a mass movement
- The alignment of political powers in 1980 and in 1990
- Totalitarianism can no longer exist
- Democratisation is a process of continual advancement
- Democratisation as a mental attitude
- Social interest in the Round Table
- The approach towards the Round Table
- What road will we follow?
- The plan by Solidarność to save Poland
- My political evolution
- A short life story - getting closer to Christianity
- The only successful operation by the communists in history
- The massing of the elite
- What's an escape hatch?
- Who is Jacek Kuroń today?
Harold Lambert
- Birth and early life
- The importance of passing on family history
- Nurturing my fledgling interest in science
- My interest was science with a human application
- Early specialisation and dislike of history
- Influential teachers and going to Cambridge
- The benefits of studying medicine after Word War II
- The lucky coincidences that saw my career take off
- I was captivated by clinical medicine
- Limitations of scientific medicine
- Choosing medicine despite indignity visited on patients
- Remembering good and bad doctors
- Delivering bad news
- Being taught how to teach
- Talking to patients: Changes over time
- Drugs: then and now
- Tuberculosis: early treatments and cases of resistance
- Tuberculosis in Ugandan immigrants
- Conducting research in the army
- Research: the art of the possible
- Working at the Central Middlesex Hospital
- The life of a young doctor
- Women in medicine in the 1940s
- Teachers: remembering the bad lessons
- Richard Asher, a brilliant diagnostician
- Debating whether to work in paediatrics or in adult medicine
- Diagosing smallpox
- Eradicating smallpox
- Identifying and isolating patients with smallpox
- Interests in infection and transferable drug resistance
- Writing "Antibiotics and Chemotherapy"
- Decision theory in prescribing antibiotics
- The impact of sulfonamides
- Meningitis, the great killer
- The danger of whooping cough
- Vaccination controversies
- The advent of AIDS
- Doctors' attitude towards AIDS patients
- Does doctor know best?
- A difference in expectations
- When it's better not to tell the truth
- Advances in medicine
- Making mistakes and how to remedy them
- Thoughts on retiring
- The importance of cleanliness in hospitals
- Politics in the NHS
- How patients and doctors talk to each other
- Systematic reviews and evidence-based medicine
- Knowing your patient
- The wonders of modern anaesthetics
- Suing doctors for their mistakes
- Working with children
- The countries I have visited
- Being taught to teach is essential
- Involving the patient in his diagnosis
- Understanding the adverse effects of drugs on patients
- Getting the balance right between science and patient knowledge
- Putting together the reductionist and the imaginative in medicine
- Interest in medical education
- The Oxbridge fallacy: the importance of knowing your facts
- The progress of medical knowledge
- Continuity of care
- The silent centre of medicine
- What I did once I'd retired
- The valuable work of The Meningitis Research Foundatiom
- Work after retirement: restoring ancient woodland
- How attitudes to doctors have changed
- Patients need for more time in considering their treatment
- Finding the right way to approach each patient
- The pro and cons of alternative medicine
- Narrative medicine
- Psychiatric and emotional factors in physical illness
- When dogma trumps science
- The importance of listening to the patient
- Don't deny a patient's humanity
- The hospital environment: St George's Hospital garden
Walter Lassally
- Early inspiration
- Jewish, but not Jewish enough
- Father's arrest and forced emigration
- Memories of life in Germany before the war
- Memories of Kristallnacht
- Going to London and a holiday in Hastings
- First memories of London
- The outbreak of war: Father is arrested again
- Kinderpass
- Father's jobs
- I want to be a camerman
- Learning on the job
- Working at a photographic studio and the first job in the film
- Getting work as a clapper boy at Riverside Studios
- Riverside Studios shut down
- Film crews now and then
- "Watch the Birdie"
- Making a film about squatters with Derek York
- How I became someone's 'pupil'
- Difficulties finding work
- Richard Massingham
- "What a Life"
- Getting fired twice
- Forming Screen Craft
- "Saturday Night": Problems with sound recording
- "Saturday Night": Shooting
- "Saturday Night": The last scene and the Unity Theatre
- Watching "Saturday Night" 50 years on
- Working for Basic Films
- Going to the World Youth Festival
- The World Youth Festival in Berlin and bringing back a documentary
- Documentaries taught me filming techniques
- Basic Film's presentation commercial
- "Sequence" magazine
- Losing out on a job with Joseph Losey
- "Another Sky": Choosing the subject
- "Another Sky": The first trip to Morocco
- "Another Sky": Shooting techniques
- "Another Sky": The structure and plot of the film
- "Another Sky": Shooting the second half of the film
- "Another Sky": The camera breaks down and pessimistic reports
- Having someone you can trust in the lab
- "Another Sky": Bad weather
- "Another Sky": Distribution problems
- "Passing Stranger"
- A lesson in what to show prospective employers
- Free Cinema
- An umbrella under which the films could be shown
- "As Dark As The Night": My first big mistake
- "As Dark As The Night": Watching Georges Périnal at work
- "Beat Girl"
- Censorship problems with "Beat Girl" and filming in caves
- "Every Day Except Christmas"
- "Every Day Except Christmas": The other characters
- Free Cinema: Showing foreign films
- Working in the days before handheld synch cameras
- The Free Cinema manifesto
- The downside of Free Cinema
- "A Taste of Honey": An all-location film
- "A Taste of Honey": Film stock and lighting
- Shooting "A Taste of Honey" on location
- "A Taste of Honey": Working with the weather
- "A Taste of Honey": The dinner jacket and tie incident
- "A Taste of Honey": Cannes
- "The Loneliness of The Long Distance Runner"
- Keeping the spontaneity in "The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner"
- Actors in "The Loneliness of The Long Distance Runner"
- Ossie Morris
- "Tom Jones": Negotiating the contract
- "Tom Jones": The camera style and shooting then and now
- "Tom Jones": Technical difficulties with lighting
- "Tom Jones": Technical difficulties with filters
- "Tom Jones": Technical difficulties with modern lenses
- "Tom Jones": Technical difficulties with day for night
- "Tom Jones": Technical difficulties with day for night techniques
- "Tom Jones": The locations
- "Tom Jones": The schedule
- "Tom Jones": The cast
- "Tom Jones": The hunt scene and working with animals
- "Tom Jones": The eating scene and ways of working
- "Tom Jones": The editing and Tony Richardson's generosity
- The end of Woodfall
- "Tom Jones": Good for the careers of the crew
- Artists and chemists
- Meeting Michael Cacoyannis for the first time
- Michael Cacoyannis' directorial style
- "The Girl in Black": De-blimping an Arriflex
- "The Girl in Black": Post-synching and hand-holding
- "The Girl in Black": The rescue scene and English tourists
- "The Girl in Black": Working with simple technology
- "The Girl in Black": The cone light
- "The Girl in Black": Getting arrested
- "The Girl in Black": Post-synching
- Athens in the 1950's
- "The Girl in Black": The critical reception
- "A Matter of Dignity": Second film in Greece
- "A Matter of Dignity": Dusk scene and filming day-for-night
- "A Matter of Dignity": Working with George Antonakis
- Working for Finos
- Work for Finos and technical problems
- "Our Last Spring"
- Recalling dialogue
- "Maddalena": Aliki Vouyouklaki
- "Maddalena": Shooting on Antiparos
- "Alice in the Navy" and "Lisa and the Other One"
- "Lisa and the Other One": A funny incident
- "Electra"
- "Electra": The language and an ideal sequence
- "Electra": Getting a shot of a vulture and the music
- "Electra": Money problems
- "Zorba the Greek": The cast
- "Zorba the Greek": Working with Anthony Quinn
- "Zorba the Greek": Choosing to shoot in black and white
- "Zorba the Greek": Film stock
- Comparisons between "Tom Jones" and "Zorba the Greek"
- Operating the camera on "Zorba the Greek"
- "Zorba the Greek": Managing the lighting
- "Zorba the Greek": The finale
- "Zorba the Greek": Changing production companies and the Oscars
- Popularising Greece
- "Oedipus the King": The coup in Greece and Orson Welles
- "Oedipus the King": Christopher Plummer
- "Oedipus the King": Crossing the line
- "Oedipus the King": Appreciating the work of a cameraman
- "Oedipus the King": Why it wasn't a success
- "Assignment Skybolt"
- "Rider"
- "Rider": The collapse of the project
- Working in Greece again: "The Little Dolphins"
- "Joanna": A film about the Swinging Sixties
- "Joanna": Donald Sutherland and the reaction at Cannes
- "Joanna": Why too many good reviews can be bad
- "The Adding Machine"
- The shoot and protect system
- Probably the biggest set I've ever lit
- "Three Into Two Won't Go": Shooting on location
- "Three Into Two Won't Go": Problems
- "The Day Shall Dawn'": Preparing to shoot
- "The Day Shall Dawn": The studio
- "The Day Shall Dawn": Problems on location
- "The Day Shall Dawn": The cast and language problems
- "The Day Shall Dawn": Filming on the river
- "The Day Shall Dawn": Almost defeated by Nature
- Nice little incidents on "The Day Shall Dawn"
- "The Day Shall Dawn": Getting the film processed and the Shahbagh Hotel
- "The Day Shall Dawn": The musical number
- "The Day Shall Dawn": Aaejay Kandar
- "The Day Shall Dawn": Meeting the head of the village
- "The Day Shall Dawn": Rice crispies and little fish
- "The Day Shall Dawn": Life on a boat
- "The Day Shall Dawn": A run in with the police
- "The Day Shall Dawn": The opening ceremony
- "The Day Shall Dawn": Problems getting the final rushes
- "The Day Shall Dawn": Post-production and the success of the film
- "The Blood of Hussain": Being approached by Jamil Dehlavi and locations
- "The Blood of Hussain": Equipment problems
- "The Blood of Hussain": Kika Markham and the Moharram procession
- "The Blood of Hussain": The white stallion
- "The Blood of Hussain": The unfisnished horse scene
- "Twinkie": First film in the US and working with Charles Bronson
- "Twinkie": Richard Donner's obsessions
- "Twinkie": The fixer
- "Twinkie": Richard Donner and the Copacabana Club
- "To Kill a Clown": Working in the Bahamas
- "To Kill a Clown": Problems with ending
- "To Kill a Clown": The day for night sequence
- "To Kill a Clown": Orson Welles
- "Happy Mother's Day, Love George": The filming
- "Happy Mothers Day, Love George": The mixed crew
- "Pleasantville"
- "The Great Bank Hoax"
- 'An interesting lesson as to what you can and can't do'
- "Too Far to Go": Directing
- "Too Far to Go": Method acting
- "The Pilot": Robert P Davis
- "The Pilot": Airplane scenes
- The Great Amwell Company's Mark Twain series: "Life on the Mississippi"
- "A Private History of a Campaign that Failed"
- The Great Amwell Company's Mark Twain series: "Pudd'n'head Wilson"
- Shooting "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"
- "Adventures of a Brown Man in Search of Civilisation"
- "Savages": Ismail Merchant and James Ivory
- "Savages": The story
- "Savages": Shooting
- "Savages": Lovely dialogue and money problems
- "Savages": Wearing many hats
- "Savages": A complaint against me
- "Savages": Editing and the screening at Cannes
- "Autobiography of a Princess"
- "The Wild Party": Raquel Welch
- "The Wild Party": Sneak previews
- "The Wild Party": Problematic black and white
- "Hullabaloo over Georgie and Bonnie's pictures"
- "Heat and Dust": Lighting equipment and techniques
- "Heat and Dust" had a different feel to other Pinewood films
- "Heat and Dust": The cast and Ismail Merchant's production technique
- "Heat and Dust": The London section
- "Heat and Dust": The crew
- "Heat and Dust": A tricky mirror shot and the editing
- "Heat and Dust": Going to Kashmir
- "Heat and Dust": BAFTA nomination
- "Heat and Dust": The difficulties of working in India
- "The Bostonians": Problems with the film stock
- "The Bostonians": Problems on set
- Merchant Ivory productions and no longer working with James Ivory
- "A Perfect Murder"
- "The Deceivers": A difficult film to work on
- "The Deceivers": Sneak previews
- "The Deceivers": Problems on set
- "The Ballad of the Sad café": Problems on the set
- "The Ballad of the Sad café": Vanessa Redgrave
- "The Ballad of the Sad café": Wearing several hats
- Difficulties in the 1970s
- "Something for Everyone": First film on the continent
- "Something for Everyone": A less than perfect technical solution
- "Something for Everyone": The air hall
- "Something for Everyone": Working with German crews
- "Something for Everyone": Cast and story
- "Something for Everyone": Safety first
- "Something for Everyone": Angela Lansbury's close-ups
- "Something for Everyone": Harold Prince's penultimate film
- "Something for Everyone": Distribution
- "Le Mans": Steve McQueen
- "Le Mans": Stress on the set
- "Le Mans": Problems with the production
- "Gun Before Butter": Peter Zadek
- "Gun Before Butter": The shooting
- It pays to do location scouting
- "The Clown": Vojtech Jasny
- "The Clown": Shooting, lighting and the story
- "The Clown": The cast and dinner with Heinrich Böll
- "The Clown": Shooting a black and white sequence
- "The Clown": My best review ever
- "Ivo": The story
- "Ivo": The shooting
- Work with Vojtech Jasny
- "The Woman Across the Way": Filming in Berlin
- "The Woman Across the Way": East Berlin
- "The Iron Angel": A problem with the cast
- "The Iron Angel": Thomas Brasch
- "The Iron Angel": A problem with the Ilford film
- Processing problems
- "The Magic Mountain": The ballroom scene
- "The Magic Mountain": Problems with lighting
- "The Magic Mountain": Getting fired
- Visiting the flat where I grew up
- "Malachi's Cove": Filming in Cornwall
- "Malachi's Cove": The storm sequence
- "Après le vent des Sables"
- "Memoirs of a Survivor": A fantasy story
- "Memoirs of a Survivor": 'Not a complete success'
- "Fragments of Isabella"
- Making TV movies in America
- "Stone Pillow": Working with Lucille Ball
- TV movies with Katharine Hepburn
- Katharine Hepburn's Parkinson's disease
- "Mystery at Fire Island": The way cameramen are treated in America
- Documentary on the Mealy bug's impact on cassava crop
- Making a short with Joan Littlewood and others
- "Dan" and "The Greeks"
- World Youth Festival in Bucharest
- "The Battleship Potemkin Survivor"
- "Labyrinth"
- Film and video
- Teaching
- Changes in the movie industry
Stan Lee
- Growing up during the Depression in New York
- 'Stanley is God'
- The revenge of Stan Lee
- Meeting Mrs Roosevelt
- Promotion to Editor of Timely Comics at the age of 17
- Changing my name to Stan Lee
- Writing for the army
- Stealing mail in the army
- A flat tyre in Chillicothe, Ohio
- Wanting to get married
- Meeting the beautiful girl I always drew
- Married life with Joan
- I'm the editor, the art director and the writer
- Our swimming pool
- Creating "The Fantastic Four"
- Creating The Hulk, Spider-Man and Daredevil
- "Iron Man" and what set us apart from the competition
- Why I think our books sold well
- The "Silver Surfer": my philosophical outlet
- What if Stan Lee had created the DC universe?
- How world events affected Marvel
- The Marvel Method
- Joan: The perfect wife for me
- The portrayal of Marvel characters in movies
- 'It's clobbering time'
- Creating characters
- Peter Parker
- Peter Paul's American Spirit Foundation
- My companies: Stan Lee Media and POW! Entertainment
- No space to store the original comics
- Creating comics for an audience
- What I'm proudest of about my career
- Travelling the world with Marvel
- The universal themes of Marvel comics
- If I wasn't a comic book writer...
- The future of comic books
- The appeal of comic books
- My love of reading and writing
- "Mad Magazine"
- Merry Marvel Marching Society
- The ranks of Marveldom
- Publicity stunts: KISS and the red ink
Doris Lessing
- Let's write a novel!
- White mistresses and menservants
- "The Grass is Singing"
- When idealism encountered colonial traditions
- In search of a publisher
- 'Cry, The Beloved Country' paves the way for 'The Grass is Singing'
- Poverty, Indian restaurants and the Great Unmentionable
- The lamentable gap between writers and academics
- "The Fifth Child"
- Who are the little people?
- 'If Neanderthals, why not dwarfs and gnomes or whatever else?'
- How to write non-realistic fiction
- Feelings behind books
- "The Golden Notebook"
- Dealing with an alien child
- 'Ben is me!': why kids like Ben
- The pleasure of finding things out
- Solutions come in dreams
- The sense of adventure is a gender thing
- "Mara and Dann"
- Teaching through songs and stories
- Underwater cities and other wonderful ideas
- 'She is muscling in on our act': "Shikasta"
- "Canopus in Argos: Archives"
- "The Good Terrorist"
- Letters about "The Good Terrorist"
- 27
Jan Józef Lipski
- A political education courtesy of my sister
- Segregation in the classroom
- My outlook at the start of World War II
- Resisting the Nazi occupation of Poland
- The Warsaw Uprising
- Lies about the Home Army
- Poland is sold by the West
- Imparting knowledge to young minds
- National enthusiasm fuels the rebuilding of the country
- 'Socialism can't be separated from democracy'
- The university no longer a bastion of independent intellectual life
- 'Mr Janek, this is finis Polonia'
- Folly of registering my participation with AK
- Revealing our involvement with the Home Army
- Death of Janek Rodowicz
- Large-scale internment
- Communists falsify the first post-war referendum
- How did the people vote?
- Referendum in the villages
- Fraudulent strategies for shrinking the electorate
- Communist ploy for eliminating political rivals
- Anti-Jewish pogrom in Kielce
- Poland: a 'Hitlerised' country?
- Liquidation of the Polish Socialist Party
- 'Black Masses' and vodka: how we survived Stalinism
- Stalinism in Poland
- Toxic effect of Stalinism
- Epidemic of political madness
- Rationalising fanaticism
- Outbreak of the Korean War
- Causes of Berlin workers' riot
- Making the unpalatable palatable
- Stalin is dead!
- Katyń: shameful to speak of
- Changes following Stalin's death
- Exposé of Colonel Światło
- Enthusiasm uncurbed by repression
- Avoiding party afiliation
- Queues and misery
- Extreme options facing post-war youth
- The Stakhanovite worker
- Poor lot of the farmers
- 'With the Soviet Union at the fore'
- Hegemony of the Soviet Union
- Attacks on the Church
- Attraction of the free-thinkers
- Shaping Poland
- Attacks on the Church intensify
- People are afraid
- No-one was immune from arrest
- Torture at the hands of the secret police
- Why Aleksander Kowalski died
- Bolesław Bierut: a mini-Stalin
- Who was Józef Różański?
- Six months of bedlam at PIW
- Reaction to Khrushchev's secret speech
- Debates initiated in the press
- Poznań: a repeat of Berlin
- Lynch mobs in Poznań
- Working for "Po prostu"
- Crooked Circle Club
- How the Crooked Circle Club got its name
- Publishing against the clock
- Gomułka alienates the workers
- Gomułka for First Secretary!
- Gomułka should be judged differently
- Why I lost faith in Gomułka
- The October thaw
- The talented Mr Goździk
- 'Free Cardinal Wyszyński': Catholicism and democracy
- The collapse of "Po prostu"
- PZPR factions
- Puławska versus Natolińska
- Protests against the suspension of "Po prostu"
- The decision to disband "Po prostu"
- 'Mr Konik, we're going to use the copier'
- Our meetings at Brzusio's
- How Aleksander Małachowski put a party apparatchik in his place
- Post-October stagnation
- Signs of rebellion against the party's stranglehold
- Scandal in the Crooked Circle Club: Adam Michnik's debut
- Wine bar skirmish puts an end to the Crooked Circle Club
- Why I didn't sign the Letter of the 34
- Being introduced to Jacek Kuroń
- Open letter from Kuroń and Modzelewski
- 'The Polish Jews have defeated the Russian Arabs'
- Reaction of Polish society to the Arab-Israeli war
- Leszek Kołakowski's lecture at Warsaw University
- Story of my diary
- Foretelling of the events of March 1968
- "Dziady" is banned by the censor: start of the March events
- Censors overstep the mark
- Unrest at the university
- Writers lend support to students
- Brutal disruption of nationwide rallies by police
- Reaction of workers to student rallies
- 'Banana youth': rise of propaganda
- Anti-Semitic purges in places of employment
- Student trials: 'Eight Jews and Jacek Kuroń'
- Polish and French student protests: prompted by the same motives?
- Were the events of March '68 inevitable?
- Polish students fought for fundamental issues
- Address from the Polish bishops to the bishops of Germany
- 'We forgive and ask for forgiveness'
- Anti-Semitic campaign in Poland in 1968
- Mass emigration follows the anti-Semitic campaign
- 'They don't want us here'
- Moral cost of the 1968 anti-Semitic campaign
- Workers' protest of 1976
- Intelligentsia fails to support the workers
- 1970: the intelligentsia remained silent
- People took to the streets in despair
- Will you help us? We will!
- Gomułka out, Gierek in
- Sunday replacement manoeuvre
- Gierek the statesman
- Gierek makes a good first impression
- My faith in Gierek was short-lived
- Living off loans
- End of Gierek's era of prosperity
- KOR initiates a mission to help the workers
- My trips to Radom
- Are Poles still one nation?
- Birth of the opposition movement in Poland
- Price rises lead to protests
- Police reaction to the first strikes in Radom and Ursus
- Help for the workers
- Setting up KOR
- Repression and fear
- Activities of KOR
- Killing of Staszek Pyjas
- First significant success
- Resistance spreads throughout Poland
- Two cases of concussion and a heart attack
- Who was in the hit squads?
- Influence of the Pope on the prevailing social atmosphere
- First strikes were 'alarm bells'
- KOR monitors the strikes
- Persecution of KOR's members by the authorities
- Creation of Solidarity
- How the authorities responded to the setting up of Solidarity
- Uncontrolled industrial actions
- Solidarity replaces KOR
- Pressure from Moscow shaped the events of August 1980
- Growth of social initiatives
- Imposition of martial law took us by surprise
- To London straight from prison
- Strike in Ursus
- Striking workers face arrest
- 96 hours spent in detention bring on a heart attack
- Waiting for the Ursus trial to begin
- Imprisonment
- Arrival in London
- Writing about KOR brought me back to Warsaw
- Fear of banishment
- I am remanded in custody
- Called to the dock again
- Effect of the amnesty
- Legalisation of Solidarity
- Why the strikes happened
- Were these really free elections?
- The Round Table - an unusual item of furniture!
- The Round Table made for strange bedfellows
- Did the Round Table achieve anything?
- More changes were needed
- Nomenklatura vs the opposition
- Why I stood in elections to the Senate
- We need a new concept of socialism
- The marathon congress of the Polish Socialist Party
- Failed attempt at normalisation
- Change is a process
- Victims of martial law
- Father Popiełuszko
- Trial of Father Popiełuszko's murderers
- The underground resistance movement
- Media boycott
- Actors' boycott
- Not everyone gave up the fight
- Propaganda filled with lies
- Gaps in the official history
- Lies about Solidarity
- Most important events of Poland's post-war history
- Negotiations for square brackets
- Zbyszek Bujak
- Why Zbyszek Bujak was caught
- People believed in Solidarity
- Solidarity in the underground
- The cost of martial law
- The interned: Wałęsa in prison
- My hope overcomes my scepticism
- Hope for the future
- Society needs to be strong
- Divergence of opinions
- 1970
- The authorities manipulate society
- Propaganda continues to lie
- A restful detention
- The 21 demands from the workers
- Polish fondness for uniforms
- The role of the Church
- Lech Wałęsa
- An initiative of the PZPR
- Lessons from the elections
- Tadeusz Mazowiecki
- Historical significance of the political changes in Poland
- Collapse of the government in 1989
- Euthanasia could replace retirement
- Strikes don't pose a threat
- The end of communism is nigh
- 'Like a nut in the cataracts of the Nile'
- The Poles: swallowed but not digested
- It's important not to resemble a chair
- Are Poles incapable of cooperating?
- Solidarity won't cease to exist
- Significant dates in the life of Jan Józef Lipski
Bernard Lovell
- Early life in Oldland Common
- Secondary school and the lecture that changed my life
- Cricket and doing research on the conductivity of thin films of metal
- 'I'd really rather work with Blackett'
- How I came to work with Douglas Hartree
- Patrick Blackett takes over from Lawrence Bragg at Manchester
- Patrick Blackett and work with cloud chambers
- Clearing the cloud chambers
- Werner Heisenberg and the theory of high energy particles
- Work on cosmic ray showers and an influx of refugees from Europe
- An aborted trip to France in 1939
- Work on Radar at Bawdsey Manor
- Work with Edward George Bowen on airborne radar
- Complaining about the lack of facilities on the radar project
- Moving to St Athan and continuing the work on transmitters
- Moving to Worth Matravers in Dorset
- Working on an air interception radar system
- Getting the air interception equipment into a Blenheim
- Improving the air interception system
- Work on air interception systems with FC Williams and Andrew Huxley
- Orders to move to Bomber Command: A lucky escape
- Writing a paper on radar echoes from cosmic ray showers
- Working with the Admiralty
- Being given the job of improving the bombing success rate
- Getting the radar system into a Halifax bomber
- Testing the radar system in the Halifax and a threat from the Germans
- Continued testing with the Halifax and tragedy strikes
- A meeting with Winston Churchill and Robert Renwick
- Don Bennett and the RAF Pathfinder Force
- Continued work on H2S
- The Americans' reaction to the magnetron
- Using H2S operationally for the first time
- A secret report by Hackenberg on the cavity magnetron
- The mass production and success of H2S
- Converting H2S for use in Coastal Command aircraft
- Infighting between Coastal Command and Bomber Command
- Encountering a couple of problems with H2S and the solutions
- Differing attitudes towards science between Germany and the Allies
- The situation with the Americans and the cavity magnetron
- My paper on the story of the magnetron
- Release from the army and my desire to get back into research
- My wife Joyce
- My passion for music and especially the organ
- My love of the countryside and trees
- Returning to Manchester and work on cosmic ray showers
- Looking for somewhere to work with no electrical interference
- The first images on my cathode ray tube at Jodrell Bank
- How Jodrell Bank began
- Early days at Jodrell Bank and the Park Royal
- Work on transient echoes and a letter from TL Eckersley
- Observing a solar flare and how Hey discovered radio bursts
- Building a new aerial
- Patrick Blackett's contribution to building a new aerial
- My first research student
- Robert Hanbury Brown comes to work at Jodrell Bank
- Observations of radiation from space
- Wouldn't it be marvellous to have a 218ft steerable telescope?
- Inauspicious start to building the 400ft telescope
- Getting support for the MK I Radio Telescope
- A national project that gained the support of Edward Appleton
- Getting the funding for the MK I Radio Telescope
- Good fortune paves the way for the MK I Radio Telescope
- Building the foundations of the MK I Radio Telescope
- Building the MK I Radio Telescope and changes to the design
- Rising costs for the MK I Radio Telescope
- Troubles building the MK I Radio Telescope
- Strengthening the bowl of the telescope
- Dealing with some of the technical problems and a financial crisis
- A Committee of Enquiry and the telescope continues to grow
- A critical year for the MK I Radio Telescope
- Using the MK I Radio Telescope to detect the Sputnik missile
- Problems with the radar and detecting the Sputnik missile
- A White Paper by the Public Accounts Committee
- Being sued for £1 million
- Relations with Charles Husband are restored
- Work on meteors at Jodrell Bank: Getting started
- Work on meteors at Jodrell Bank: Manning Prentice
- Observing the Giacobinids meteor shower of 1946
- Work at Jodrell Bank into the velocity of meteors
- Do meteors move in parabolic orbits around the Sun?
- Work on meteors at Jodrell Bank: Discovering daytime meteor showers
- Work on meteors at Jodrell Bank: Looking at fluctuations
- Studying radar echoes from the Moon
- Work leading to the discovery of quasars
- My own work with the telescope: Flare stars
- Work on flare stars with Fred Whipple
- Final work on flare stars
- Communicating via the Moon
- JV Evans leaves for America and measuring the distance of Venus
- More work on Venus and having to stop working with radar
- The MK II telescope
- The Fleck Commitee: Permission to build a 400ft telescope
- No funding for the 400ft telescope
- The MERLIN system
- The survival of Jodrell Bank
- Trying to raise the money to pay off our debts
- The Reith Lectures and USAF Project Able
- The American rockets fail to get to the Moon
- The Russians succeed in sending a rocket to the Moon
- The fairytale end of our debt
- The first picture of the surface of the Moon
- Working between the Soviets and Americans
- America successfully lands on the Moon
- A visit to the Telecommunications Research Establishment in Malvern
- Work for the Air Ministry
- Jodrell Bank's involvement in the Cuban missile crisis
- Important work enabled by use of the steerable telescope
- A visit to Fylingdales and my retirement
James Lovelock
- The box that attracted me to science
- My scientific education
- The difference between precision and accuracy
- On being a human guinea pig
- How JBS Haldane made his liver fizz
- Health and safety hampers science today
- How I invented the electron capture detector
- What is the meaning of life?
- An invitation from NASA
- Detecting life on Mars
- The Gaia Theory
- My advice to young scientists
- Question the dogma!
- Measuring the atmosphere
- Why I am a green sceptic
- Green politics: pesticides
- What I've learned from my life in science
Benoît Mandelbrot
- Family background and early education
- School
- Move from Poland to France; High School
- War; move to Correze and continued education
- The Occupation of France
- Return to education - thinking in pictures
- Preparation for exams - Monsieur Croissal
- Drawing; the ability to think in pictures and its continued influence
- Lyon during the occupation
- Raising horses
- 'Cheating' in the exams
- Uncle and Father
- Mathematical disagreements with Uncle
- Family pressure
- Influences: should I be an engineer or a mathematician?
- École Normale and thought in mathematics
- The world of learning how
- The organisation of École Polytechnique; Paul Levy
- Gaston Maurice Julia
- Leprince-Ringuet and experimental physics
- École Polytechnique
- The decision to go to Caltech: Braue and Von Karman
- Caltech
- The decision not to go into physics
- Two years at Caltech: Wiener and Delbruck
- Turbulence: Kolmogorov, Nabukov, Heisenberg, Weizsäcker and Onsager
- Delbruck
- Contact with biologists at Caltech
- Leaving Caltech; crisis over future
- Return to France and the Air Force - a year of thinking
- Work with Philips: spectral analysis and colour televisions
- Power-Law Distribution
- A forgotten paper
- PhD thesis
- My big fight with my uncle
- Post-doctoral studies: Weiner and Von Neumann
- A lecture for Von Neumann and Oppenheimer
- A touching gesture by Von Neumann
- Move to Geneva to work with Jean Piaget
- Further work on the Power-Law Distribution
- Work on thermodynamics in Geneva
- Return to France and disillusionment with mathematics in France
- The invitation from IBM
- IBM: background and policies
- IBM's unique position
- Early computers
- Work at IBM: randomness - background
- The importance of infinite variance
- Fixed points
- Errors of transmission in telephone channels
- Results of work in errors of transmission
- Robert Stewart and a return to an interest in turbulence
- The Hausdorff Dimension
- The birth of fractals
- Calculating the length of a coastline
- The River Nile and Infinite Systems
- Wild randomness and globality
- Self-organised criticality
- Measuring roughness
- Working 'before the limit'
- Writing and publishing work on rivers
- Self-affining and self-similar fractals
- Geometry; coming home to pictures
- Origins and publication of Fractal Objects
- The printing of Fractal Objects
- Commonality of structure
- Fractals and the importance of proper description
- Setting conficting goals
- Self-similarity
- Cartoons
- Self-affining variability
- Pathological shapes
- Iteration; background to the work of Fatou and Julia
- Fatou and Julia
- The theory of Fatou and Julia
- First reading of the work of Fatou and Julia
- Return to iteration in 1977: Hadamard, Poincaré and Kleinian groups
- Solving the problem of limit sets
- Solving the problem of limit sets by using computers
- Imitation of nature and creation of shapes
- Beginning to work on the problems of Julia and Fatou
- Julia sets
- Development of the Mandelbrot set; 'dirt' in the picture
- The first conjecture of the Mandelbrot set
- The haunting beauty in both the Julia set and Mandelbrot set
- The Mandelbrot set and fractals
- The branching structure of Mandelbrot sets
- Brownian motion and the four-thirds conjecture
- The four-thirds conjecture and proof that mathematics is still alive
- Multifractals
- Meeting at Courchevel
- Being entertained by world class musicians
- Background to chaos and wild randomness: Galileo, Newton, Laplace
- The twentieth century - predictability
- Background to work in mathematics, physics, economics and finance
- The butterfly effect
- Fractals as a tool to represent nature
- 1/f noise, rivers and turbulence
- A new geometry of nature
- Lewis Fry Richardson and Leonardo da Vinci
- Development of work with turbulence and multifractals
- White noise and fixed points
- IBM and the educational system
- Critical opalescence, Onsager and work in physics
- Percolation
- Diffusion limit aggregates
- The complicated nature of DLA
- Fractals and the distribution of galaxies
- Fractality and the end of regularity
- Fractals and rules
- Fractals and chaos theory
- A new alphabet
- Dimension
- The inevitability of mathematical development
- Fractals and chaos theory in mathematical development
- Economics: Pareto and Bachelier
- Pareto law and inequality in income distribution
- Distribution of income in big samples
- Distribution of price change
- Inequality in price change distribution
- First price change distribution model
- Value at risk
- Reaction to work in price change
- Boom and bust; October 19th 1987
- Interaction between work in physics and economics
- My approach to finance
- Inequality and finance; differences between Bachelier and Mandelbrot
- The importance of the eye
- Cartoons and forgeries
- Interactive procedure; the Deutschmark-Dollar exchange
- The ability of the model to make predictions
- Multifractal time as trading time
- Hopes for fractals
- IBM fellowship
- Taking the IBM fellowship seriously
- Prizes
- Marcel-Paul Schützenberger
- Carleton Gajdusek and scientists whose interests span many fields
- The uses of fractals
- Fractals and beauty
- The origin of fractals
- Fractals in education
- Mathematics is alive and well
- The future for fractals
Peter Mayer
- Settling in America
- I just want to publish books
- A happy and adventurous early life
- A lucky guy in every respect
- Schooldays
- Books I read as a child
- Rationale for the reissuing of old titles
- The vulgarity of the Holocaust
- Why we need to speak about genocide
- Unintended consequences of censorship
- Why we published "The Satanic Verses"
- Joining the Merchant Marine
- Following in the footsteps of Joseph Conrad
- Having a principled background
- Being creative in Spain
- My career in publishing begins
- Catching the publishing 'bug'
- Paying my way in life
- Losing my fears in the laundromat
- In search of solitude
- Don't ever sell out
- Gaining experience in publishing
- Making friends in the world of publishing
- Introducing changes at Penguin Books
- Getting noticed by "Private Eye"
- Changing jobs
- Joining Penguin Books
- Publishing Philip Roth in paperback
- Not yet a writer
- My graduate life after Columbia and Oxford
- Making a living driving New York cabs
- Bagels in the basement
- Discovering "Call It Sleep"
- A classic tale about the immigrant experience
- Early success at Avon Books
- Humble beginnings at Avon Books
- Re-publishing Michael Gold's "Jews Without Money"
- Summoned to see the boss
- Working the lobster shift at the New York Times
- Getting a foot in the door
- Gaining experience matters more than prestige
- Being the centre of things
- Milton Glaser: an artist, a genius and my best friend
- Learning about book publishing
- Tipping my hat to my family's background
- Working with my father
- Genesis of Overlook Press
- Philip Roth does his research
- Making elephants fly
- Head-hunted to run Penguin Books
- Getting a blasting from Ron Blass
- Proud to be British
- Publishing becomes political
- Listening to the women in my life
- Missing England
- The future of book publishing
- How to be a successful publisher
- On being a 'great' publisher
- My policy is to have no formal policy
- Britain’s cultural imperialism
- 'I have met the enemy and they is us'
- Penguin Books come to America
- Penguin Books and the American mass market
- Moving back to America
- Proud to have saved Penguin Books
- A fondness for Britain
- Politics at Penguin Books
- Tackling Penguin's notion of conformity
- Consolidating Penguin Books
- Of no fixed abode
- Our vertical offices
- First brush with the unions
- Doing battle with the jobsworths
- Go-slow Britain
- Ringing the changes at the Penguin office
- Trying to recapture the joy of reading
- Publishing "The Far Pavilions"
- Shaking up the status quo at Penguin Books
- Turning around Penguin's fortunes
- You can’t have a kissing couple on the cover of a Penguin book!
- Quality cannot pay for itself
- A student by day, a cab driver by night
- The last ride
- The dinner with Allen Ginsberg I wish I'd never had
- CEO of Penguin Books: the early days
- Why I published "The War Between the Generals" by David Irving
- Analysis of the fallout of publishing "The Satanic Verses"
- "The Satanic Verses"
- Underestimating the reaction to "The Satanic Verses"
- Rousing the ire of the ayatollah
- Issuing of the fatwa against "The Satanic Verses"
- How misinformation fuelled resentment against "The Satanic Verses"
- Consternation at Penguin Books
- Fear of reprisals
- Our freedoms at stake
- The reality of living under a fatwa
- Persecuted and victimised for defending our freedoms
- Postponing publication of "The Satanic Verses" in paperback
- In defence of a free society
- 100
John Maynard Smith
- Early childhood and a passion for natural history
- Developing a deeper interest in the living world
- Not fitting in at prep school or Eton
- Futile Latin lessons at Eton College
- Studying mathematics and English
- Reading Haldane's "Possible Worlds" at Eton
- The influence of science fiction
- Announcing my career plans over Sunday lunch
- Applying mathematics to the real world
- Designing aeroplanes
- The notion of analogue in science
- Trying to design an unstable aeroplane
- Unstable flying animals
- Difficulty publishing papers in the 1950s
- Politics at Cambridge
- The Communist Party at Cambridge
- Dealing with stories of Stalin's excesses
- Marxist philosophy. Experimenting with temperature acclimatisation in fruit flies
- Holistic versus mechanistic
- Becoming a biologist
- Comparative anatomy at UCL
- Peter Medawar: 'He smiles and smiles and is a villain'
- JBS Haldane
- JBS Haldane's major work
- Haldane and the motor car
- JBS Haldane's trouble with personal relationships
- Helen Spurway
- The ethologists: Tinbergen and Lorenz
- Courtship behaviour in Drosophila
- The idea of sexual selection
- Work on ageing
- Changing patterns in fruit flies through genetic manipulation
- Haldane's reaction to the Lysenko affair
- The story of Haldane's last words
- The move to Sussex University
- Bill Hamilton
- The first idea of population regulation by group selection
- Hamilton and Haldane's ideas of 'inclusive fitness'
- Hamilton: political and ideological commitment
- WD Hamilton: inclusive fitness
- The effect of moving to Sussex on my theoretical work
- My first encounters with game theory, courtesy of George Price
- Developing the Evolutionary Stable Strategy theory
- Publishing a paper with George Price
- George Price's theorem and how scientists think
- Game theory: The war of attrition game
- The War of Attrition game in "Papilio zelicaon"
- Geoffrey Parker's dung flies
- Larry Gilbert and Nick Davis
- The point of evolutionary game theory
- Amotz Zahavi's handicap principle
- Struggling with Amotz Zahavi's verbal model of 'stotting'
- How Alan Grafen proves Zahavi's Handicap principle in sexual selection
- My explanation of the Sir Philip Sidney game
- An example of a cost-free signal in "Drosophila subobscura"
- Is sematics in science important enough to argue about?
- Arguing over the use of words in science
- Can sociology and biology mix?
- The extreme reaction of EO Wilson's colleagues
- The Sociobiology controversy: The Marxist reaction
- The University of Sussex: mixing the arts and sciences
- Evolutionary Psychology: The son of Sociobiology
- The problem of sex and group selection
- Which is better: parthenogenisis or sexual reproduction?
- Explaining the maintenance of sex
- The advantage of sex at the individual level
- The engine and the gearbox analogy in sexual reproduction
- The parasite theory, the Red Queen model and Alex Kondrashov
- The origin of sex
- How bacteria share genes; "Streptococcus" and "Neisseria"
- Penicillin
- How bacteria transfer genetic material
- The process of transfer in bacteria
- Operons: JG Roth and JR Lawrence. Jacob and Monod
- Adaptation at the organism level
- James Watson and Francis Crick transformed biology
- Viviparity may be a big evolutionary mistake!
- Are mammals stuck with sex?
- Dolly the sheep, and would you clone yourself?
- Sheila Maynard Smith
- Two theories on sexual inequality
- The essential difference between male and female gametes
- Experiencing feminism in science
- Kimura and King: Neutral theory of molecular evolution
- A visit by Kimura whilst teaching at Berkeley
- Inspiring Kimura to write "The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution"
- Molecular clocks
- Major transitions in evolution
- Examples of major transitions in evolution
- The evolution of language
- The phenomenon of sign language in children
- Debating the case for a 'modular' brain with Richard Dawkins
- Recognising the importance of Watson and Crick
- Weismann's position on inheritance of acquired characteristics
- 20th century biology as a 'science of information'
- How I would spend a day with Darwin
- Who understood genetic theory?
- Missing out on a great discovery
- Karl Popper and the philosophy of science
- Biology's major problems: Origin of life and the human mind
- The probability of creating life in a laboratory
- Speculations on the origins of life and Haldane's 3 theorems
Ernst Mayr
- Early life and education
- Bird watching: an exciting observation
- My effort to complete my doctorate
- The importance of being a true naturalist
- Working at the Museum with Stresemann and Rensch
- Rensch's influence. Working in the library and department of Entomology
- My first expedition: New Guinea
- The natives
- Searching for the birds of paradise
- From Dutch New Guinea to the Mandated Territory of New Guinea
- Arriving at Aitape
- Mass baptism at Snake River valley
- Joining the Whitney expedition
- Drinking whiskey with plantation managers
- Oblivious to being hired and fired by Lord Rothschild
- Getting back to Europe. Invitation to work in New York
- Murphy, Chapin and Zimmer
- Working at the American museum
- Acquiring Lord Rothschild's collection
- Doctor Leonard C Sanford
- A few words about the collections
- Bringing the collections together
- Arriving in New York
- Getting married, having children and moving house
- The pros and cons of living in Tenafly, New Jersey
- Geographical species variation in birds
- Lucky accidents that led to fame
- "Systematics and the Origin of the Species"
- Putting my knowledge to good use
- Why birds are a good starting point in biology
- Biogeography: plate tectonics
- The fauna of Australia
- Discontinuous faunas
- Defining the meaning of Wallace's Line
- The pan-Pacific science conference
- MacArthur and Wilson's formula
- An analysis of the birds of North America
- Bird colonization
- Working on classifying species and subspecies
- My catalogue of the birds of New Guinea
- A modern classification of ducks
- Re-classifying swallows with James Bond
- Chained to the desk
- The decision to leave medicine and go to Berlin
- If I had been a doctor
- Professor Stresemann
- Early work on bird migration
- Rothschild, Hartert and Jordan
- Robert Cushman Murphy
- Other members of staff at the New York museum
- Development of the Sanford Hall of Birds
- Invitation to become visiting professor at the University of Minnesota
- Preparing and marking exams
- Opposing views on evolution
- The stay in Seattle
- Getting a professorship at Harvard
- Teaching ornithology
- The Bronx County Bird Club
- The Linnaean Society of New York
- The American Ornithologists' Union
- Experimenting with imprinting on hatchlings
- Learning molecular biology at Cold Spring Harbor
- The biological species concept
- The theory of geographic speciation
- The two forms of geographic speciation
- What happens during speciation?
- Speciation divided biologists
- Theodosius Dobzhansky
- George Gaylord Simpson
- The position of evolution in American science
- Founding the Evolutionary Society and establishing the journal
- Disagreement between geneticists and naturalists
- The wrong Patterson
- Fallout from the Patterson affair
- A symposium on the evolutionary synthesis
- Working with Earle Gorton Linsley
- Reworking "Principles of Systematic Zoology"
- Conflict between classification and cladification
- Applying for American citizenship
- Discriminated against for being German
- Helping European ornithologists after the war
- The Rothschild collection comes to America
- The two evolutionary syntheses
- The phone call that changed my life
- The Alexander Agassiz professorship
- A workshop in taxonomy
- Teaching evolution
- Graduate students
- "Check-list of the Birds of the World"
- The Law of Strict Priority
- Changing the Law of Strict Priority
- Discussion groups in New York and Cambridge
- Serving on the Biology Council
- Serving on national commissions
- Reporting on building a canal
- The state of American ornithology - the AOU
- Moving to Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Country life
- Being made director of the Museum of Comparative Zoology
- I make changes at the Museum of Comparative Zoology
- The biology department at Harvard
- I retire as director of the Museum of Comparative Zoology
- Theft of rare books from our library
- Appointing a curator of spiders
- Appointing a curator of invertebrates
- Writing "Animal Species and Evolution"
- The best summary of evolutionary literature on animals
- Establishing the existence of new species of "Paramecium aurelia"
- Peripatetic speciation
- Genetic revolution
- An attack on 'beanbag genetics'
- Shortening the book
- The importance of gene flow
- The species in nature
- Sympatric speciation
- Two levels of evolution
- Natural selection
- My interests outside of science
- The evolution of ideas
- Thomas Kuhn's theory of scientific revolutions
- Inviting participants to the workshop on evolutionary synthesis
- The workshop on evolutionary synthesis bears fruit
- Three periods in evolutionary biology
- The development of new concepts in biology
- A history of the basic concepts in the field of biology
- The birth of biology
- Physics envy
- Celebrating the 100th anniversary of "On the Origin of Species"
- Travelling in Australia
- Publishing a facsimile of the first edition of "On the Origin of Species"
- Distinguishing Darwin's many theories
- Darwin's theories on evolution
- Darwin: beliefs and achievements
- Problems of the philosophy of biology
- Differences between living organisms and inanimate matter
- Creating a historical narrative
- Writing "Toward a New Philosophy of Biology" and "This is Biology"
- Three theories of evolution
- Changing ideologies: essentialism
- Changing ideologies: reductionism
- Changing ideologies: physicalism
- Changing ideologies: teleology
- Changing ideologies: monism and duality
- What is Science?
- Philosophy of Science
- My many honors and awards
- My only regret
- The importance of expeditions
- Working on collections
- The origins of my ideas on species
Albert Maysles
- Thoughts on art and my parents
- Evasive opportunities
- Awareness of anti-Semitism in early childhood
- Walking my grandmother to the synagogue
- Parents' origins and making a film about the Mendel Beilis case
- The Mendel Beilis case
- Early memories of my father and his love for music
- My father's cornet and Wynton Marsalis
- Story about Iphigene Sulzberger
- Refusal to salute the American flag from a very early age
- Love for my younger brother and a motorcycle trip to Eastern Europe
- Starting out in photography: first cameras
- Starting out in photography: first darkroom
- 12 years old in the library
- Darwin and the missing link in film
- Getting into trouble in Russia
- Getting into filmmaking: training for making Psychiatry in Russia
- Making Psychiatry in Russia; Bill Worthy and the Romanian Embassy; meeting members of Politburo
- Filming Psychiatry in Russia and making some money with it
- Developing a new way of making documentaries
- Cuba: filming Fidel Castro
- Filming Fidel Castro
- Deciding to work with David Maysles
- Filming in Turkey and swimming the Hellespont
- Filming portraits of interesting Americans
- Working with my brother and equal representation on the credits
- Meeting Haile Selassie and my son's drawings
- My son's awareness if the Holocaust
- Being my own agent
- Filming The Rolling Stones in Gimme Shelter: the murder at Altamont
- Filming the reactions to the Altamont murder footage
- Hell's Angels, David Maysles and the leather jacket
- The sensitivity required in making documentaries
- Walter Goodman's reaction to "Grey Gardens"
- "Salesman" and "Grey Gardens": getting the films shown
- Phillip and Rebekah: the story of the infant shoes
- My professional and personal relationship with the Beatles
- The power of documentaries; the near life experience
- "Salesman"
- A motor scooter trip through Eastern Europe
- Going to a Communist youth festival in Russia and winning a rug
- Finding the missing link in film and filming "Salesman"
- A film about Mark Van Doren and Archibald MacLeish
- The experience that began my interest in train journeys
- Train stories: the over disciplined child
- A meeting on a train in Russia
- Train stories: George Orwell on the Spanish Civil War
- Filming the funeral of the Vietnam advisor and war
- My inspiration for "In Transit"
- Meeting and working with Orson Welles and Jean-Luc Godard
- Sean O'Casey: The Spirit of Ireland: a film about a film
- Filming Salvador Dalí and Raquel Welch
- Filming Christo projects: Valley Curtain and Running Fence
- Filming the Christo projects
- Filming Christo projects: The Gates
- Filming Christo projects: Central Park
- Filming Christo projects: New York City
- The advantages of working with video cameras
- Filming Marlon Brando
- Deciding to film Truman Capote
- Why we were especially interested in filming Truman Capote
- Truman Capote and the public's reactions to the film
- Salesman: the idea and finding the right subject
- Filming Salesman, problems getting the film shown and meeting my wife
- Lasting friendship with Paul Brennan
- Personal experiences of being a salesman
- 'And that's how I met Marilyn Monroe'
- Praise for "Salesman"
- Getting started on "Grey Gardens"
- "Grey Gardens": filming and seeing the house post-restoration
- "Grey Gardens": showing the film to the Beales and defining intimacy, exploitation and vulnerabiliy
- The importance of a good editor
- "Grey Gardens": the editing
- The best way to approach documentary film making: truth and reality
- The power of documentaries
- The common humanity of documentaries
- Autobiographical elements to the films
- Family epitaphs and empathy for our subjects
- Making friends while making films
- A film about Vladimir Horowitz
- Filming Seiji Ozawa and Leonard Bernstein playing Mahler
- The importance of the poetic instinct
- Maysles films: making commercials
- War experiences and audio visual poetry
- New forms of documentary: parallels in literature and music
- Examples of audiovisual poetry
- Experiences working on "When We Were Kings"
- Counteracting racism
- How we came to film Muhammad Ali's last fight
- Soldiers of Music: Rostropovich Returns to Russia
- Letting Go: A Hospice Journey
- A story of kindness
- LaLee's Kin: The Legacy of Cotton
- With the Filmmaker: Portraits by Albert Maysles
- Helping other filmmakers
- The benefits of video over film for the documentary filmmaker
- Influences
Richard Meier
- 'I'm going to be an architect'
- Why Cornell?
- My contemporaries at Cornell
- Meeting Le Corbusier
- A beach house in Fire Island
- Westbeth Artists' Housing
- The Bronx Developmental Center
- The Smith House
- Photographing architecture is more than art
- My small-scale work influenced my large-scale projects
- The problem with organic architecture
- Le Corbusier's Modulor system
- A chapel in a meeting room
- Why I developed the metal panels
- Frankfurt and Atlanta: my first museums
- My work in Germany
- The Getty Center
- Why it took 12 years to build the Getty Center
- Public clients versus private clients
- The postmodernism blip
- Conscious modern building
- The pleasure of creating public spaces
- The importance of the public spaces within a building
- The Neugebauer House
- Light and white
- Building in context
- The birth of a project
- My design process
- The New York Five
- Changes in the architectural community
- A global playing field for architects
- Architectural critics
- The next generation of architects
- My children: a designer and a sculptor
- Meeting the Pope
- The state of architecture today
Jonas Mekas
- The beginning: birthdays were not important
- Growing up close to Nature
- A prodigy in the making
- Keeping a diary from the age of four
- Early experiences of film
- Story-telling and writing poetry takes me back to my 5-year-old self
- Singing folk songs was a way of life
- Learning languages
- Learning the 'wrong' kind of cinema
- Getting top grades at school
- The benefits of running
- Inspired to do headstands by a centenarian
- Lithuania's religious wars
- The influence of books can determine a person's fate
- Interest in different religions and supernatural experiences
- Exposure to art
- Survivalist politics
- Soviet oppression
- The political supervisor
- Communist tactics breed opposition
- The politics of survival
- Acting and theatre
- Collecting books from a bombed out shop
- Escape from Elmshorn
- Every cloud has a silver lining
- The difference between immigrants and refugees
- Literary activity in Lithuania
- Arrival in New York
- The first camera
- "Lost, Lost, Lost" - the truth of being a refugee
- How I came to work at The Graphic Studios
- Screening my first avant-garde film
- Learning English
- Different lives
- How to stay dynamic
- Influences and interests
- The different kinds of cinema
- Establishing "Film Culture" and "The Village Voice"
- Doing what nobody else is doing
- Finding time to sleep
- Meeting Maya Deren
- Discovering the work of Stan Brakhage
- I find a kindred spirit in Marie Menken
- Seeing films by Brakhage for the first time
- Brakhage had a poet's soul
- A country's landscape affects its creators
- Finding work as a scriptwriter is not as easy as we thought
- The circumstances surrounding the first screening of my movie
- First meeting with Ken Jacobs
- Edouard de Laurot
- The first issue of "Film Culture" magazine
- Publishing without money
- "The Very Beginning of the Beginning"
- Once a poet, always a poet
- My various careers
- Publishing my dreams
- My life on film
- Utopia means different things to different people
- Early filming with my brother
- The failure of The American New Group
- Narrative films and poetic films
- Films of the late 1950s and early 1960s
- A difference of opinions
- The dangers of having a friend on the set
- Making "Guns of the Trees"
- Writing for "The Village Voice"
- New developments in the arts
- Creation of The Film-Makers' Cooperative
- The struggle to create a new outlet for our avant-garde films
- The explosion in film courses and demand for avant-garde films
- Screenings and venues in the 1960s
- Arrest for screening "Un Chant d'Amour"
- "Flaming Creatures" lands me in court
- Walking out of the Mike Wallace Show
- Interviewing Fritz Lang
- Being the film-makers' bookkeeper
- My films are like haiku poems
- Filming memories
- Filming "The Brig"
- My very personal version of "The Brig"
- Reactions to "The Brig"
- My trusty Bolex cameras
- Speak only of what you know
- Barbara Rubin's influence
- No drug beats a good read, good friends and a nice bottle of wine
- How I met Andy Warhol
- Fundraising to keep the Film-makers' Cooperative afloat
- Turning footage into films: "Walden" and "Lost, Lost, Lost"
- "Walden" and Thoreau
- The controversial trees at 80 Wooster Street
- The Film-Makers' Cinematheque
- Founding Anthology Film Archives
- Losing funding for Anthology Film Archives
- Building up the Anthology Film Archives
- Our headquarters at 80 Wooster Street
- The constant need for more space in Anthology Film Archives
- The importance of film preservation for future generations
- Running Anthology Film Archives
- Raising funds for all the essential projects
- Film-making processes
- Learning editing techniques from Kenneth Anger
- My friendship with Yuri Zakova prompts accusations of spying
- "Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania"
- The strongest a best beer comes from Lithuania
- Defending "Paradise"
- My films are my diaries
- "As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty"
- Shooting in a different medium
- The most boring film in the world
- An accidental presence in "Empire"
- The benefits of shooting videos
- Film is not a medium for political thought
- My debt of gratitude to Jerome Hill
- P Adams Sitney, one of my oldest friends
- Peter Kubelka surprises Ira Cohen
- Joseph Cornell
- Stan Brakhage
- Andy Warhol's joke
- Nam June Paik sends shockwaves
- The prolific Ken Jacobs
- The fragile, artistic temperament
- Hated by Harry Smith
- The turbulent life of Harry Smith
- "Flaming Creatures"
- The temperamental Jack Smith
- Marie Menken
- Which comes first - form or feeling?
- Masters of conceptual art
- Robert Frank's depth of vision
- The film calendar of Hollis Frampton
- The loyalty and friendship of Kenneth Anger
- My morning routine
- My busy schedule
- Inspired by the energy of the young
- Avant-garde and mainstream films
Jonathan Miller
- My grandfather mistook Cork for New York
- WHR Rivers' influence on my father
- Studying shell shock after World War I
- My witty mother
- I'm Jewish only for anti-Semites
- Hatred for ethnic loathing
- Not the brightest child at school
- Not so ordinary outside interests
- University
- Philosophy and neurology
- The difference between voluntary and involuntary actions
- The Apostles society
- Medical students don't have time for theatre
- Location of the soul
- Death is not an exit
- Darwin didn't change my life
- Exposure to -isms
- The person from Porlock
- Leaving medicine for theatre
- The 'Wizard of Oz' effect: Work for the BBC
- Mean critics
- I'm not a Renaissance man
- The 'trendy Jew': "Whistle and I'll Come to You"
- In the clouds of hydrogen sulphide
- Working against all odds
- Plato's "Symposium" aka "The Drinking Party"
- 'The good doctor has to be different': Directing Shakespeare
- Out of the academic world
- Why I enjoy theatre
- Re-designing theatre
- The fuss over trousers in "La Traviata"
- The Jurassic Park singers
- "Così fan tutte"
- "The Merchant of Venice"
- "Rigoletto"
- The theatre schlepping: Updating and critics
- The catastrophe of growing up
- Influential modernism
- My vision of art
- Photography and collage
- 'If you can light a cigarette...'
- "Desert Island Discs" twice, please!
- "St Matthew Passion"
- Friends and solitude
- I don't feel old
- My grandchildren are not vehicles
- 'The older you get, the more you know about life'
- You cannot undertake love
Marvin Minsky
- The amazing videophone from the '60s
- Unreliable childhood memories
- Fieldston School
- The next J Robert Oppenheimer?
- Feeling rather slow
- Having intelligent friends
- Memories of post-war childhood: Mother and father
- The significance of being Jewish as a child
- The direction of attraction between mathematicians and musicians
- Tinker Toys versus Lego
- An early understanding of basic physics
- Building an intercontinental missile in Buckminster Fuller's backyard
- Sidestepping the army draft by joining the Navy
- Meeting people in the Navy who couldn't swim
- Mathematical education in the US Navy
- Thinking the Hiroshima bomb was a hoax
- Inventing new mathematics
- The careers I didn't choose
- My career was based on cowardice
- A golden opportunity for young scientists after World War II
- A short history of neural networks
- How I became interested in neural networks
- My early methods for testing neural networks
- My PhD thesis on learning machines
- John Nash solves my PhD problem
- Why I changed from bottom-up to top-down thinking
- The end of my PhD on learning machines
- My first encounter with a computer
- Writing a program for Russell Kirsch's SEAC
- The first timeshared computer
- The small math community at Princeton
- The Harvard Society of Fellows 'like a rotary club'
- My opinion of Noam Chomsky's theories
- Donald Hall and John Hollander at Harvard
- The Society of Fellows was a wonderful environment
- Problems with new theories of psychology
- Inventing the confocal microscope
- Oliver Selfridge's work at Lincoln
- Modelling my recruitment policy on Oliver Selfridge's lab
- The hacker community
- The frustration of teaching calculus at MIT
- Publishing "Steps Toward Artificial Intelligence"
- Switching from teaching math to artificial intelligence
- The beauty of the Lisp language
- The beginning of the artificial intelligence community
- The fathers of Artificial Intelligence
- My covert dating tactics
- How things got done at the AI lab
- Setting up the AI lab with John McCarthy
- The great benefit of having a co-director
- Hiring technicians to run the AI lab properly
- Reading HG Wells as a child
- Why I prefer science fiction to general literature
- Arthur C Clarke was given his own satellite
- Olaf Stapledon's science fiction
- Visiting NASA with Carl Sagan
- My real life designs for Arthur C Clarke's space elevator
- Why I decided to work on the space elevator
- The contribution of email to space ideas
- Handwriting recognition machines at the MIT labs
- Developing programs that could understand written questions
- AI programs 'devolving' from calculus to geometry
- Why can't machines do things that babies can?
- Facial recognition machines
- How computers developed at MIT
- The conflict between AI research and computer science
- What I think is wrong with modern research
- Lowell Wood's novel idea for launching a space station
- The importance of my undergraduate classes at Harvard
- My undergraduate thesis in fixed point theorems
- Freeman Dyson proves what I couldn't
- Solving Emil Post's problem
- Solving Post's unsolvable problem leads to the 'Minsky Machines'
- Andrew Gleason's eight year plan of attack
- 'You can pull something with a string, but not push it'
- Will machines ever understand Aesop's fables?
- Analogy is the difference between human and computer thinking
- Developing ideas of intelligence in the 1960s
- Unexpected problems with language machines
- The history of the laws of physics
- The beginning of cognitive psychology
- The strange history of neuroscience
- Chomsky's theories of language were irrelevant
- Losing students to lucrative careers
- Psychology should not be like physics
- Seymour Papert goes in a different direction
- Seymour Papert's little scientists
- Representations of the mind, knowledge and thinking
- Producing "The Society of Mind"
- "The Emotion Machine"
- The impact of the "Society of Mind"
- Why the "Society of Mind" is crucial for understanding intelligence
- A theory of why evolution is a slow process
- Biological plausability for the Society of Mind theory
- Advising Stanley Kubrick on "2001: A Space Odyssey"
- Stanley Kubrick forgets he made "Dr Strangelove"
- What was Stanley Kubrick like?
- Stanley Kubrick scraps the tetrahedron
- I created part of "2001: A Space Odyssey"
- Warren McCulloch: For whom the world was a stage
- New philosophy and the historians of thought
- Finding out the true scientific answer
- The ghosts of Andrew Gleason and Warren McCulloch
- Andrew Gleason's help to me as a student
- Is being smart an accident?
- Intelligence tests
- Trying to stink out the school chemistry lab
- Having access to so many great scientists
- Pitirim Sorokin
- 'If my hands are closed, I can't imagine a piano piece'
- The philosophy of thinking in threes
- Discussing ideas with Francis Crick
- Discussing consciousness in "The Emotion Machine"
- Deconstructing consciousness into mechanistic processes
- The idea of consciousness is at odds with evolution
- The word 'consciousness' is just used to control people
- The fuzziness of qualia
- Accounting for qualia with complicated processes
- Evolution intervened between psychology and physics
- My work with Seymour Papert on neural networks
- The problem with perceptrons
- Embarrassing mistakes in perceptron research
- Why we should publish failures in AI research
- Claude Shannon's world changing publication
- Why I got on so well with Claude Shannon
- Making a ball bearing weapon
- Making the most useless machine
- A short history of chess playing machines
- Did the chess playing machines have an impact?
- The influence of Nicholas Rashevsky's mathematical biophysics
- The work of BF Skinner
- My friendship with BF Skinner
- The cleverest rat
- Activating a dead crayfish claw
- My endless sequence of lucky breaks
- Building my randomly wired neural network machine
- Show and tell: My neural network machine
- Learning machine theories after SNARC
- My mistake when inventing the confocal microscope
- Nicholas Negroponte's lab: The Architecture Machine
- The beginning of the Media Lab at MIT
- Seymour Papert's theory of constructivism
- The Society of Mind theory developed from teaching
- Collaborations in my career
- Working with Push Singh
- My relationship with Richard Feynman
- 'The current climate crisis clouds visions of the future'
- Will humans live longer and longer?
- Consequences of a larger population and longer life
- The opportunities for research within Artificial Intelligence
- 'I want an anti-fad fad'
Avrion Mitchison
- Family and politics
- Father and mother
- Father
- How my father made me independent
- My mother: Naomi Mitchison
- My creative and athletic mother
- My sisters
- School
- A family of biologists
- Mother and father's friends
- JBS Haldane
- Getting into New College, Oxford
- Going to work with JBS Haldane at UCL
- People at UCL: Michael White and Wolfgang Kuehne
- People at UCL: JBS Haldane
- James Rendel
- JBS Haldane: the Thetis disaster and experimenting on himself
- More than just an uncle
- Older brothers
- Carradale and growing food for the war effort
- My mother's contribution to the war
- Childhood experiments
- Working with Michael White: Miastor midges
- Helping out in the Drosophila lab in the holidays
- JBS Haldane and experiments
- JBS Haldane: going to India
- JBS Haldane: writing popular science
- Oxford: Peter Medawar and skin graft experiments
- Oxford: tutorials with Peter Medawar
- Peter Medawar and the scientific method
- Peter Medawar: background
- Magdalen College, Oxford
- Oxford: theatre and being in love
- Travelling in America with Tony Richardson
- Staying on at Oxford and making cages for mice
- Experimenting on mice and working with Peter Gorer
- Donald Michie
- The Cavendish Lab at Cambridge: Watson and Crick
- James Gowans
- Receiving the Commonwealth Fund Fellowship to go to America
- Working on genetics; Indiana and Tracy Sonneborn
- Working with Tracy Sonneborn
- Living on campus in Indiana
- Working on histocompatibility genes at Bar Harbor
- George Snell
- Proving the transfer of cells
- Working on chickens
- Experimenting with irradiating mice
- Getting papers published - then and now
- Sharing authorship of papers
- Going to Czechoslovakia and a paper on vegetative hybridization
- Harvard with Jim Watson
- Robin Coombs
- Starting work on peripheral tolerance
- Polly Matzinger
- The move to Mill Hill
- The Mill Hill days: changes in immunology
- Working on tolerance
- The next step in understanding tolerance
- The four groups investigating T-cells
- Immunizing cells against a protein T-cell
- The antigen bridge theory
- Principles: not taking credit for contribution to papers
- Competition and co-operation between labs
- Immunology meetings
- Working for the World Health Organisation
- The move to University College London
- Josh Lederberg
- Biotech companies: Celltech and the Genetic Systems Corporation
- The relationship between universities and industry
- My time as President of the Zoological Society
- The role of the zoo
- The Weizmann Institute
- Science, politics and religion
- Work at UCL: research into F liver protein
- Work at UCL: co-operation between T cells and conjugate vaccines
- Work at UCL: cancer research
- Work at UCL: the negatives and research on suppression
- Other groups at work at UCL
- Immune surveillance
- Tumour immunology
- The future for immunology
- Education is the key
- The asthma epidemic and regulation
- Sir David Lane
- The move to Germany
- The state of science in Germany
- The research group in Germany
- The importance of the stregth of signal view
- Why science in Germany is so good
- Berlin in the 1990s
- The reunification of East and West Berlin
- Back to UCL
- Jan Klein, Milan Hasek and Miroslav Holub
- Dead ends in immunology
- Dead ends in cosmology
- Suppressor cells
- The role of model building in immunology
- How much of the immune system do we understand?
- Looking for new cells
- Personal motivation
- 'Big' science versus 'small' science
- Making a career in science now
- Differences between British and American science
- Animal experimentation
- The supremacy of humans over animals
- Fraud in science
- Fraud in science: the Baltimore affair
- Is the network dead?
- Open access publishing
- Styles of science
- Sharing ideas
- The student-mentor relationship
- Honours and prizes
- Lack of new members in the Royal Society
- The key qualities that make a good scientist
- Science: Nature or nurture?
- Starting out: Then and now and interesting areas in science
- Climate change and the role of scientists in educating the public
Desmond Morris
- Cheating death even before birth
- Lucky timing
- Avoiding death for the second time
- Childhood memories I can’t forget
- Overcoming traumatic memories
- Early trauma shapes my perception of the human race
- How the world wars turned me into a rebel
- The lake in my grandmother’s garden
- Living by my wits in the army
- Colour-coding patients
- My debt of gratitude to Dylan Thomas
- Choosing to become a research zoologist
- Learning how to study animal behaviour
- Developing the concept of typical intensity in animal signals
- A lucky accident turns me into a TV presenter
- Flying by the seat of my pants on live TV
- Congo the artistic chimpanzee
- "Life in the Animal World" – an exciting and lively project
- Genesis of "The Naked Ape"
- Being taken for a spy in 1960s Moscow
- How I came to write "The Naked Ape"
- A case of mistaken identity
- Human beings - just another species of animal?
- "The Naked Ape" is a bestseller!
- "The Human Zoo"
- The price of fame
- Building a human ethogram
- "Manwatching" – the most satisfying book I ever wrote
- Why football is the most popular sport in the world
- Reaching back in time
- Curiosity is the key to finding solutions
- Even a space ape must urinate
- Competition and cooperation – vital for human survival
- Maternal love
- Love is in our genes
- Mortality – the best remedy for procrastination
- Contemplating death and the afterlife
Walter Murch
- Academic Acropolis
- Living with Thomas Edison's legacy
- Television changes everything
- Morningside Heights joins the 20th century
- Life in the womb
- The significance of sound
- My greatest ambition: to be a subway driver
- Layogenic: not everything is what it may seem
- Good plus good doesn't always equal better
- How I came to be nicknamed Gerald McBoing-Boing
- My 'wonderful playground' of sound
- What is "musique concrete"?
- The perfect age is 10
- My supportive father
- Taking life seriously
- Geology is not for me
- Getting a motorcycle and a girl
- The first day at film school
- 'Drop out now'
- Learning about film sound
- How George Lucas got into movies
- Talented George Lucas
- "THX 11384 EB"
- George Lucas beard bonding with Francis Ford Coppola
- "The Rain People"
- Moving to San Francisco
- American Zoetrope is going to change the world of cinema
- Becoming creative with film sound
- Can sound effects editors also be mixers?
- Revolution in sound design
- Filming "THX 1138"
- Unusual job offer from George Cukor
- Learning how to wrap expensive gifts
- 'Never complain, never explain'
- Signe Hasso's wrong present
- Old and New Hollywood
- Coughing fits during sound mixing
- Francis Ford Coppola maces his crew
- How the brain processes image and sound
- Movies sound better in colour
- Could we go back to early technology?
- "The Godfather" – our life raft
- 'Make sure you have something in your hands'
- Securing a decade of Paul Haggar's good will
- Crisis with music to "The Godfather"
- The score for the horse's head scene
- 'This is one of those moments': Bob Evans approves our work
- The right kind of directorial intervention
- Francis Ford Coppola's style of shooting
- 'Worldizing' the film sound
- Will "The Godfather" be successful?
- 'Keep going, because the horse may talk'
- The 42 songs of "American Graffiti"
- "American Graffiti": The soundtrack
- Harried executives pay little attention
- You are a sound man – you can edit the picture
- Appreciating linear table editing systems
- "The Conversation": 'Plunged into the editing'
- "The Conversation": Finding the right timing and dosage
- "The Conversation": Restructuring the story
- "The Conversation": The last ten pages to shoot
- Points of view in a movie: Divergent approach
- Points of view in a movie: Convergent approach
- 'He'd kill us if he had the chance'
- "The Conversation" fails people's expectations
- Problems with the sound dynamics in "The Godfather II"
- Fixing the dynamic range and learning my lesson
- Realising that a cut is like a blink
- Editing – blinking for the audience
- 'Actors should not blink'
- Never cut on the blink!
- Why I prefer nodal editing to matching action
- 'Every film is a tree that grows'
- Dynamic trimming
- What do frames feel like?
- The metaphoric sound of an elevated train
- How sound can intensify performance
- Wordless take six
- The application of Negative Twenty Questions in film
- Vertical casting
- Horizontal casting
- Al Pacino – the perfect fit
- The surprising reception of "The Godfather"
- 'In case "The Godfather" is not a hit…'
- The law of 30%
- 'The spaghetti sauce method' vs 'the Procrustes method'
- "Apocalypse Now": The idea for a 'gutless', simple film
- Writing "The Black Stallion" script
- Move to London in 1976
- 'Mr. Z, why not let them go through the door?'
- The light click jump cut leads to the invention of N-VIS-O
- The crisis with "Apocalypse Now" and my trip to the Philippines
- The beginning of 5.1 sound
- "Apocalypse Now": The director's vision
- "Apocalypse Now": Martin Sheen’s heart attack
- "Apocalypse Now": Joining the 'insane' editorial team
- "Apocalypse Now": The biggest explosion ever staged for a film
- "Apocalypse Now": Martin Sheen's 'lookable-atable' eyes
- "Apocalypse Now": Martin Sheen's powerful acting exercise
- "Apocalypse Now": Editing the opening scene
- "Apocalypse Now": 'Let's have narration'
- Martin Sheen on the loose in San Francisco
- Denied to use "The Valkyries" in the film
- George Solti's intervention saves "The Valkyries" scene
- "The Valkyries" attack scene still has an effect on me
- Francis Ford Coppola's documentary style of shooting
- "Apocalypse Now": The final mixing
- Who has final cut on the film? The projectionist!
- Sound design: 'Let's jump off the back of the tiger'
- Sound design: Tapestry of mono and stereo
- The role of sound designer
- Peculiarities of Francis Ford Coppola's style
- "Apocalypse Now": The General's speech scene
- Harvey Keitel in "Apocalypse Now"
- Dialogue does not sound so good in stereo
- Encoded sound
- Embodied sound
- 'The last thing you want to do is win the Oscar'
- Disney Studios reaching out
- Writing the screenplay for "Return to Oz"
- Looking for Kansas in England
- Fired on Thursday, rehired on Tuesday
- 'Shoot the master shot'
- Broad-based vs. pin-point lighting
- David Watkin and the mirrored throne room
- Three different administrations at Disney Studios
- Why "Return to Oz" seems scary
- The underlying message in "Return to Oz"
- Difficult time post "Return to Oz"
- Tension between Haskell Wexler and Francis Ford Coppola
- 'Li' – unintentional things of magical quality
- 'Walter tricked me': The sound may make you see a film in a different way
- The creative spiral between film, editing and music
- Dialogue and sound effects are like the moon and the stars
- An American in England
- The optical effect that removed half-eaten sandwiches from "Julia"
- Fred Zinnemann orders to leave half-eaten sandwiches shot
- 'Cut, print, let's move on': Fred Zinnemann's style of filming
- Fred Zinnemann may sacrifice the film to teach you a lesson
- The penultimate take phenomenon
- 'Upside-down, backwards and side by side': How Tik-Tok was made
- 'A ball and two legs and it is running around'
- Being sued for copyright infringement
- 'That's my squeak!': The first sampling lawsuit in the film history
- "Return to Oz" gets a negative review
- "Captain EO" – $1 million a minute
- 'Captain EO, your ship is about to take off'
- Michael Jackson – Peter Pan and astute businessman in one person
- 3D and overcoming the stuttering issue
- Problem with visual precision
- "Unbearable Lightness of Being" – my next project
- The democratisation of on-the-spot recording
- "Unbearable Lightness of Being": The "Zelig" approach vs. intercutting
- "Unbearable Lightness of Being": The use of archives
- Different acting styles of Daniel Day-Lewis and Juliette Binoche
- "Ghost": Laughter, screams and tears
- "First Knight": Old Hollywood extravaganza
- Filmmaking is similar to cooking
- The excellent casting of "The Godfather"
- Bankable actors do not always have the chemistry
- Al Pacino becoming a star
- How bad casting can sink a film
- What is stardom?
- Alan Ladd: Good but not great
- Dangers of becoming a star
- Robert De Niro in disguise
- "The English Patient": Close to miscasting
- "The English Patient": 'Can we go digital?'
- "The English Patient": The complicated switch from film to digital
- "The English Patient": The first steps in digital editing
- Digital editing favours close-ups
- The 'diet and exercise' reduction of the film length
- "The English Patient": Side effects of removing vital scenes
- 'A bomb is a bomb': Reductions can improve the structure of a film
- "The English Patient": Katharine and Almásy love story
- "The English Patient": The interrogation scene
- The use of silence as an indication of danger
- The idea to revive Orson Welles's "Touch of Evil"
- The story behind Orson Welles's "Touch of Evil"
- "Touch of Evil": Welles's memo, DME and the original negative
- Orson Welles's memo – the only silver lining of his tragedy
- Re-cutting "Touch of Evil" to Welles's specifications
- What Orson Welles really implicated in his memo
- "Touch of Evil": Two file boxes from Ernie Nims
- "Touch of Evil": Orson Welles's 'worldizing' of the sound
- "Touch of Evil": Welles's ideas for the opening scene
- "Touch of Evil": The rewarding experience of Orson Welles's world
- "Touch of Evil": Janet Leigh's broken arm
- Orson Welles's technique of shooting
- "Touch of Evil": Ten pages of script in one shot
- The quality of sound can tell a story
- "The Talented Mr. Ripley" and the single point of view
- Charismatic Jude Law unbalances the film
- "The Talented Mr. Ripley": Anthony Minghella did not like Procrustes
- 'Tell me the timing': Why films tend to become too long
- Reducing 'water content' in a film
- Double-entry bookkeeping and its dangers
- Why I always time the screenplays
- The advantages of long assemblies
- Different approaches to the film-making process
- The editor's early involvement in the film-making process
- Film-making is like Victoria's Secret, but on a very high level
- 'A red hammer' trick
- 'Anthony, they already hate you': The previews of "The Talented Mr. Ripley"
- The idea of "Apocalypse Redux"
- The concept of a branching DVD
- "Apocalypse Redux": From simple idea to a complex afterthought
- "Apocalypse Redux": The hot Alka-Seltzer bath for the film
- Thomas Edison and the Kinetophones
- Syncing the only piece of sound film from the 19th century
- Edison's recording admitted to the National Registry of Significant Films
- The turbulent birth of 35mm film
- William Kennedy Dickson's optimistic vision of motion pictures
- The Brighton School and the invention of 'continuity editing'
- "K-19" and work with Kathryn Bigelow
- "K-19": The problem of accents in film
- The decision to switch from Avid to Final Cut Pro
- The economic impact of moving to Final Cut Pro
- "Cold Mountain": Shooting in Romania
- "Cold Mountain": The problem with new characters after the midpoint
- Single vs. multiple point of view
- The dangers of changing the rules in the middle
- 'It took too long to get here on the bus': The coded feedback
- The costs of film editing then and now
- "Jarhead": The war without combat
- "Jarhead" – not a hot war film
- Editing the "Apocalypse Now" scene in "Jarhead"
- "Youth Without Youth": My first digitally shot film
- "Youth Without Youth": Experimenting with 'blowing the image up'
- Cutting vertically within the frame
- 'Overscanning' – the new way of making films
- "Youth Without Youth": 'R' for nudity and metaphysics
- Turning down "Hurt Locker" and its repercussions
- "Tetro": A year in Argentina
- The difference between 'look at' and 'look into' mediums
- Experience you get in the theatre, but never at home
- 'The mice had been working on the film': Work with Kathryn Bigelow
- Death of Anthony Minghella
- How Oscars became a cultural icon
- 'I'm the double trick person': Winning the Oscars
- "Wolfman": Working with Avid again
- "Wolfman": Hired for three weeks, stayed for longer
- "Wolfman": Indecision on the music front
- The relationship between a director and an editor
- Both editors and directors feel their ways in darkness
- 'Three is a magic number': Be proactive, but not a pest
- "Clone Wars" and learning Maya
- My first experience with animation
- "Hemingway & Gellhorn": Working again with Phil Kaufman
- "Hemingway & Gellhorn": Relearning Final Cut Pro 7
- "Hemingway & Gellhorn": Financing from HBO
- Apple introduces Final Cut Pro X
- 'Professional software needs to work on $150 million movie'
- The invention of rebar that revolutionised steel industry
- Final Cut Pro X – the 'rebarisation' of professional editing
- Moving to Adobe Premiere Pro
- "Hemingway & Gellhorn": The use of colours
- Niven Busch, his sherry and 'closed for repairs'
- My interest in string theory leads to Mark Levinson
- ADR – automated dialogue replacement
- Marlon Brando's analysis of the ADR process
- An idea for a Large Hadron Collider documentary
- The discovery of Higgs boson and a new ending to our film
- Our documentary rejected at film festivals
- The principal challenge of our documentary
- The Superconducting Super Collider, Texas
- The audience rejects the Super Collider story
- What if film had been invented 100 years earlier?
- The Three Fathers of Film: Ludwig van Beethoven
- The Three Fathers of Film: Gustave Flaubert
- The Three Fathers of Film: Thomas Edison
- My editing room feels like a butterfly factory
- A sweet spot before teenage years that can determine your life
- Why do people make films?
- The role of emotion in the nature
- MacLean's concept of the triune brain: logic, instinct, emotion
- Film as an art based on myths
- Film – medium with the biggest potential
- Framing a face on film
- Brave new world of film-making
- The power of the single-take film
- Editing vs. single-take filming
- The significance of good film editing
- Marlon Brando – the film editor's nightmare
- Remedial work on "Apocalypse Now" with Harrison Ford
- How to cure 'Steenbeck neck'
- Benefits of standing over sitting while working
- Instinct, emotion and logic in film
- Synergy between the senses
- One of life's many coincidences
- Why is a film like a diamond?
- The 'snowflake' director
- The six criteria of film editing
- A practical approach to the six rules of film editing
- What matters the most in film editing?
- "Tomorrowland" and being fired again
- How being fired affects your confidence
- The challenges of being a director
- Baskets of multicoloured ping-pong balls
- The period of recovery after a finished project
- Discovering 'the waterfall effect' as a child
- 'The waterfall effect' in the editor's work
- 'Sometimes a word is worth a thousand pictures': Film as a translation
- Translating – my way to 're-enter' the world
- The transubstantiated forests of Europe
- The 'scaffolding' of film structure
- Creativity and Cairns-Smith's theory on origin of life
- Am I an artist?
- 'The singing semi': Recording up at 3AM
- The use of 'the singing semi' sound in films
- R2-D2 – the origin of the name
- Recording wild lines for "THX 1138": The origin of Wookiee
- The 'persistence of vision' effect
- John Ross's experiment with perceiving in depth
- 50ms tube: How the brain perceives motion
- Seeing things in slow motion
- Why do we use music in films
- Is it possible to have too much music in film?
- The power of music in film
- Earthing emotion through music
John Julius Norwich
- Only trying to please
- My mother the marvellous educator
- "Reading Without Tears"
- Lessons with my mother
- Risking prosecution by trespassing on the South Downs
- My mother's glittering career
- "The Miracle" – a play by Max Reinhardt
- My mother the actress
- Family Christmas at Belvoir Castle
- Early school days
- Breaking the bond with nanny
- Foreign holidays
- A dubious honour
- The moment the world changed forever
- Setting off for America
- Drawing lessons for the ungifted
- My voyage to America
- America – my safe haven
- Going to school in Canada
- Hitching a lift on a cruiser
- Zigzagging across the Atlantic
- A futile mission in the Far East
- Paris – my parents' new home
- The unworldly PG Wodehouse
- London to Paris by Spitfire
- Lunch with Winston Churchill
- Open house at the British Embassy
- I met everyone who counted in France
- The joys of reading aloud
- When Hilaire Belloc came calling
- A good bathroom does help
- Notable house guests
- Iris Tree
- Evelyn Waugh
- Domestic arrangements
- Our house in Gower Street
- The trompe l’œil niche
- Feodor Chaliapin
- The Hand of Fatima
- Being principled comes at a cost
- My introduction to Eton
- Cold comfort at Eton
- Eton's early mornings and ugly maids
- An Eton education
- Sadists and sport at Eton
- Swapping Eton for Strasbourg
- Eton then and now
- Ping-pong and passion in Strasbourg
- A blast from the past
- My astonishing mother
- On being an only child
- In the Navy
- Secretary to the Captain's secretary
- Mummy pulls some strings
- My worst night in the Navy
- Cruising around the West Indies
- Six weeks in Gibraltar
- A night out in Copenhagen
- David Herbert
- Disappointed in Norway
- Defying my father's advice
- My gratitude to the Navy
- Meeting my future wife
- Satisfying my wanderlust
- Mummy pulls some strings again
- My mother's plan backfires
- Yugoslavia's unspoilt charm
- House-hunting in Belgrade
- Shakespeare comes to Belgrade
- The vanquishing of the best car in the world
- Killing time in Genoa
- Beautiful Beirut
- High society in Beirut
- First rumblings of civil unrest in Beirut
- My one great adventure
- An apology from the police
- Mother reacts to news of my shooting
- Caught up in a military coup in Turkey
- British diplomacy at its best
- 'Our friends' in Beirut
- House-hunting
- Selling Britain to the Arabs
- Dinner parties with the Prime Minister
- Discovering the Norman culture of Sicily
- The taste of freedom
- The best laid plans
- Trapped in Khartoum
- Sabotaged by events
- The London Library
- A lucky find
- My father's death
- The remarkable Patrick Leigh Fermor
- Patriotism saves the day
- Patrick Leigh Fermor – traveller, adventurer and author
- Falling in love with Venice
- The perils attacking Venice
- Saving Venice
- Venice in Peril
- The curse of international tourism
- The rise and fall and rise of Venice
- When writing, start at the beginning
- Attempting to gain access to Mount Athos
- A world without women
- The austerity and beauty of life on Mount Athos
- When is Mount Athos like Eton?
- Mount Athos then and now
- Setting out to cross the Sahara Desert
- Camels and camps in the Sahara
- An eventful homeward journey
- Time suspended
- Filming in Sicily
- Pulling rank
- Making documentaries for the BBC
- Napoleon's Waterloo 'victory'
- Ordering egg and chips in Harry's Bar
- A sudden change of destination
- Acrobatic cameramen
- Under a spell
- "My Word" trumps my words
- Round Britain Quiz
- Becoming a peer of the realm
- Choosing a political affiliation
- Long live democracy
- My grandfather – a rather special doctor
- My father's military exploits
- Chronicles of a time gone by
- Conrad Russell, the Gothic farmer
- Raimund von Hofmannsthal
- Cecil Beaton
- Rex Whistler's capriccio painting at Plas Newydd
- The charm of Haddon Hall
- Nannies – a vanishing breed
- The less than pleasant Evelyn Waugh
- Evelyn who?
- My mother inspires Evelyn Waugh
- The Jekyll and Hyde nature of Randolph Churchill
- The price of marital infidelity
- Secrets and deception
- Complex family relations
- My daughter Allegra
- A christening in the waters of the Rio Grande
- Ricki Huston
- My mother – a menace behind the wheel
Sherwin Nuland
- Unassimilated parents
- School – a frightening adventure
- Discovering the library
- Filling a flyleaf with my first story
- Fascinated by the beauty of my cadences
- Getting money for college
- I get captivated by medicine
- Why I had to change my name
- Doctors – the highest forms of human beings
- 'Working my bloody tail off'
- I get accepted to Johns Hopkins School
- 'This is where I belong': Yale School of Medicine
- 'Shhh, those are the Protestants!'
- Why surgery wasn't my thing
- How Robert A Chase changed my life
- I meet my first wife
- Depression
- Meeting Sarah, my second wife
- 'Next time get a better room!'
- Breaking up with Sarah
- An original marriage proposal
- A Jew without belief
- Beneficial spirituality
- Human need for a sense of order
- Why people invented religion
- A sense of wonder
- That narcissistic feeling
- Don't think, just write!
- I become a literary editor
- Ignaz Semmelweis and hand-washing
- The first book - "Doctors: The Biography of Medicine"
- My way to "The New Yorker"
- An idea for a book worth writing
- Working on "How We Die"
- Who will publish "How We Die"?
- The great success of "How We Die"
- My method of writing
- The concept of a changing brain
- How our brains work
- 'Hey boy, have you seen the eyes of that scrub nurse?'
- The philosophy of surgery
- Judgement as the ultimate tool of a physician
- The art of keeping yourself calm
- Surgery is fun!
- Devouring medical literature
- Averill Liebow and the best compliment I've ever had
- The difference between information, knowledge and wisdom
- The importance of being curious
- 'Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle'
- Percy Shelley's moral imagination
- The unconscious mind
- Death in my family
- 'If I could be the master over disease'
- Learning I have prostate cancer
- Facing death
- How to prevent a surgical disaster
- First: stay calm!
- Being in the right place at the right time
- Supernatural or just coincidence?
- Ageing is an art
- "The Uncertain Art"
- The review of "The Art of Ageing"
- Depression returns
- Appreciation of family and friends
- A wonderful life
- Coming to terms with my father
- What I want to be remembered for
Redmond O'Hanlon
- Cocaine helps the writing
- Amphetamine in the Bodleian
- My revelation in the psychiatrist's room
- How would you feel if your mother died?
- Why hadn't I thought of evolution by natural selection?
- The hagfish: 510 million years old
- Leave the hagfish alone
- How I came to be on a trawler instead of in New Guinea
- The harshness of the sea
- Only the sparrows knew I cheated in exams
- My older brother must have been damaged too
- My imaginary childhood friends
- The first beating comes on the first night
- The sixth form bliss
- "The Origin of Species": 'The dirtiest book I've ever read'
- I had the shotgun in my mouth
- The suicide of my best friend Martin Pullinger
- Depression only hits at home
- 'If God had existed he would have made Oxford'
- "Into The Heart of Borneo" with James Fenton
- Meeting the Iban tribe in Borneo
- Why do the women like Johnson shear pins?
- Why did we go to Borneo?
- James Fenton's performances for the tribes
- Writing about the Borneo experience
- My tricks of the trade
- The hardships of jungle life
- 'Parasites, that's what worries you'
- Show and Tell: The bugs in my notebook
- How James Fenton almost drowned
- My foray into Venezuela
- Howler monkey soup
- Stung by a scorpion
- My dugout canoe crew
- A childhood nightmare comes true
- The importance of having a companion
- Simon leaves for western civilisation
- Positive jungle memories make up for a month of hell
- Things to be scared of...
- An ingenious invention to prevent the Candiru
- The Yanomami tribe
- Meeting the Shaman
- The pain and magic of the Yopo drug
- What is Yopo and why did I take it?
- When the men come back...
- What the Yanomami fear
- Anaconda!
- How to be a travel writer
- Simon's hatred of nature after travelling
- "Congo Journey"
- Lary Shaffer
- Babinga life consists of hunting and dancing
- The Dance of Death
- How the Babingas treat back pain
- 'In my dreams the Babingas are always tall'
- The disappointment of Lake Tele
- Marcellin's need for a woman
- Receiving a fetish from a sorcerer
- The procession of Samale
- Fetish and superstition in Africa
- Everyone should have their own fetish room
- A horrible object
- Childhood books in the fetish room
- Cultural differences and similarities with South America and Africa
- Always marry a farmer's daughter
- Paul du Chaillu hides the gorilla's penis
- Marcellin berates 'the white man'
- Beside Lake Tele
- Offending the chimpanzees of Lake Tele
- After the journeys
- Why is the trawler dangerous?
- Trawler fishing in treacherous weather
- The fish caught in the Northeast Atlantic
- Show and Tell: Rattails
- Show and Tell: Rabbitfish
- Show and Tell: The Arctic skate
- Show and Tell: Sebastes
- Show and Tell: Amphipods
- The horrible story of the hagfish
- The awfulness of life aboard the trawler
- The horror of coming ashore
- How "Trawler" told the real story of fishing trawlers
- Who won the Cod War?
- Reflections on life at sea
- The aftermath of the trawler
- Why writing is tougher than the trawler
Martin Raff
- I hated science when I was a child
- How I ended up in science
- Avrion Mitchison's inspirational immunology
- Avrion Mitchison makes me a world player in immunology
- Advice to young scientists: Do important science!
- The embarrassing truth of my lymphocyte discovery
- The Mitchison dynasty
- Why James Watson is so special
- James Watson recruits us to write "Molecular Biology of the Cell"
- Sex and the brain
- Transsexual brain
- How social behavior can change brain structure
- Homosexual brains are different
- Doing experiments inspires me
- Stumbling upon cell death
- Why cell death is important
- Cells continuously want to kill themselves
- What to do when you fall ill
- How to find a good doctor
- 'Thinkers' versus 'doers'
- Why don't scientists retire in America?
- How my great friend died
- How my parents killed themselves
Frederic Raphael
- Everyone has a story to tell
- My unJewish Jewish family
- What's in a name?
- Love blossoms in America
- Moving to West Side New York
- Early boyhood in the Depression
- London makes a poor first impression
- Pissing on the carpet in a nice pattern
- Sailing to England
- In England, you can grow up to be an English gentleman
- Outbreak of World War II seals our fate
- First taste of school
- Importance of modesty
- Schooldays, school plays and the Blitz
- England becomes our post-war home
- How I became an – unwilling – Charterhouse Scholar
- Effect of anti-Semitism on my early academic life
- Anti-Semitism in British public schools
- Bullied for being Jewish
- Knocking the House platoon into shape
- I was a solitary observer
- Amorous but not erotic
- Sexually curious but still inexperienced
- Punished for taking a principled stand
- Applying for a scholarship to St John's College, Cambridge
- Elected: Major scholarship, St John's College, Cambridge
- My debt of gratitude to Turgenev
- A Cambridge scholar in-waiting
- Stymied by a semicolon
- Rubbing shoulders with the workers
- How I became an "Express" man
- Finding a female of my own
- Getting to know Beetle
- My puritanical perspective is challenged at Cambridge
- If you want to win the lottery buy a ticket
- Summer idyll in France
- Making my theatrical debut
- Inspiring admiration among my peers
- Getting a good review in "Varsity"
- How I came to write a musical comedy
- Co-opted into the Footlights revue
- 'Lady at the Wheel' - a runaway success!
- Ancient philosophy loses out to "Lady at the Wheel"
- Taking Footlights to London
- My gift is that I 'read' people
- Getting immersed in 'the biz'
- Winning the Harper-Wood studentship
- My meeting with Victor Gollancz
- I'm going to be a published writer
- Meeting William Somerset Maugham
- Travelling to Toledo
- A sense of belonging in Spain
- Adventures in the Maghreb
- Trains, taxis and limousines
- Beetle and I get married
- I hit the ground running
- A published author by the age of 23
- The chip of ice in every writer's heart
- Settling down in London
- Life's ups and downs
- A cynic on the outside, an innocent on the inside
- How to write 'boney' prose
- Charlie Lederer and the priceless jade cabinet
- How I became the most famous man in London
- Living on a shoestring in Spain
- A productive time in Spain
- On being a writer
- A farewell to Spain
- "The Limits of Love" paves the way for further success
- Writing screenplays for television
- Play the text, not the subtext
- The importance of good manners
- My inspiration for "The Graduate Wife"
- A sudden turnaround in family fortunes
- Settling down in Rome
- Moving to Greece
- Setting up home on Ios
- The true story behind "Lindmann"
- Purchasing a bit of paradise
- Having fun working with actors
- Going south for the winter
- Meeting Dr Raphael
- Writing for the movies
- Getting financial backing for "Two For the Road"
- Meeting Audrey Hepburn
- No rest for the screenwriter
- Resentment fuels my creativity
- "Darling" wins me an Oscar
- Writing in solitude is best
- Leaving the world of showbiz
- In the limelight over the Six-Day War
- Our holiday home in the Dordogne
- I’m only a writer when I’m in my house in France
- Book reviews and their impact
- I start writing "The Glittering Prizes"
- Tribulations surround the making of "Darling"
- Audrey Hepburn works her charm
- "Two For the Road" – a movie that deserves to be a hit
- Rescuing "The Glittering Prizes" from disaster
- Eric Porter gets confused
- Becoming friends with Clive James
- My daughter Sarah
- Putting Harold Pinter in his place
- Why a bit of self-deprecation is a good thing
- "School Play": a satire on all things English
- Leading the simple life takes its toll
- "Merda con zucchero"
- Grieving for my daughter
- A change of focus in my life
- Who was Titus Flavius Josephus?
- My views on the Jewish question
- The question without answer and the answer without question
- Why writing is an imperative for me
- My friend Vladimir Nabokov
- "Lolita": the movie
- Working with Stanley Kubrick
- The films of Stanley Kubrick
- After-dinner games with Stanley Kubrick
- Saved from the Count of Monte Cristo by Stanley Kubrick
- Gaining Stanley Kubrick’s approval
- How I upset Stanley Kubrick
- Stanley Kubrick’s modus operandi
- "Eyes Wide Shut" – not the best of films
- Importance of being taken seriously as a writer
- How Somerset Maugham has influenced my writing
- Writing – the best fun you can have with your clothes on
- An erotic novella inspired by Elizabeth Jane Howard
- Life’s peculiarities reflected in art
- My thoughts on love
- Bright people aren’t always the most tactful
- Jerry Weinstraub – the man who tamed Kubrick
- Meaningful standards do exist!
- A few thoughts on the Holocaust
- An analysis of anti-Semitism
- The scapegoat mechanism
- On death and the passage of time
- How to cope with thoughts of one’s own death
- Worrying about the future
- Art – telling the good from the bad
- In pursuit of precision
- Not settling for mediocre in the arts
- Art is like love and love and is like luck
- The elegance of good art
- The treason of the clerks
Paula Rego
- A Portuguese childhood
- 'Look out, here comes great-grandfather!'
- An only child gets more attention
- The Scottie dog that committed suicide
- Life in Portugal during the war
- Poverty in rural Portugal
- I learnt everything, except science
- Girls never get pregnant at the Slade School of Fine Art
- My contemporaries at the Slade School of Fine Art
- LS Lowry and Victor Pasmore's opinions of my work
- Being pregnant and unwed in Portugal
- 'Just draw, just draw'
- Picking up any English speaker
- The development of my art
- My first solo show in Portugal
- Inspiration for "The Dogs of Barcelona"
- The beautiful Italian girl in "The Dogs of Barcelona"
- "The Firemen of Alijo"
- A difficult period for my work
- Getting back into work with sculptures
- Moving out of collages gets me an exhibition
- The symbolism of the animals in my paintings
- My growing success leads to my own version of the Vivian girls
- Visiting the room of Harry Darger
- Becoming a businessman's wife
- Changing themes within my pictures
- Coping with Victor Willing's death
- Creating my "Nursery Rhyme" prints
- Abortion as a subject matter in my pictures
- Does having children interfere with the artistic process?
- The process of creating a picture
- Creating subjects for my work
- I belong in my studio
- My pictures inspired by "The Crime of Father Amaro"
- Between pictures
- I hate doing self-portraits
- Living without Victor Willing
- 19th century costumes in my "Jane Eyre" pictures
- Portuguese folk tales
- My commission for "Crivelli's Garden" at the National Gallery
- How my work changed after 1993
- Why I chose to use pastels in "Dog Women"
- I've loved film all my life
- I still go to see films
- My last year at The Slade
- The Father Amaro series: "Amongst the Women" and "Mother"
- "Metamorphosis"
- Black-and-white drawings
- Setting the scene in the studio
- Re-inventing my style
- The Prado gives me courage
Colin Renfrew
- Early life and going to see "The Agamemnon"
- St Albans School and developing an interest in archaeology
- Excavating at Canterbury: learning basic skills
- Our first trip to the continent
- Visiting Lascaux
- A school trip to America
- Studying science and getting into Cambridge
- Classes at school and a trip to Paris
- National service
- Changing subjects at Cambridge
- Learning about the Etruscans
- Life as an undergraduate in Cambridge in the 1960s
- Teachers at Cambridge
- Choosing a research topic
- Why I chose the Cyclades as a research subject
- Developing an interest in art
- A trip to Crete with Squire Hutchinson
- Cycladic research at the British School in Greece
- Gordon Childe
- Developing my theory on Cycladic cultures and radiocarbon dating
- Carbon dating pushed back the timeline
- Challenging accepted views
- My first published paper
- Studying Obsidian to build up a picture of trading networks
- My first excavation and how I met my wife
- My wife Jane
- My supervisor at Cambridge and the final exams
- Honeymoon in Paris and job offers
- Moving to Sheffield University
- A visit to the USA
- Setting up the excavation at Sitagroi
- The dig at Sitagroi
- A chronology based on radiocarbon dates
- Why would cultures change?
- Social archaeology and subsystems in the Aegean
- How did the megalithic monuments come about?
- The Explanation of Culture Change conference
- Getting involved in television
- Digging at Quanterness in Orkney
- Moving to Southampton
- Standing as the Conservative candidate for Sheffield Brightside
- My inaugural lecture at Southampton
- Making a new TV show, "Islands Out of Time"
- Excavating the sanctuary at Phylakopi
- Phylakopi: Writing up the report
- The Theoretical Archaeology Group
- Attending the Society of American Archaeologists meetings
- Lewis Binford and practical classes at Southampton
- The New Light lectures and field trips to France
- The benefits of TV work: My first visit to China
- Seeing the world thanks to making TV programmes
- Work with the Ancient Monuments Board for England
- Moving to Cambridge and my inaugural lecture
- Archaeology and language
- Life as Master of Jesus College, Cambridge
- Work on the prehistory of languages
- The application of DNA studies in archaeology
- Dr McDonald
- Work as a peer in the House of Lords
- Writing my book "The Cycladic Spirit"
- The issue of unprovenanced antiquities (Part 1)
- The issue of unprovenanced antiquities (Part 2)
- The Sevso treasure
- Excavations at Amorgos and Keros
- My interest in contemporary art (Part 1)
- My interest in contemporary art (Part 2)
- Giving the Rhind lectures
- The interaction between modern art and archaeology
- The material engagement approach (Part 1)
- The material engagement approach (Part 2)
- Winning the Balzan Prize
- The impact of publications on work (Part 1)
- The impact of publications on work (Part 2)
- The future of archaeology
- The development of comparative archaeology (Part 1)
- The development of comparative archaeology (Part 2)
- The effect of modern technology on archaeology and dealing with data
- Travelling the world thanks to archaeology
- Visiting Turkmenistan
Claudia Roden
- My childhood in Egypt
- Egyptian culture
- Women in Egypt
- Growing up in Egypt
- From England to Paris
- Lycée Hélene Boucher
- Discovering French cuisine and wine
- Suitcase full of fashion
- Life in Egypt
- The club in Egypt and vibrant life in Paris
- Cultural life in Paris
- Student life in London
- In search for ingredients
- Youth culture I wanted to be part of
- Being influenced by John Berger
- The Suez crisis
- Hospitality from strangers
- My mother's passion for cooking
- Our food is our identity
- Cosmopolitan Egypt
- Every dish has a meaning
- Hiccups and love story
- Paul's mother's clothing business
- Paul's charismatic father
- Family life in London
- Researching the history of food
- Discovering the history of the Middle East food
- Cooking medieval dishes
- Testing different recipes
- I do not want to betray the tradition
- Loving other people's company
- Finding a publisher
- Collecting handwritten recipes
- Realising people buy my cookbook
- Chefs are inspired by my cookbook
- Teaching cookery classes
- Exploring the Mediterranean culture
- The joy of travelling alone
- Visiting friends in Morocco
- Cooking in the Riad
- Magic making in Morocco
- Kitchen is a very intimate place
- 'Can you give me recipes?'
- BBC's Claudia Roden's "Mediterranean Cookery"
- "A Taste of Italy"
- In search of "cucina tipica" in Italy
- Looking for the regional Italian food
- Dinner at the Gritti Palace in Venice
- Meeting people passionate about food
- Work with a photographer
- Modern Italy and old props
- Unwelcoming hunting lodge in Sardinia
- Regional divisions in Italy
- Feeling welcome in Sicily
- Exploring food in Sicily
- The cheapest holidays are sometimes best
- The grand wedding in Sicily
- Jewish food? There is no such thing!
- My Jewish odyssey
- Jewish dafinas
- 'The Muslims didn't eat it'
- Collecting Jewish recipes
- The Jewish community in India
- My experience of South Africa
- The Ashkenazi culture and cuisine
- Financing my trips as a single mother
- Collecting recipes on trains
- Each recipe has a story
- "The Cooking of Venice"
- Discovering my Jewish roots
- Studying the Jewish culture
- Steak and chips for Shabbat
- The Couscous or Gefilte Fish conference
- Mixing dishes from different communities
- My cookbook comes out at the right time
- Jewish food becomes fashionable
- The traditional food of Spain
- Regional recipes in Spain
- Spain felt like home
- The Great Cathedral of Seville
- Aristocratic recipes
- What did the aristocracy eat?
- The Hay Festival Alhambra
- Manolo El Sereno
- Michael Joseph
- One cumin seed can tell you the history
- Cultural influences on food
- What you can learn at a museum of marzipan
- Learning how to make cooking better
- Alicia Rios and other food writers
- Slow Food talks
- The new Mediterranean cookbook
- Family is of most importance
- Cooking for my children
- The new cookbook is ready
- Cooking during the pandemic
- Recipes that trigger memories
- Photographs for my cookbook
- "The New Book of Middle Eastern Food"
- My trip to Turkey
- The food of Turkey
- Turkish artisans
- The festival of Turkish food
- The Oxford Symposium of Food and Cookery
- Learning about the Turkish culture
- Nevin Halici
- French chefs disappointed by Turkish hotels
- Food revolution in the Turkish Embassy
- The English Festival of Creativity
- The great cuisine of Gaziantep
- Meeting President Erdoğan
- Regional cuisine in Turkey
- The diverse culture in Turkey
- The Couscous Festival
- Discovering the food of Lebanon
- Lebanese pastries and rosewater
- The greatest parties in Lebanon
- Lebanese party dishes
- A Jew in Lebanon
- Zahle – the capital of mezze and arak
- Learning why my tabbouleh was wrong
- Rada Salaam's complicated recipe
- An invitation from Mai Ghoussoub
- The hostile librarian in Beirut
- What motivates me
- My kibbeh twist
- Visit to Egypt after 30 years
- What has changed in Egypt
- My research on the Ancient Egypt
- Travelling through Egypt
- The poor villages in Egypt
- A bowl of different lentil soup
- Coco and Poussy
- 'The cook only brings the food, doesn't say anything'
- Seminars on Egyptian food
- The history of Egyptian food
- What about dukkah?
- Egyptian "nouvelle cuisine"
- The businessman's not-so-impressive cooking
- The odd cuisine of Morocco
- The festival of regional foods in Morocco
- The dadas of Morocco
- Women in cookery schools
- The grand dinner in Tétouan
- The Jews of Morocco
- Cooking means happiness
- My attitude makes me who I am
- My motivation to do my work
- Things that funded my life
- Slovenian nannies in Egypt
- My nanny
- Nannies in Egypt did not cook
- Wet nurses in Egypt
- Nannies in Jewish families
- The best dressed girl in the village
- Fun experiences in Paris
Philip Roth
- Early days and my family
- Neighborhoods
- The war and anti-Semitism
- My brother Sandy
- Freedom!
- The University of Chicago and the army
- Becoming a writer: my first taste of adulthood
- "Defender of the Faith"
- "Goodbye Columbus"
- "Letting Go"
- A dry period (1962 – 1967)
- My friends in New York
- How I wrote "Portnoy’s Complaint"
- "Portnoy's Complaint"
- Many enemies as a writer, many enemies as a Jew
- Farce
- Every American writer has to write a book about baseball
- David Kepesh
- Prague, Kafka, and more...
- Enter Zuckerman
- Zuckerman’s return
- 'Deception' and 'Operation Shylock'
- Israel and "Operation Shylock"
- The '90s
- Research
- "American Pastoral"
- "I Married a Communist"
- "The Human Stain": the present as history
- Melvin Tumin: the germ of "The Human Stain"
- 'It's hard to remember all these books!'
- "The Plot Against America"
- What would have happened if fascism had come to the USA?
- Shorter books – dreams and nightmares
- Finishing the Zuckerman sequence
- Four short books
- "Everyman"
- 'Indignation', 'The Humbling' and 'Nemesis'
- The writer's work: recognising the gift from the screw-up
- "The Humbling"
- The inception of "Nemesis"
- "Nemesis" (and "Madame Bovary")
- Early days
- School is a wonderful invention
- Discovering the world of literature
- My brother's reading list
- No books in our house
- The radio
- Uncle Mickey
- Our neighborhood's mission
- My altruistic father
- The 'family drama'
- How my mother taught me to type
- Adolescence and my family
- My cousin Irv
- 'You're a plum!': the fight with my father
- Borrowing from my background
- Anti-Semitism in America
- Craving for something bigger
- The Others
- Not wanting to be a writer
- Sex in the '50s
- Memories of World War II
- The Korean War
- Fear and "Indignation"
- My father wanted me to be a lawyer
- How writers work
- I read a helluva lot...
- Influences? Saul Bellow and Augie March
- Writing from my own experience
- Finding a voice - and using what I knew
- Is the voice the same as a character?
- "Portnoy's Complaint": using psychoanalysis
- Freedom: unleashing the gush
- "Portnoy’s Complaint": freedom to move
- My clown
- Dinner with friends was improvisational theatre
- "Portnoy’s Complaint": making my mother cry
- "Portnoy’s Complaint": sending my parents on a cruise
- "Portnoy’s Complaint": my mother’s question
- The Portnoy scandal
- "Portnoy's Complaint": were you ashamed of it?
- 'What could outlandishness do for me?'
- The Holocaust
- A man named Gans
- My rejected play about Gans
- Further education: the trial of Ivan the Terrible
- Primo Levi and other survivors
- Hiroshima, and the end of the war
- Vietnam
- The manuscript about the girl who blew up a building
- A book about the Vietnam war
- "American Pastoral": a family destroyed
- Unlocking the pages
- Writing "American Pastoral"
- "American Pastoral": the kiss – or how I got lucky
- Page by page, how does it work?
- Using words to make it real
- The ordeal of writing
- The writer's working day
- Writing and re-writing a novel
- Researching Miss America
- Research and invention: "The Plot Against America"
- Fact blending with fiction in "The Plot Against America"
- Aunt Ethel
- From Aunt Ethel's death to cousin Alvin's creation
- My neighbor the amputee
- What it is to be a Jew
- Jewish 8th Graders protest against colour discrimination
- The 8th grade protest: democracy in action
- How did we get sensitized to the Hazel Scott issue?
- Being a Jew in America
- I was one Jew when I was 10, another when I was 20
- What it is to be a Jew shifts with where you are
- I wanted to be an American
- Searching for my burial plot leads me to write "Sabbath's Theater"
- Mickey Sabbath
- "Sabbath's Theater": a highly comic book about death and grief
- Living with the character you invent
- Inventing a woman
- Sex in literature
- Assessing the power of sex words
- Sex: how to handle this dynamite
- Writing about sex in "American Pastoral"
- Being bold about sex
- Sex: both serious and ridiculous
- 'In the destructive element, immerse yourself'
- Creating a cast of characters
- The writer's passion for thoroughness
- Proust made no impact on me
- "Patrimony": a true story
- Caring for my ailing father
- Intimacy with my father
- 'Everything in "Patrimony" did indeed happen'
- A gift from the god of writing!
- Reproducing violence on the page
- Playing a role
- Sex and "The Humbling"
- What do I make of life?
- Death stuns me
- Being an American
- Reading
- American literature
- Hemingway
- "The Great Gatsby"
- Henry Miller
- William Faulkner
- How I met Saul Bellow
- John Updike
- English writers
- John Updike: my distant friend
- John Updike: ‘He rarely made a vulgar error’
- The Updike Beck books
- What tells you a book's not right for you?
- 'I catch them where they're weak'
- "Everyman"
- "Indignation"
- "The Humbling"
- "Nemesis" and the destruction of the strong man
- The inner ear
- Dialogue
- Movies of my books
- Anger and indignation
- On love
Oliver Sacks
- My paradoxical mother
- The old Devonian sandstone house I was born in
- One of my first memories is of a ceiling
- The bedroom that was always mine
- Needing my mother's kisses
- Already prone to fantasy by the age of five
- My 6-year-old feelings took a beating
- The Jewish Fresh Air School for Delicate Children
- Being caned at boarding school left its mark on me
- A childhood friend
- Music was a youthful respite from boarding school
- 'I remember how my ribs stuck out'
- You could always trust a prime
- Seeking stability
- The things boarding school has taken from me
- Difficulty with human bonding
- Misinterpreting Christopher Rawlence's signals
- My lack of 'belief'
- My belief in science
- 'I'm an old Jewish atheist'
- Loving the rituals of Judaism
- Personal and universal Judaism
- 'I was supposed to be a girl'
- 'The house was full of music'
- Loving my father's job as a doctor
- My father's love for music
- My rather un-musical mother
- The sights, smells and sounds of my parents' surgery
- Bursting in on my parents' surgery
- Discovering my mother's cranioclast
- Joining my mother on her house calls
- Sampling anaesthetics as a 10-year-old
- My father's dispensary
- My father's faithful secretary
- My mother's career as a woman surgeon
- Table conversation at home was all medical
- 'Doctors are all prone to telling stories'
- Remembering every patient I've ever had
- My mother's influence on my storytelling style
- What brought my mother to medicine?
- Talking like I write and vice versa
- Anecdote: Writing about "Cold Storage"
- Being friends with Eric Korn 'before memory'
- The first time I met Jonathan Miller
- Forming a school literary society with Jonathan Miller and Eric Korn
- Eric Korn's memory for poetry
- Jonathan Miller's mimicry
- The strange neural phenomena: heautoscopy
- How to show gratitude to our biology teacher?
- Little boys' hobbies
- The cuttlefish story
- Anti-Semitism in London and in school
- Limiting the number of Jewish pupils in St Paul’s School
- Anti-Semitism in mine and my parent's worlds
- My excommunicated uncle
- The types of books we had in the house
- 'I hope the Alzheimer’s statistics are wrong'
- Jonathan Miller's literacy and intellect
- Haunting public libraries
- Jonathan Miller's dealings with Alzheimer's disease
- My hypochondriac imaginings
- My self-destructive nature
- Freud heard 'voices'
- The indestructible individuality of chemistry
- Uncle Tungsten's mentoring
- My dangerous chemistry laboratory
- Filling the house with hydrogen sulphide
- 'My interest was chemistry and my education was public library'
- My lifelong interest in swimming
- The therapeutic effects of swimming
- How I met the fabulous Kate Edgar
- The places I have swum
- 'There isn't a week that I don't swim'
- The size of my extended family
- A family interest in chemistry and mineralogy
- Abba Eban, my extraordinary cousin
- My cousin: Robert J Aumann
- 'A bit of a feeling against Israel'
- My lack of intellectual self-confidence
- My tenacity
- Influences?
- The length of my depression
- The missing parts of "Uncle Tungsten"
- What I regret about Oxford
- An embarrassment to UCLA
- Competitive weightlifting
- My strength saves a patient from death
- Jonathan, Eric and I were never meant to be scientists
- My failure as a 'real' scientist
- My missing book on myoclonus
- My unpublished travel writing
- "Talking to Myself"
- Too shy to approach WH Auden
- WH Auden's poems about doctors
- WH Auden as my mentor
- WH Auden's father
- Regret over WH Auden's last days
- Tea at WH Auden's: 'After work but before the drinking'
- Writing a posthumous tribute to WH Auden
- A recollection of "Talking to Myself" by WH Auden
- Difficulty with reading poetry
- Love of photography as a boy
- Photography at UCLA
- Photography in neurology
- Photography, migraines and neurology
- Did I really have that bad a time in Oxford and California?
- My US motorbike travel journal
- My travel journals and experiences
- Seeing the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs
- Writing and weightlifting in California
- Jim Hamilton: My great friend
- The beginning of my interest in neurology and case histories
- Sleeping on fungus in the Central Valley
- Working to fund my travelling around the USA
- Work with Feinstein and Levin on Parkinson's disease
- Announcing myself to the world of neurology
- My first real interactions with patients
- 'Arnold Friedman took a shine to me'
- Arnold Friedman's strange turn
- The final writing of "Migraine"
- The blissful feeling having written "Migraine"
- Wanting to publish addendums to "Migraine"
- The publishing of "Migraine"
- Starting to see the "Awakenings" patients
- The use of L-DOPA in the "Awakenings" patients
- Positive reviews for "Migraine"
- Drafting books on 'tics', sub-cortical functions and "Awakenings"
- Responding to Luria's work on higher cortical functions
- Letters to the editors of 'The Lancet' and 'JAMA'
- Encouragement from James Purdon Martin
- Writing, dictating, the last of the "Awakenings" case histories
- The death of my mother
- Additions to "Awakenings"
- "Awakenings" proof and WH Auden's compulsions
- "Awakenings": not a murmur from the medical press
- The dangers of publishing
- 'Is this your medical discretion?'
- How the patients of "Awakenings" felt
- The only changes to "Awakenings" for the disgruntled patient
- Approached by Duncan Dallas of Yorkshire TV
- Reasons for agreeing to "Awakenings" documentary
- Success of "Awakenings" documentary
- 'Witty Ticcy Ray'
- My new interest in Tourette’s syndrome
- My dream: The Tourette’s Syndrome Society
- Working on Ward 23 with autistic, psychotic and retarded patients
- 'Therapeutic punishment'
- Appetitive and consummatory states
- The accidents in Norway
- Inspecting my grotesquely broken leg
- The memories and moods I had whilst rescuing myself
- "A Leg to Stand On"
- Not quite a full recovery from my leg injury
- Why it took me nine years to write "A Leg to Stand On"
- The death of medical case histories
- I thought Alexander Luria had done it all
- The influence of Alexander Luria upon "Awakenings"
- Richard Gregory's review and receiving letters from Luria
- Luria's conciseness
- "A Leg to Stand On": release and reviews
- Jerome S Bruner's review of "A Leg to Stand On" gave me back my confidence
- 'The Scientist as poet' – Lewis Thomas
- 'The Lewis Thomas crisis'
- Another accident
- Learning to be a concise writer
- "The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat" on the radio
- Being approached to make a film about "Awakenings"
- Robert De Niro and Robin Williams visit me for "Awakenings"
- Robert De Niro's acting style for "Awakenings"
- Putting on weight on the set of "Awakenings"
- My sneeze that cost $10k
- De Niro visits the post-encephalitic patients
- My satisfaction at the "Awakenings" film
- Playing myself in a radio play of "Awakenings"
- Pinter, the creative process and refusing a play
- Judi Dench's portrayal in "A Kind of Alaska"
- Tom Conti's quadriplegic in "Whose Life is it Anyway?"
- Is it possible for actors to play people with neurological disorders?
- A 60-page plagiarism of "Migraine"
- An opera based on "The Twins"
- The case of the colour-blind painter
- Ralph Siegel
- Collaboration with Ralph Siegel and Bob Wasserman
- How the colour-blind painter saw the world
- Colour blindness, Isaacson and achromatopsia in Pingelap
- Ralph Siegel's interesting work
- Isolation, feeling unique and visual neuroscience
- Gerald Edelman's work: reinventions and "Neural Darwinism"
- Gerald Edelman's theory of neural Darwinism
- Where is the individual amongst analogies for the brain?
- Supplying clinical data to the great theorists
- My interest in the deaf and Martha's Vineyard
- The subculture of people who are deaf
- What happens to the brains of deaf people?
- Kate Edgar
- 'The longest running psychoanalysis on record'
- Being approached by Bob Silvers
- The written style of "Witty Ticcy Ray"
- My time at the Blue Mountain Center for writers
- Norman Geschwind and Orrin Devinsky
- Isaacson's artwork appears in colour in "The New York Review of Books"
- Marching with the Deaf and Tourette’s society
- Articles on deaf people for Bob Silvers become a book
- Occasionally writing for "The New Yorker"
- Writing about the 'oldest conductor': David Randolph
- I am old-fashioned
- John Bennet, my editor at "The New Yorker"
- Bob Silvers: the most scrupulous editor
- You are famous now: the success of 'Hat' and 'Awakenings'
- Writing for the academic journals
- Filling in for Stephen Jay Gould in "Natural History"
- How I got to know Stephen Jay Gould
- My friendship with Stephen Jay Gould
- My birthday presents from Stephen Jay Gould
- Stephen Jay Gould arranges my 'elements' birthday party
- Stephen Jay Gould's brush with death
- Stephen Jay Gould's ominous article
- Stephen Jay Gould's unhappy diagnosis
- Stephen Jay Gould's magnum opus
- Stephen Jay Gould's last days
- My grandfather's history
- My mother's forbears
- Taking my name from my grandfather
- My father, his siblings, Aubrey Eban and Zionism
- Aubrey Eban's achievements
- The Kaplans - Al Capp's family
- Al Capp's political life
- Al Capps' wooden leg
- Extreme old age, enjoying old age and working in nursing homes
- 'I'm an aggressive atheist'
- My views on religion in politics
- 'Sympathetic to the mystical'
- Ralph Siegel's anger at dying an early death
- 'That's the wrong X-ray, or I'm a dead man'
- Thinking of Schubert's early death
- The thoughts of Heinrich Hertz on his early death
- The tragic death of young and gifted soldiers
- Are we heading to a Malthusian catastrophe?
- How "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" was compiled
- The man who 'regained' his lost sense of smell
- 'The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat': A strange assemblage of pieces
- Letters after "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" about musical hallucinations
- The rich harvest of human stories for "Musicophilia"
- Congenital face blindness in "The Mind's Eye"
- After "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat": The deaf, Touretters and blindness
- Franco Magnani: The memory artist
- The artist, Stephen Wiltshire
- "The World's Only Flying Touretter Surgeon"
- Uta Frith recommends I meet Temple Grandin
- Temple Grandin, an American hero?
- Amnesic Gary
- Naming the book "An Anthropologist on Mars"
- Glad to be - roughly - healthy at an old age
- Hoping my work has helped others
- The offer of a remote neurological adventure
- Arriving in Guam: Are the cycads responsible for Lytico-bodig disease?
- The epicentre of the Lytico-Bodig disease
- First finding out about the colour blindness of Pingelap
- "The Island of the Colourblind"
- Buying a house while swimming round City Island
- Moving from City Island to Manhattan
- Swimming in Lake Titicaca
- Falling in love with Manitoulin Island, Lake Huron
- Writing about my two other main interests: chemistry and museums
- Roald Hoffmann's "Chemistry Imagined"
- Roald Hoffmann's lecture on the idea of "The One Culture"
- Roald Hoffmann sends me a surprise parcel
- "Brilliant Light" and The American Fern Society
- A Mexican flight like no other
- The Oaxaca Journal
- The second half of "Uncle Tungsten": inspiration and writing
- "Uncle Tungsten": I want my work delivered in full, not in excerpts
- My handsome mug
- My love of Kew Gardens
- "The Sense of Movement" by Thom Gunn
- Thom Gunn's comments on my writing style
- A scary first experience of steep Filbert Street, San Francisco
- My last meeting with Thom Gunn and his death
- Thom Gunn's unique style of poetry
- Thom Gunn was an excellent teacher
- I miss my dear friend, Thom Gunn
- Jerome Bruner, the 'Cognitive Revolution' and behaviourism
- Jerome Bruner's expansive mind
- Jerome Bruner: one of many implicit mentors
- Jerome Bruner's physical strength
- Jerome Bruner, born with cataracts
- How could Jerome Bruner see ultraviolet light?
- Recognition of Jerome Bruner's work
- Meeting F Robert Rodman at UCLA
- Distance couldn't spoil my friendship with F Robert Rodman
- "Not Dying" by F Robert Rodman
- F Robert Rodman's influences, family and death
- Love of HG Wells and using "Country of the Blind"
- Using HG Wells's stories in my own work
- HG Wells' portrayal of Neanderthals
- HG Wells' visions of the future
- Stalking HG Wells?
- HG Wells’ and Olaf Stapledon's work and their influence on me
- Wells versus Stapledon; Owen versus Darwin
- Science fiction, "Star Trek" and meeting Mr Spock
- My love of scientific exploration books
- Anything better than "Star Trek"?
- Quoting 'Childhood's End' in 'Musicophilia'
- Stories associated with chemical elements
- Which direction to take after 'Uncle Tungsten' and 'Oaxaca Journal'?
- The case of Lilian Kallir: musical alexia
- An aphasia case: Patricia
- How I first met 'Stereo Sue'
- 'Stereo Sue' acquires stereoscopic vision at the age of 50
- The publication of Stereo Sue
- 'Take the eye if you must, but leave the rest of me alone'
- The profoundest case of amnesia ever seen
- How "Musicophilia" expanded
- The two pieces from 'Musicophilia' in the 'New Yorker'
- Reception to "Musicophilia"
- The piano is important once more in my life
- 'I have no excuse not to practise the piano!'
- The events that led up to "The Mind's Eye"
- Pulling together all the stories for "The Mind's Eye"
- The final compilation for "The Mind's Eye"
- Being close to 'Stereo Sue' and Howard Engel
- Finishing up the hallucinations book
- My books to date
- My first encounter with evolution
- Seeing the deep past in plants
- Marie Stopes' "Ancient Plants"
- Marie Stopes' botanical work and its influence on me
- Feeling at home with Darwin
- The origin of individuals: Gerald Edelman and Darwin
- The Bloomsbury Group
- Darwin's illness and Down House
- Darwin's reflections on his own character
- Darwin: 'a very beloved figure'
- Darwin's residence in Down House
- Scientific correspondence: a comparison between Darwin and myself
- William James: foundational figure for neurology and psychology
- William James' sensitivity to religious experiences
- William James: 'The Adorable Genius'
- Enjoying getting to sleep
- First meeting Richard Gregory
- Correspondence and 2am phone calls with Richard Gregory
- Richard Gregory's Exploratory
- Richard Gregory's illusions
- A tribute to Richard Gregory
- Studs Terkel
- Believing in angels
- How would I describe my character?
- Self-portraiture
- Experiencing my brother's teenage schizophrenia
- My brother's life with schizophrenia and treatment for it
- Does the treatment of schizophrenics alter onset of schizophrenia?
- Over-investment in medical models of schizophrenia
- The need for love
- Loving and being 'in love'
- 'Perhaps it's more important to love than be loved'
- Drug episodes in "Hallucinations"
- My craziest hallucination
- The 'academic spider' hallucination
- The story of "Migraine" and amphetamines
- 'I am just a chronicler and a describer'
Brian Sewell
- John Singer Sargent as a painter of the aristocracy
- The difference between a great painter and a good painter
- Great monuments of the 20th century
- The influence of World War I on John Singer Sargent's art
- Is love a mental illness?
- Falling in love with a boy from the Hitler Youth
- My three parents
- A 1930s child
- Highly educated in all the wrong areas
- An education provided by trips to museums
- A great knowledge of natural history
- My mother and a cultural education
- My father's suicide
- Being an illegitimate child
- Artistic parents
- A developing interest in art
- A deprived upbringing
- Struggling to fit in at school
- Unhappy schooldays and frustration with the education system
- 'Most of my school friendships were based on sex'
- Passionate affection and wild hatred
- The impact of religion on my life
- Religion and homosexuality: a decade-long abstinence
- Facing prejudice throughout early life
- Sentimental relationships with women
- Refusing female love interest
- Studying at The Courtauld Institute of Art in London
- Postponing my studies to do National Service
- How to be an art critic: 'It's a repeat experience'
- Subjectivity of art: 'Never close your mind to anything'
- Art is my addiction
- Why Oxford was not for me
- Too young for The Courtauld
- Intellectual stimulation during my student days
- The best way to view works of art
- Travelling after the war was a huge adventure
- Humiliation during National Service
- Dealing with life in the army
- Valuable lessons learned in the army
- 'Any fool can be uncomfortable'
- Being a 'poofter' in the army
- What I discovered on my 'duty dog' patrol
- Punished for being too modest
- The social benefits of National Service
- Making the most of army furlough
- My second stint at The Courtauld
- A road-trip from England to Italy
- Travel experience you wouldn't get today
- A moment of pure unalloyed happiness
- Just good friends, doing what good friends do
- Titian's "Assumption of the Virgin"
- Modern transport robs the traveller of the joy of discovery
- Anthony Blunt and Johannes Wilde
- How The Courtauld grew in prestige under Anthony Blunt
- Notable alumni of The Courtauld
- Working to fund my PhD
- Too late to return to academia
- Potential pitfalls in preparing an exhibition
- Lost in translation: how not to compile a catalogue
- Temperamental differences and a damaged Delacroix
- What it means to be an Old Masters drawing expert
- Knowing how to spot a forgery
- Copies, imitations and attribution
- Exposing forgery in art
- Difficult days at Christie's
- A faked van Dyck causes confusion
- Being ill-used by Christie's
- Why I left Christie's
- Moving from the art market to art criticism
- Speaking out in defense of the truth
- Standing up for Anthony Blunt
- The real achievements of Anthony Blunt
- Punished by the Establishment for supporting Anthony Blunt
- Always the outsider
- Into the unknown: a holiday in Cadaqués
- Meeting Salvador Dalí over a slab of offal
- Dinner with the Dalís
- Salvador Dalí's eccentricities
- Doing a Dalí
- A relationship with Claudio Corvaja
- Casual sex on the Thames river towpath
- Performing homosexual acts in public places
- AIDS has changed everything
- A religious upbringing and my longing to be a priest
- The need for chastity in celibacy
- Becoming the art critic at the "Evening Standard"
- The pull of journalism
- Writing destructive art reviews
- Artists are my targets
- To be an art critic is to take a lonely path
Gulammohammed Sheikh
- My home town and early life
- School
- Surendranagar town
- My teacher and mentor Labshankar Raval
- The Birdwood Library and Ravishankar Raval
- More about my family
- Religion (Part 1)
- Religion (Part 2)
- Reading, writing and painting
- More about my childhood and my mother
- Mohandas Gandhi and writing
- Family and going to Baroda
- Life and people at Baroda
- Meeting other artists and developing my own style
- The art scene in the '60s and my subject matter
- Teaching history of art
- Literary activities (Part 1)
- Literary activities (Part 2)
- Group 1890 and having a show
- Other members of Group 1890 and our beliefs
- Going to study at the Royal College of Art in London
- Visiting museums and travelling in Europe
- Developing my work, David Hockney and RB Kitaj
- Social life in London
- Moving back to India and my love of travelling
- Meeting my wife, Nilima, and company painting
- Realism and the Ajanta Cave paintings
- Emperor Akbar and the Hamzanama
- Realising the importance of the Hamzanama
- More on company painting
- The effect of realism on my work and teaching
- My wife and my children
- "Vrishchick" and Lali Kala
- Geeta Kapur and the Baroda school
- The early '70s, artist’s camps and Place for People
- Developing as artists and people
- Pieter Bruegel and other artists
- The 1975-77 state of emergency
- Kabir
- Benode Bihari Mukherjee and KG Subramanyan
- About my paintings (Part 1)
- About my paintings (Part 2)
- Creating panels for The Times of India office
- Speaking in many tongues
- Maps and palimpsests in my work
- Inter-faith marriages and difficulties being a Muslim
- City for Sale
- Teaching and painting
- Salman Rushdie and magic realism
- Exhibition in Paris and stories in my work
- Figures in my work
- The commission at Bhopal
- Using computers for my work and mappa mundi
- The story of books
- The peepshow man
- "Travelling Shrine – Home" (Part 1)
- "Travelling Shrine – Home" (Part 2)
- More about my family (Part 1)
- More about my family (Part 2)
- Differences between Surendranagar and my life now
- Moments of change and making friends (Part 1)
- Moments of change and making friends (Part 2)
- Curating
- Home Street Shrine Bazaar Museum
- Benode Bihari Mukherjee (Part 1)
- Benode Bihari Mukherjee (Part 2)
- Fitting it all in
- Bhupen Khakhar’s sexuality
- Politics and rivalry
- My monograph and writings on art
Aleksander Smolar
- An unwilling raconteur
- Who do I think I am?
- Leaving my mark
- Reflecting on my life story
- My dispersed family
- A cultural kaleidoscope in one family
- Yiddishland: my father's world
- My father's early involvement with the communist workers' movement
- My mother's genteel background
- The world my parents inhabited
- Defining my own nationality
- A question of identity
- My cultural otherness
- My children's diverse identities
- How my children are returning to their Jewish roots
- My parents' war-time experiences
- My father the partisan
- Fighting for the preservation of Jewish cultural autonomy
- My father comes to my defense
- My parents' separate lives
- A rebel from the beginning
- My twofold passions: knowledge and politics
- Influenced by ideology
- Peter Wiles' theory on the political economy of communism
- My belief in the inevitability of a democratic Poland
- I accuse the Party of being reactionary
- Expelled from the Communist Party
- Włodzimierz Brus
- My peers
- Peter Wiles jokes at my expense
- Fired and hired
- Five ladies and me
- Denounced as a counter-revolutionary to the Central Committee
- Choosing to give up political activism
- Analysing the events of March 1968
- Facing the disapproval of friends
- My communist past creates problems
- Preparing to live as an émigré
- The commandos
- A year in Bologna
- Job-hunting across Europe
- My introduction to Raymond Aron
- Working at the History Centre of European Sociology
- The genesis of "Aneks"
- Establishing a profile for "Aneks"
- A traumatic start for "Aneks"
- My involvement in Poland’s opposition
- The complex motives for leaving Poland
- 'My friends are my real homeland'
- Being part of the French academic world
- Becoming an unofficial press office for Poland's democratic opposition
- I am Monsieur Pologne
- François Mitterrand bites back
- You can't step into the same river twice
- I become the Prime Minister's adviser
- A cautious return to Polish political life
- Disdain for Lech Wałęsa
- Corruption in the Council of Ministers
- Refusing to be bribed
- My brief stay in Mazowiecki's office
- Playing the political game
- Defining the political field
- The complex relationship between democracy and the Church in Poland
- Jeffrey Sachs
- Citizens Movement of Democratic Action
- Anti-political politics
- Changing party leaders
- The Stefan Batory Foundation
- Practising politics and protecting my family
- Enjoying life on the global academic circuit
- Complexities behind global populist forces
- Dissatisfaction among the masses
- Can conservatives save democracy?
- The backlash against individualism
- An unfortunate reaction to Poland's transformation
- The destabilising impact of globalisation
- Europe in crisis
- The cost of modernisation
- Providing a forum for political debate
- Attacked for being liberal
- Choosing to stay in Poland
- Sacrificing my academic career
- On being Jewish in Poland
- My father, the great survivor
- Early memories of Russia
- The trauma of moving to Poland
- Challenge of attending Jewish school
- Schooldays and school friends
- Learning to not give in
- Life among the ruins
- A difficult child with a red silk scarf
- I didn't realise I was privileged
- Schoolboy partisans
- A rebel from the beginning
- Refuting the Jewish stereotype
- My war hero father
- Refusing to be humiliated
- Too rebellious for the avant-garde
- A revisionist’s dilemma
- Theory of convergence
- Questioning the social order
- Resisting my father’s career plans for me
- The most important compliment my father ever gave me
- Honouring my father’s antipathy towards religion
- Joining Jewish youth clubs
- My Polish and Jewish identities
- Intellectual and political freedom of expression
- The seekers of contradiction
- Jacek Kuroń and the Trotskyists
- Divorced from the Communist Party
- Anti-Semitism in post-war Poland
- The liberal-conservative wing of the opposition
- The night "Dziady" was banned
- Warsaw University’s excellent economists
- How Raymond Aron influenced me
- You have to be able to pay the price
- Studying the politics of power
- A precocious student
- Having my eyes opened on an East German collective farm
- The left suffers a crisis
- Lecturing under surveillance
- Gearing up for rebellion
- Reprisals followed protests
- My father's letter to Comrade Gomułka
- Accused of plotting to depose the government
- Recalling Antoni Macierewicz and elements of life in prison
- The prison toilet ‘telephone’
- My prison cell mates
- Celebrating May Day with a 'captive' audience
- Henio Świderski
- Indicted but released without trial
- Determined to stay in Poland
- My parents go their separate ways
- My relationship with my mother
- My wife, Irena Grosfeld
- The fundamental importance of public activism
- Forging an academic career for myself in the West
- Permanent employment comes my way
- How my emigrant status bred suspicion
- From famine to feast
- English sensitivity makes aliens of the English
- CNRS performs a volte-face
- Life among the émigrés of Paris
- Shocked by the Jesuits’ leftist views
- How ideology can stifle discourse
- Raymond Aron welcomes me back to the CNRS
- "Aneks" takes over our lives
- Becoming an international ambassador for KOR
- Sparse help unwillingly given
- "The Black Book of Censorship in the Polish People’s Republic"
- The target audience of "Aneks"
- Who was contributing material to "Aneks"?
- From Russian literature to the Church and the Left – topics covered by "Aneks"
- "Jews: a Polish Problem"
- Why we stopped publishing "Aneks"
- Providing food for the soul
- "Aneks" on-line
- Avoiding the past
- Old boys’ reunion
- French support for Solidarność
- French politicians of all colours unite behind Poland
- Poland’s activists ignored by their own government
- A portrait of my father
- A portrait of my mother
- Jurek Biter
- Sławek Myśliński
- Adam Michnik
- The fraught topic of Polish-Jewish relations
- Czesław Miłosz
- Leszek Kołakowski
- My professional detachment causes upset
- Falling out with Adam Michnik
- My friendship with Jacek Kuroń
- Karol Modzelewski
- The mission of the Institute of Human Sciences
- Karol Modzelewski’s fidelity to the unknown
- Change needs to be radical
- Learning from Włodzimierz Brus
- Zygmunt Bauman
- Pierre Hassner
- Raymond Aron
- János Kis
- Timothy Garton Ash
- My Polish friends living in exile
- Tadeusz Mazowiecki
- Krzysztof Michalski
- Krzysztof Michalski’s Summer School in Cortona
- A private audience with Pope John Paul II
- My son Piotr and the Pope
- Krzysztof Michalski’s terminal illness
- My relationship with Krzysztof Michalski
- 'I would like to take care of your money'
- The Institute of Public Affairs
- How I earned a million dollars
- Establishing boundaries with George Soros
- My multilingual family
- My daughter, Ania
- My personal dichotomy
- I'll never be a Pole through and through
- Research versus politics
- My personal "memento mori"
- Luxury in Taiwan
- Włodzimierz Brus
- 152
- 181
WD Snodgrass
- My father: the iceman millionaire
- The mismatch of my parent's families
- My mother transforms our home into a fortress
- I was a sissy
- My mother was in charge
- A strict upbringing the Presbyterian way
- Gangs, fighting and non-violence
- Childhood resentment of my baby sister Barbara
- My sister's death
- Everything was a lie
- The somewhat unexpected birth of my brother Dick
- My appreciation for public school
- Music was of great importance in my education
- Flash Hamilton the timpani player
- Getting into the University of Iowa to study playwriting
- Learning the 'rules' of playwriting
- Poets who influenced my early poetry
- Paul Engle's conversion to New Criticism
- Being tutored by Randall Jarrell
- Randall Jarrell's life as a working poet
- My treatment in experimental psychology
- The influence of Hugues Cuénod
- Writing about what matters: "Heart's Needle"
- Training to kill with bare hands
- I failed as a conscientious objector so became a brig guard
- Working as a brig guard in the Navy
- War guilt caused writer's block
- Translating my experiences into poetry
- 'Professors aren't supposed to have any private life'
- Repercussions of winning the Pulitzer Prize
- The cultural diversity in Detroit
- The differences between students at Wayne State and Cornell
- Getting fired from Cornell
- Moving to Detroit from Rochester
- Learning from the students at Wayne State
- Dreaming on the psychoanalyst's couch
- Problems with my stepdaughter
- Seeking new subjects for my poetry
- Beginning to work on "The Fuehrer Bunker"
- Giving a voice to Eva Braun in "The Fuehrer Bunker"
- Himmler - the worst fuddy-duddy that ever lived
- Max Frisch's "Biedermann and the Firebugs"
- Creating Magda Goebbels' lines
- Who was Magda Goebbels?
- Joseph and Magda Goebbels were both unfaithful
- The use of new verse forms in "The Fuehrer Bunker"
- The music of poetry is its meaning
- The first edition of "The Fuehrer Bunker"
- Critics labeled "The Fuehrer Bunker" pro-Nazi
- Negative reactions to "The Fuehrer Bunker"
- Ralph Ellison: looking honestly at oneself
- What's the job of a poet?
- How "The Fuehrer Bunker" was received by the Jewish intellectual community
- "The Fuehrer Bunker" as a stage play
- Putting "The Fuehrer Bunker" on stage ruined my career for 20 years
- Critics' reviews of the production of "The Fuehrer Bunker"
- Failure of my third marriage
- Another attack on "The Fuehrer Bunker"
- An aggrieved response to "The Fuehrer Bunker"
- Missing out on the National Book Critics Circle Award
- Doing what I have to do
- DeLoss McGraw and the Snodgrass lithographs
- A working partnership with DeLoss McGraw
- The benefits of translating works by other poets
- My methods when translating poetry
- Fathoming the original meaning in translated poems
- Meeting Mihai Pop in Romania
- 'Have you been to the gay graveyard?'
- In the Romanian graveyard
- What is a poem?
- My later poems
- Now I make footnotes on old dirty jokes
- The poem dedicated to my wife Kathy
- Observing the Great Horned Owl
- Rearing our own owl
- Owl antics
- A reading of the poem "Owls"
- Henri Coulette's 'The War of the Secret Agents'
- Influences: Thomas Hardy
- The real children who inspired "Farm Kids"
- Reading "Farm Kids"
- Reading "Fast Foods: a Rap Rondeau"
- Learning how to breathe properly
- 'Toot the snooter flute'
- Using the right voice when reading poems
- How to convey the sense of a poem
- Reading the modern poem
- "Who Steals My Good Name": background and reading
- "After Experience Taught Me": background and reading
- Different interpretations come from reading poetry
- Background to "Heart's Needle"
- Reading "Heart's Needle (7th cycle)"
- The end of 10 years as a graduate student
- "April Inventory": background and reading
- "Packing Up the Lute": background and reading
- Melchior misses the boat
- "A Valediction": background and reading
- "The Mouse": background and reading
- "Invitation": background and reading
KG Subramanyan
- Childhood in Kerala
- Mahé, a ‘comic town’. Silk, schools and smuggling
- School in Mahé
- Mahé’s political underground – ‘I didn’t land in jail at that time!’
- Wood sculptures, temples and study in Mangalore
- Discovering the art of the rest of the world
- From Economics at Presidency College, Madras to the Quit India movement
- The Madras Art School, Devi Prasad and a glass of scotch!
- My father’s visit and getting sent to prison
- Release from prison, Gopal Reddy and going to Santiniketan
- Travelling to Santiniketan and being searched by the police
- Life at Santiniketan and Nandalal Bose
- Santiniketan and Gandhism
- Mohandas Gandhi and art (Part 1)
- Mohandas Gandhi and art (Part 2)
- Gandhi and Nandalal Bose
- Tagore
- Art and religion
- Benode Behari Mukherjee, Brahma and Tulsidas’ monkey god
- Developing relationships with Benode Bihari Mukherjee and Ramkinkar Baij
- Organising an exhibition in Delhi
- Working with Benode Bihari Mukherjee
- Interest in Italian painting
- Satyajit Ray
- Leaving Santiniketan for Baroda
- The partition of Indian and going to Baroda University
- Life at Baroda
- From Baroda to writing and the Slade School of Art, London
- My wife, Susheela
- London, language, tradition and the various influences on my art
- The government's attitude towards India's art
- How the vernacular language of traditional art influenced my work
- The art fairs (Part 1)
- The art fairs (Part 2)
- Cultural treasure – crafts in India and sharing the knowledge
- Are crafts still alive in India today?
- Elephant coffee spoons - the difficulty of cultivating a sustainable Indian craft culture
- Playfulness and not conforming to one style
- The Bombay and Calcutta progressives
- Teachers and students at the Slade School of Art
- Travelling across Europe, Christian hostels and cathedrals
- The influence of the medieval churches
- Murals and rose gardens
- Going west before going east – my travels around the world
- A change of direction – seeking the line between abstract and figuration
- Abstraction, figuration and Cambodian and Indonesian temples
- Pop art and glass painting
- Teaching students to embrace tradition and their environment
- Depicting death
- Baroda – Saturday lectures and ‘the experience of the normal world’
- Hybrid art
- Stella Kramrisch
- Leaving Baroda in 1980 – I was becoming like a mother hen
- My studio and extended family in Baroda
- Santiniketan in the 1980s and the freedom to work
- Where I am today
- My book of essays Moving Focus
- The Bengali revival
- The Kolkata University lectures
- Changes in the art world – effects of the ‘commodity-making process’
- Changes in the art world – information itself is not enough
- Drawing
- Critical studies
- The critical scene – the hindrance of global rating
- Geeta Kapur’s book on me
- Art and visual experience
- Space and depth in my paintings
- Comedy, innocence, tragedy - my Oxford paintings
- Somnath Hore
- Jogen Chowdhury
- Siva Kumar
- My mentors Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore
Wolfgang Suschitzky
- Early life in Vienna
- Studying photography and moving to London
- The situation in Austria and my father's suicide
- Moving to Holland and working as a photographer
- Working for Paul Rotha, zoo photos and meeting my wife
- Escaping internment and working as a cameraman
- Documentary film in the 1930s
- A brush with the secret police (Part 1)
- A brush with the secret police (Part 2)
- Forming a filmmakers' co-operative
- My first feature film: "No Resting Place"
- "Theatre of Blood" with Douglas Hickox and Vincent Price
- "Get Carter" with Mike Hodges and Michael Caine
- "Ulysses"
- "The Bespoke Overcoat"
- Stills photography and children’s books
- How the equipment has changed
- Filming in coal mines and dangerous situations
- Working for LEPRA in India
- The Charing Cross Road photographs
- The Blitz and my family
- Work in Sardinia
- What makes a good photograph?
- "Worzel Gummidge" and the differences between film and TV
- Making a documentary in Scotland
- "The Bridge" (Part 1)
- "The Bridge" (Part 2)
- "Staying On"
- Work and travel in India
- People I have photographed
- Filming notable individuals
- Working at the zoo and Guy the gorilla
- Gerald Durrell
- The future for film
- An interesting life and publishing my photography book
- Work in the Caribbean
Edward Teller
- An early interest in numbers
- Trying to understand World War I
- Two typewriters and a mirror
- Why I didn't become an experimental physicist
- A favourite professor and the law of nines
- Communists and grandparents
- Learning the piano
- Discovering an interest projective geometry
- Reading "Algebra"
- Unhappy high school memories
- Getting together with Szilárd, von Neumann and Wigner
- University and the Eötvös prizes
- First success as a scientist
- Going to university in Germany
- Working on Set Theory from first principles
- Wave-particle duality sparked a fascination with physics
- Permission to become a physicist
- The inspiration of Herman Mark
- A lack of enthusiasm for Sommerfeld
- Jumping off the moving train
- Losing my foot but meeting von Lossow
- Heisenberg and playing ping-pong
- Understanding Group Theory with Heisenberg
- I did not let Werner Heisenberg sleep
- Professor Kobe (Part 1)
- Professor Kobe (Part 2)
- Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
- Schrödinger's cat: I don't need to look
- Interference Phenomenon
- The indeterminable nature of the future
- Going to see Einstein give a lecture
- Drinking tea with Niels Bohr
- The importance of understanding a statement and its opposite
- Heisenberg, Bohr and the atomic bomb
- Becoming an assistant of Eucken and Franck
- The Correspondence Principle
- The Raman Effect
- Cabannes and Rocard: Explication of the Raman Effect
- The changing polarizability of carbon dioxide
- Going to Rome with Placzek to visit Fermi
- Staying in Rome and Fermi's work with uranium
- Contrasting theories from Heisenberg and Landau (Part 1)
- Contrasting theories from Heisenberg and Landau (Part 2)
- Political persuasions (Part 1)
- Political persuasions (Part 2)
- The absorption of light by electrons and the Franck-Condon Principle
- The structure of molecules (Part 1)
- The structure of molecules (Part 2)
- Proof of the accepted chemical theory of the structure of benzene
- Terrible feelings and Hitler is made Chancellor of Germany
- Moving to England
- The Rockefeller Fellowship and marriage (Part 1)
- The Rockefeller Fellowship and marriage (Part 2)
- Giving a seminar to Bohr in English
- Driving across Denmark on a motorbike with George Gamow
- Applying for a non quota visa
- Going to the USA
- The BET theory
- Hans Bethe winning the Nobel Prize
- Bohr suggesting that uranium can be split
- Experiments into the fission of uranium
- A previous dismissal of fission because of inaccurate measurements
- Discussing the atomic bomb with Leó Szilárd
- Szilárd working on a chain reaction
- Suggesting uranium fission to the Navy
- Writing to Roosevelt (Part 1)
- Writing to Roosevelt (Part 2)
- Becoming better acquainted with Fermi
- Getting funding for, and starting work on, a nuclear reactor
- A negative influence by Bohr and working in secret
- Changing ideas about whether the hydrogen bomb could be made
- A new secret laboratory at Los Alamos and working with Oppenheimer
- Questioning the motivation and consequences of this work
- An influence by Wigner and deciding to start a family
- Problems with active material
- John von Neumann suggesting an implosion
- A difficult differential equation
- Making sure that an even greater explosion would not be set off
- A theory to increase the effectiveness of the explosion
- Questions of secrecy
- Talking to General Groves about an explosion
- Progress in methods of making material
- Work on a more effective way of separating Isotopes
- More powerful reactors designed by Wigner in Hanford
- Fermi and Wigner using false names for security reasons
- Fermi transferring to Los Alamos and a conclusion to the work
- The end of the war in Europe but not in the Pacific
- Questions of using the bomb
- Oppenheimer's suggestion, and a test being planned
- Witnessing the test explosion
- The aftermath of the test and bombing Hiroshima
- Leaving Los Alamos
- Maria Mayer winning the Nobel Prize
- Writing a paper with Fermi on particles occurring in cosmic rays
- Ideas for the hydrogen bomb
- Talking to Chadwick about General Groves (Part 1)
- Talking to Chadwick about General Groves (Part 2)
- The decision to go ahead with the hydrogen bomb
- Should the hydrogen bomb be built?
- Involving John Wheeler in the project
- Reasons for working on the hydrogen bomb while others wouldn't
- President Truman's decision and other scientists' views on this
- Ulam's calculations showed faults in our approach to the Hydrogen bomb
- Worries as John von Neumann confirms Ulam's calculations
- The idea of the equilibrium super
- Discussing the compression ideas with Ulam
- Scientifically testing the calculations
- Tests to see whether the experiment worked
- Presenting the new ideas to the Atomic Energy Commission
- The right decision was reached, but only by chance
- Starting Livermore
- Checking the explosions on a seismograph (Part 1)
- Checking the explosions on a seismograph (Part 2)
- The success meaning that Livermore could continue
- The Oppenheimer hearings (Part 1)
- The Oppenheimer hearings (Part 2)
- The Oppenheimer hearings (Part 3)
- Oppenheimer's secret testimony and Chevalier
- Testifying and the repercussions
- Szilárd's help with family (Part 1)
- Szilárd's help with family (Part 2)
- Attempts to make nuclear explosives more effective
- The Pre-mortem and Post-mortem committees
- A miscalculation in a test leading to a mass fear of radioactivity
- Misconceptions about radiation
- The first major success at Livermore (Part 1)
- The first major success at Livermore (Part 2)
- Useful size of nuclear weapons
- A ban on testing
- The idea of underground testing
- An effort to use nuclear weapons in a peaceful way (Part 1)
- An effort to use nuclear weapons in a peaceful way (Part 2)
- A brief explanation of the concept of lasers
- Using lasers to produce high energies without radioactivity
- Talking to Reagan about weapons of defense
- Reagan's statement on defense against missiles (Part 1)
- Reagan's statement on defense against missiles (Part 2)
- The importance of accuracy in American defense
- Thoughts on peace (Part 1)
- Thoughts on peace (Part 2)
- The importance of the Strategic Defense Initiative
- Ideas for space development
- The energy released when a meteorite hits the Earth
- Other suggestions of damage meteorites can do
- The meteorite that killed the dinosaurs
- Prevention of such a catastrophe
- Beliefs
Tomas Venclova
- A native of Vilnius
- My father, Antanas Venclova
- My parents' civil wedding in Klaipėda
- My father is appointed Minister of Education
- Memories of Pranas Mašiotas's funeral and of learning to read
- Our fortunes are altered by Hitler's invasion of Lithuania
- Growing up in the shadow of war
- Alumni from the Antanas Vienuolis School
- 'I believed that communism was the bright future of humanity'
- My political recovery of sight
- Russian friends
- Soviet invasion of Hungary
- The need for liquidation of communism
- Why I didn't condemn my father, a communist
- First and foremost – a poet
- My beginnings with poetry
- Boris Pasternak
- My memories of Boris Pasternak
- Russian and Lithuanian poets
- Setting up a self-education group
- Alexander Ginzburg
- The case against Alexander Ginzburg
- State security's brainwashing tactics
- From Vilnius to Moscow
- Andrei Volkonsky
- Gennadiy Aygi
- Rescuing prohibited art from capture
- Grigory Pomerants
- Muravyov, the Hangman
- Natalya Trauberg
- Acquaintances from Moscow
- Anna Akhmatova
- Translating Anna Akhmatova's poems
- Friendship with Joseph Brodsky
- Czesław Miłosz
- Joseph Brodsky in exile
- The "Aurora" legend
- Who is the best Polish poet?
- Czesław Miłosz translated my poem
- An unexpected love story
- Jerzy Giedroyc
- My translations
- Natalya Gorbanevskaya
- My closest circle
- Feeling isolated from society
- The decision to emigrate
- My letter to the Central Committee of the Lithuanian Communist Party
- Recognition from the West
- 'Stay in Lithuania'
- Arthur Miller's defending letter
- The state of human rights in Soviet Union
- The Helsinki Accords groups
- General Pyotr Grigorenko
- The Lithuanian Helsinki group: to join or not to join?
- Setting up the Lithuanian Helsinki group
- 'If we have to die let it be to music'
- The Lithuanian Helsinki group's manifesto
- Invitation to the Ministry of Internal Affairs
- What happened to the Lithuanian Helsinki group
- Through Paris to America
- Speaking on Radio Liberty
- Confronted by VLIKas
- An offer from Julien Greimas
- The dumb fish that spoke
- Teaching semiotics in San Francisco
- My trip to Hawaii
- My Soviet citizenship is revoked
- Seeking political asylum
- Help from Czesław Miłosz
- Travelling around the world
- A job offer from Yale
- PhD or unemployment – Yale delivers an ultimatum
- Climbing the academic ladder
- Full professorship
- My career as a writer
- Reunion with my mother
- Children and grandchildren
- Lithuanian social life in America
- Friendships and acquaintances
- Being a world citizen
- Poetry Readings: "Hidalgo"
- Introduction to "A Conversation in Winter"
- Poetry Readings: "A Conversation in Winter"
- Poetry Readings: "Night descended on us with a chill"
- Poetry Readings: "Desist, desist"
- Poetry Readings: "Before the middle of July, Paris"
- Poetry Readings: "In the Fire"
- Poetry Readings: "Variacija nubudimo tema"
Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown
- Architecture as flexibility; form follows functions
- How urbanism has made us better designers
- Redefining function
- Mannerism (Part 1)
- Mannerism (Part 2)
- Symbolism and signs
- Learning the difference between 'is' and 'ought'
- Protests over our use of neon
- The New Objectivity
- The importance of good clients; Vanna Venturi House
- My choice of colour for the Vanna Venturi House
- My mother and father
- The evolution of the Vanna Venturi house
- Influences and qualities of the Vanna Venturi house (Part 1)
- Influences and qualities of the Vanna Venturi house (Part 2)
- A moment of epiphany
- The Guild House and New York University
- Shared interests and histories
- Denise Scott Brown; family history (Part 1)
- Denise Scott Brown; family history (Part 2)
- My love of the South African landscape (Part 1)
- My love of the South African landscape (Part 2)
- Living with my mother in the Vanna Venturi house (Part 1)
- Living with my mother in the Vanna Venturi house (Part 2)
- The Vanna Venturi house and the Philadelphia school
- Alumni of the University of Witwatersrand
- Moving to London and going to the Architectural Association
- Work and social life at the Architectural Association
- Movements in architecture
- From South Africa through Europe to America
- Taking the city planning course at the University of Pennsylvania
- Differences in our backgrounds
- Discovering Louis Kahn
- Early days working together (Part 1)
- Early days working together (Part 2)
- The Benjamin Franklin Memorial building (Part 1)
- The Benjamin Franklin Memorial building (Part 2)
- Guild House; the windows and the white stripe
- Two buildings for the State University of New York in Purchase
- The National Football Foundation Hall of Fame (Part 1)
- The National Football Foundation Hall of Fame (Part 2)
- The National Football Foundation Hall of Fame (Part 3)
- The Sainsbury wing of the National Gallery, London (Part 1)
- The Sainsbury wing of the National Gallery, London (Part 2)
- The Sainsbury wing of the National Gallery, London (Part 3)
- The Sainsbury wing of the National Gallery, London (Part 4)
- The Sainsbury wing of the National Gallery, London (Part 5)
- ’If you have Venturi and Scott Brown you have double your problem’
- Threatening to resign over a tug-of-war design process
- The difficulties of competitions
- Quotes and the standing of architects in England
- My disillusionment with Louis Kahn
- Princeton and architects that I like
- More on education
- Places that have had an effect on us
- Designing a chapel and a trip to Ravenna, Italy
- Learning from my mother
- Learning by doing; how to run studios (Part 1)
- Learning by doing; how to run studios (Part 2)
- Research, theory and design
- A visit to Penn Station as a young boy
- My mother’s nature walks as a child
- Not every presentation ends in success
- The Byzantine complexity
- The building as the decorated shed and the duck
- The effect of the automobile and the flexible loft
- Designing laboratory buildings (Part 1)
- Designing laboratory buildings (Part 2)
- Designing laboratory buildings (Part 3)
- Using the generic in architecture; planning for change
- Learning from lofts
- History of Philadelphia and its architecture (Part 1)
- History of Philadelphia and its architecture (Part 2)
- Downtown Memphis, Tennessee
- Campus planning for Dartmouth College
- How sections could have helped New Orleans
- Palmer Drive Life Sciences Complex
- Tsinghua University in Beijing (Part 1)
- Tsinghua University in Beijing (Part 2)
- Lecturing
- An interview at Hagia Sophia and work for the American Embassy
- Cosmopolitan and local
- Our clientele
- Basurama and using waste (Part 1)
- Basurama and using waste (Part 2)
- Our take on Modernism
- The many sides of Bob Venturi
- Visionaries
- Life as a woman in architecture (Part 1)
- Life as a woman in architecture (Part 2)
- Do women do architecture differently from men?
- Mistakes
- Why are there no female gurus in architecture? (Part 1)
- Why are there no female gurus in architecture? (Part 2)
- Hôtel du Département Haute-Garonne, Toulouse
- Hotel Mielmonte Nikko Kirifuri, Japan (Part 1)
- Hotel Mielmonte Nikko Kirifuri, Japan (Part 2)
- American architecture in Japan and our love of travelling with work
- Sourcing the fabrics for the Hotel Mielmonte Nikko Kirifuri
- Working in Japan
- Chinese scholars gardens and lilong housing
- The future
- Designing medical centers (Part 1)
- Designing medical centers (Part 2)
- Robert Scott Brown and how we met
- The development of the theory of planning class
- Our courtship
- Words: oppression and persecution
- Losing a job and accusations of insularity
- How men and women are treated differently
- Paranoia and bad reviews
- Problems with developers
- Why we went to work in China
- Getting older
- Beethoven, Milton and changes in the kind of work we get
- Why we are misunderstood
- Salesmanship
- Interviews
Andrzej Wajda
- The beginning
- Polish Army before World War II
- The army in Suwałki
- My father
- The Wajda Family
- Signing up to join the Home Army
- Cultural life in war-time Kraków
- First contact with the world of art
- What we knew about the Soviets
- My mother
- School of Fine Arts in Kraków was my destiny
- Our awareness of the war
- Butter barrels and sauerkraut
- Polish reality at the end of the war
- Sudden need for horse bits signals end of war
- Road leading to School of Fine Arts
- Out with the old, in with the new
- Student self-teaching group leads to friction
- School of Fine Arts - my participation in student life
- Am I a painter? I'm a film director
- No more politics
- Andrzej Wróblewski
- Studying in Kraków
- My luck during World War II
- "A Generation"- my first film
- Coincidence - a very important thing in every director's life
- Łódź
- First impressions of the film school in Łódź
- Disappointment with the School of Fine Arts
- Permitted film topics
- First experience of film-making - working with Aleksander Ford
- School of Fine Arts helped me to become an artist
- Farewell, film school
- Ideology in "A Generation"
- Jan Matejko's heritage
- 'We had literature, we had painting and we had Jan Matejko'
- Pre-war versus post-war cinema
- Beginnings of Polish cinematography
- Freedom in Polish cinematography
- Loyalty to subordinates
- Why Polish cinema enjoyed more freedom
- Wajda's notebook
- "A Generation": Why me?
- "A Generation": The team
- "A Generation" as a youth manifesto
- 1968 in Polish cinematography
- Private evaluation of "A Generation"
- Historical background to my second film, "Kanał"
- The decision to make "Kanał"
- Depiction of the Warsaw Uprising in "Kanał"
- "Kanał" in Cannes
- Polish cinematography 1950-1960
- Marek Hłasko
- "Ashes and Diamonds": First steps
- "Ashes and Diamonds": The new version of the story
- "Ashes and Diamonds": Choosing the cast
- "Ashes and Diamonds" and censorship
- "Ashes and Diamonds": Zbigniew Cybulski
- "Ashes and Diamonds": Zbigniew Cybulski's acting technique
- "Ashes and Diamonds": Symbols in the film
- "Ashes and Diamonds": The young generation
- "Ashes and Diamonds": Zbigniew Cybulski's mysterious glasses
- "Ashes and Diamonds": A love story
- The communist in "Ashes and Diamonds"
- A film with fast acting
- First screening of "Ashes and Diamonds"
- The way of the film director in Poland
- Premiere of "Ashes and Diamonds"
- "Ashes and Diamonds" at the Venice Film Festival
- First and foremost: make films
- Earnings in Polish cinematography
- Personal life
- Film-making as an escapism from reality
- "Lotna"
- "Lotna": Facing various problems
- "Lotna": Colonel Rómmel
- "Lotna": A meeting with the Corps of Internal Security
- "Lotna": A bad beginning
- An attempt to make "Lotna" in colour
- "Lotna": Obstacles and failures
- "Lotna": After the premiere
- "Innocent Sorcerers" and the most difficult time in my life
- "Samson"
- "Siberian Lady Macbeth"
- A film about love
- "Ashes"
- "Ashes" and Polish nationalists
- "Ashes" as a historical fresco
- "Gates of Paradise": The idea of making a religious film
- "Gates of Paradise": Another film disaster
- "Roly Poly": My first comedy
- "Roly Poly": The need to create a contemporary film
- "Everything for Sale": A film about Zbyszek Cybulski
- "Everything for Sale": The cast
- "Everything for Sale" as a great challenge
- The shameful year of 1968
- "Hunting for Flies"
- "Birchwood"
- "Birchwood": A new look at nature
- Paintings of Jacek Malczewski in "Birchwood"
- New topics for films
- "Landscape after Battle"
- "Landscape after Battle": The actors
- "Landscape after Battle": The title
- "Landscape after Battle": After the premiere
- Film about Pilate
- "Pilate" - a story from Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita"
- Transferring an ancient tale into the new, free world
- The film about Pilate is a film about our moral responsibility
- "A Film for Good Friday"
- Screening of the film about Pilate in Poland
- Polish national literature
- Historical background to Wyspiański's "The Wedding"
- Attempts at writing a screenplay to Wyspiański's "The Wedding"
- "The Wedding": Joys and sorrows
- "The Wedding": Actors
- The spirit of "The Wedding"
- Premiere of "The Wedding" at the Słowacki Theatre in Kraków
- Why did Reymont write "The Promised Land"?
- "The Promised Land": Discovering a different Łódź
- The pleasure of making "The Promised Land" compared with Gierek's era
- How to make a film in Poland in the '60s
- "The Promised Land" and its reception in America
- "The Promised Land": A new version
- A happy ending for the protagonists of "The Promised Land"
- Joseph Conrad in film
- Joseph Conrad's last encounter with the sea
- "The Shadow Line" as a film about Conrad
- Meeting with Allan Starski in "The Shadow Line"
- "Man of Marble": The screenplay and trouble with the authorities
- "Man of Marble": No acceptance for the screenplay!
- "Man of Marble" comes into being after 12 years
- Cinematography in Poland after 1968
- The cast of "Man of Marble"
- The important message of "Man of Marble"
- "Man of Marble" as a political film
- Premiere of "Man of Marble"
- The events of December 1970
- The ending of "Man of Marble"
- "Man of Marble" as a 'film-surprise' at Cannes
- "Rough Treatment"
- "Camouflage": Cinema of moral concern
- "Rough Treatment": The actors
- Personal reflections after "Rough Treatment"
- Wajda's pupils
- "Young Girls of Wilko": An enigmatic story worth filming
- "Young Girls of Wilko": Discovering myself as a film director
- The person of Iwaszkiewicz in "Young Girls of Wilko"
- "The Conductor": Searching for a performer of the lead role
- John Gielgud's authority in "The Conductor"
- "The Conductor" as one of the films of moral concern
- Registering political events without censorship
- "Man of Iron": Events in the Gdańsk shipyard
- "Man of Iron" - a commissioned film
- "Man of Iron": How I became a "prophet"
- Premiere of "Man of Iron"
- Palme d'Or in Cannes
- Predictions of "Man of Iron"
- The battle of the unfinished film
- "Danton"
- "Danton": Two significant events
- "Danton" - the revolution
- The reaction of the French public to "Danton"
- "Love in Germany" - another film for Gaumont
- "Chronicle of Amorous Accidents"
- "The Devils" in Teatr Stary
- "The Devils" - the second film for Gaumont
- "Korczak" and screenplay by Agnieszka Holland
- "Korczak" and its reception at Cannes
- Devastating review of "Korczak" in "Le Monde"
- "The Crowned-Eagle Ring" and the new audience in Poland
- The new audience in Poland
- A Japanese play and the film "Nastasia"
- "Holy Week"
- Western interest in Polish films during the Cold War
- "Miss Nobody"
- Looking for a film topic for the new audience
- "With Fire and Sword"
- "Pan Tadeusz - The Last Raid in Lithuania"
- Working on "Pan Tadeusz - The Last Raid in Lithuania"
- Conversation with Akira Kurosawa about Shakespeare
- The role of the film director in today's Poland
- "Revenge" - a film about Poles
- Roman Polański in "Revenge"
- A short history of Poland before the 19th century
- A short history of Poland since the 19th century
- "Katyń"
- The new politics after 1989
- Senator Andrzej Wajda
- Politician - film director
- New culture
- "Hatful of Rain"
- Zbigniew Cybulski in the theatre
- Subsequent theatre plays
- A lesson in directing from Tadeusz Łomnicki
- "The Wedding" in theatre
- Dostoyevsky's "The Devils"
- "The Devils" and the new nationalists
- Dostoyevsky's prompts
- The influence of Japanese theatre on "The Devils"
- The music for "The Devils"
- Controversy over "Stavrogin's Confession"
- The tragic dress rehearsal of "The Devils"
- The first performance of "The Devils"
- Teatr Stary in Kraków
- "November Night"
- Other theatre plays
- Krystyna Zachwatowicz - wife and set designer
- "Hamlet" performed in Wawel Castle
- "Antigone" during martial law
- Dostoyevsky's "Crime and Punishment"
- "The Upper Room" - a play for Easter
- "The Upper Room" - the actors' demonstration
- "The Idiot" - a play in Teatr Stary
- Improvisation in "The Idiot"
- Meeting with Tamasaburo Bando
- "Hamlet the Fourth"
- "Hamlet the Fourth" and fulfilling my dream
- Plays for TV theatre
- There will be no summary
- Where is the world going?
- 'I don't want to summarise my life'
- Wajda's notebook
James Watson
- Early life and obesity
- Growing up in the Depression
- Interest in current affairs
- Newspapers, school and religion
- The Leopold and Loeb case
- My mother and her parents
- Childhood and school
- The books I took home from the South Shore library
- Influential books during adolescence
- Enrolling to The University of Chicago at 15
- Reading the Great Books
- Studying behavior and genetics as an undergraduate
- Deciding to be a scientist
- Going to Indiana University
- Courses at Indiana and my thoughts on philosophy
- 'The function of Chicago was to prepare you for greatness'
- Salvador Luria and how Indiana University reacted to his bluntness
- My PhD period with the phage group
- Switching to nucleic acid chemistry and moving to Copenhagen
- Going to Cambridge
- My first meeting with Francis Crick
- My first year in Cambridge
- Life in Cambridge
- My lack of manners
- Seeing Rosalind Franklin's photo of DNA
- On being competitive
- Competition and microbiology
- Consequences and fear
- Complementarity and my place in history
- Realizing we had determined the structure of DNA
- Telling people about our discovery
- Rosalind Franklin's rapid acceptance of the double helix
- Writing "The Double Helix"
- Controversies surrounding "The Double Helix"
- The film of the book
- Not trying to win a Nobel Prize
- "The Double Helix" and Cambridge
- Going to Caltech and working on RNA
- The RNA Tie Club
- Collaboration and competition
- Running a lab at Harvard
- Working with Wally Gilbert
- Building the molecular biology department at Harvard
- The importance of space in universities
- Writing "The Molecular Biology of the Gene"
- Aiming for a bestseller
- Winning the Nobel Prize
- Becoming a White House advisor (Fall 1961)
- Biological weapons and special projects
- Pesticides and Rachel Carson
- Leaving the PSC boll weevil committee in 1963
- My CIA brother-in-law
- The lab and students at Harvard
- Novel ideas about tumor viruses
- Francis Crick and winning the Warren Prize
- Research on polyomavirus
- Becoming director at Cold Spring Harbor
- Postdoctoral students at Cold Spring Harbor
- Changing working habits and more on students
- Dangers in the lab? Tumor viruses
- Dangers in the lab? Recombinant DNA
- Running labs
- My ideas for Cold Spring Harbor and work on cancer
- Judah Folkman and endostatins
- Sensing where you are in history
- Melatonin and the connection between sun and sex?
- Ethics and rights
- Combating suffering no matter what
- Cloning and animal experiments
- Genetically modified crops
- Differences between men and women
- Crime and punishment
- Inspirational people
- Leó Szilárd and thinking ahead
- Irrationalism and fundamentalism
- Ageing
- Feelings about death
- My values
- The Human Genome Project
- The Human Genome Project (Part 2)
- The Human Genome Project (Part 3)
- The Human Genome Project (Part 4)
- Genetics, mental illness and DNA chips
- Results of the Human Genome Project; sequencing and mapping
- Having my own genome sequenced (Part 1)
- Having my own genome sequenced (Part 2)
- Gene sequencing and mental illness research (Part 1)
- Gene sequencing and mental illness research (Part 2)
- Schizophrenia penetrance
- Classifying and coping with mental illness
- The complexity of the modern world and IQ
- My son Rufus, memory and IQ
- Memory and old age
- Discovering DNA - who did what
- Three meetings to mark my 80th birthday
- The cancer meeting
- Glycolosis, cancer and metabolomics
- Vitamin D
- More on cancer
David Weatherall
- My father and mother and school
- Medical school (Part 1)
- Medical school (Part 2)
- Medical school (Part 3)
- Army service (Part 1)
- Army service (Part 2)
- Going to Johns Hopkins and work on haemoglobin
- Giving a talk at the Association of American Physicians meeting
- Continuing work on haemoglobin at Johns Hopkins
- Work on haemoglobin synthesis (Part 1)
- Work on haemoglobin synthesis (Part 2)
- A family with alpha thalassemia in Jamaica
- Using new DNA hybridization methods and continued work on globin
- Being offered the Nuffield chair of medicine
- Oxford life
- Work at the Department of Medicine at Oxford
- Discovering a connection between haemoglobin H and mental retardation
- Work on polycystic kidney disease
- Getting funding and moving to a new laboratory
- Studies on alpha thalassemia in the tropics
- Work in Sri Lanka (Part 1)
- Work in Sri Lanka (Part 2)
- Age-dependent erythropoietin response and work in Papua New Guinea
- Investigating a link between thalassemia and malaria
- Prenatal diagnosis of thalassemia
- The Department of Medicine at Oxford
- Developing the overseas programmes in tropical medicine
- The Department of Medicine at Oxford: the overseas programmes in tropical medicine (Part 2)
- Bioethics
- Personalised medicine (Part 1)
- Personalised medicine (Part 2)
- Looking into issues surrounding animal research
- Medical education (Part 1)
- Medical education (Part 2)
- Medical education (Part 3)
- Science and communication (Part 1)
- Science and communication (Part 2)
- Reflections on my career
John Wheeler
- Oath of Allegiance
- Early introduction to algebra and letters
- Ambidexterity
- Influential teachers
- Parents
- Father and Johns Hopkins University scholarship
- Vermont one-room schoolhouse, skipping grades
- Mechanisms and Ingenious Mechanical Devices
- Boyhood books
- Calculus and cousin Archibald
- Fireworks and explosions, age 10
- Setting off bottle rockets to celebrate discoveries
- Spanish-American war cannon
- Johns Hopkins University
- Johns Hopkins: engineering and physics
- Johns Hopkins: doctorate years, summer jobs and tutoring
- Optics, x-rays and radioactivity at Johns Hopkins
- Far infrared research and the Depression
- My favourite professors in English, French History and Mathematics
- Johns Hopkins: social life
- Meeting Janette Hegner. Work in Denmark with Niels Bohr
- First job: University of North Carolina
- Choosing to work with Gregory Breit
- Physics in the early 1930s. Discovery of the neutron
- Cosmic rays opposed to accelerators. Pair theory
- 'Everything is particles' considered
- Listening to Niels Bohr
- Physics journals and refereeing of papers
- Bohr's critiques
- Unpublished paper with Milton Plesset
- Being in Europe
- Hitler and depression era Germany
- Colleagues in Copenhagen: Otto Frisch and James Franck
- Colleagues in Copenhagen: Impressions of Werner Heisenberg
- How I used Fermi's results from bombarding nuclei
- Bohr's compound nucleus model
- Teaching Katharine Way at the University of North Carolina
- Conceiving of the scattering matrix from resonating group structure
- Questions left unanswered by the scattering matrix
- First collaboration with Edward Teller. Nuclear rotation
- 1938: decision to go to Princeton (Part 1)
- 1938: decision to go to Princeton (Part 2)
- Bohr in America: nuclear fission (Part 1)
- Bohr in America: nuclear fission (Part 2)
- Our model of nuclear fission pictured as a hill
- Uranium-235 is a special material
- Making plutonium, General Groves and Du Pont
- Regrets, thoughts on war
- Work with Richard Feynman
- Richard Feynman and Arline Greenbaum. Klaus Fuchs' car
- Klaus Fuchs. The US Reactor Safeguard Committee
- The reactor project
- That Xenon and Iodine Business
- More detailed account of the Hanford problems. Fermi's agreement
- Locating the Du Pont pile. Washingon and the Cascade Mountains
- MetLab, Chicago 1942. Wheeler and Wigner. Reactor coolants
- Writing up papers
- 'Boiled down' explanation of 'action at a distance' concept
- The conception of an electron moving backward in time
- Polyelectrons
- Princeton, 1945: cosmic rays and 'Mesic' Atoms. WY Chang
- Guggenheim fellowship to France
- The decision to leave Paris to work on the Los Alamos H-bomb
- Theories conceived on a train. Selling the car in Paris
- Setting up H-bomb research at Princeton
- The Matterhorn Gang
- The new research site at Princeton. Fire in the Rabbit building
- Computing and the H-bomb. Marshall Rosenbluth, John Sheldon
- Oppenheimer changes his mind about the H-bomb
- November 1, 1952: the Mike Test. The Eniwetok Atoll
- Witnessing the explosion. Edward Teller's seismograph
- Meeting the leaders of the Soviet H-bomb project: Zeldovich and Sakharov
- My fascination with quantum and relativity
- Understanding relativity
- The concept of a Geon
- The Wheeler-Dewitt equation
- Quantum ideas. Quantum foam. Max Planck and Karl Popper
- Collapse of matter into a black hole
- Tullio Regge. Work on black holes (Part 1)
- Tullio Regge. Work on black holes (Part 2)
- Early resistance to black hole concept and some current thoughts
- Embracing the black hole concept and search for the missing mass
- 1967: naming the black hole
- Feynman and Jacob Bekenstein
- Rotation of a star
- Entropy of a black hole: Jacob Bekenstein, Stephen Hawking
- Hawking's pair production
- Principle of mutability (Part 1)
- Principle of mutability (Part 2)
- Mach's influence on physics and Kurt Gödel
- Kurt Gödel and the Closed Time-like Line
- Thoughts on Gödel (Part 1): no preferred direction of rotation
- Thoughts on Gödel (Part 2)
- Relationship with Einstein (Part 1): Einstein and Spinoza
- Relationship with Einstein (Part 2): God's dice
- Origins of the book "Gravitation" with Thorne and Misner
- Translating "Gravitation" into Russian and Chinese
- 'Gravitation and Inertia'
- Discussing and formulating theories
- Thoughts on gravitational radiation. Joseph Weber
- Questions from Ken Ford. Relativity. From mathematics to engineering
- Size range of black holes
- Quasars
- 1976: decision to leave Princeton for the University of Texas
- The Delayed Choice experiment
- Problems compiling the key papers on quantum theory
- The certainty of quantum mechanics: correct predictions
- Can the laws of physics be violated?
- Wheeler's drawing of the big U: concept of observer participancy
- Niels Bohr: distinguishing between 'observation' and 'registration'
- Bit from Binary Digit. What has information to do with reality?
- Crazy ideas for a crazy world
- Thoughts on speculation
- Historic individuals in science: Bernoulli, Leibniz and Voltaire
- Hugh Everett's many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics
- Wheeler's description of a bus to illustrate Everett's thesis
- Niels Bohr: his idea of the open world concept
- Thoughts on ballistic missile defense and NATO
- Thomas Jefferson and Europe
- 1944: meeting with Niels Bohr after Bohr's talk with Roosevelt
- John von Neumann (Part 1): Martin Kruskal
- John Mauchly
- John von Neumann (Part 2)
- Eugene Wigner, Michael Polanyi
- The doctrine of limited war
- How do you signal a limited war?
- Nixon and Ford
- At 85, John Wheeler's goals for the future
- Current involvement with students
- Acknowledgments
Katharine Whitehorn
- I never made any serious friends until I was about 15
- Running away from Roedean
- Heavy morals stopped us being rich
- Cambridge: the best university in the world
- London was a dead-end
- Teaching English in Finland
- Studying in the US gave a completely different slant on Europe
- USA was 'heaven on Earth’
- Deciding on an unsettled profession
- 'That' picture
- Covering the Paris fashion collections for "Picture" "Post"
- Refusing a marriage proposal
- ‘Don’t propose in bed’
- Getting the sack from "Woman's Own"
- ‘This nonsense must cease. Get a job!’
- The feminisation of Fleet Street
- Changing fashion journalism
- ‘I want a baby and a column’
- Having written about sluts, people felt I was one of them
- The change in women’s journalism
- Writing authoritatively as women
- The right person rarely gets the credit
- 'Shuffle along, ladies'
- We always drank a fair bit
- Gavin Lyall
- Regrets
- Being the only one who...
- Agony aunt for "Saga"
- ‘Goodness, different in my time’
- The old are not just dross
- Thoughts on euthanasia
- Women’s rights and equality
- I belonged to a very lucky generation
Richard Wilbur
- My artistic parents
- I started out both clever and stupid
- Moving to North Caldwell, New Jersey
- A lonely childhood
- Still an outsider
- The Death Club
- Academic excellence at Montclair High School
- Menacing totalitarian mandibles!
- Finding the right girl for me
- Amherst College: a good place for poets
- Hoboing across America
- My short career in cryptography
- Passing from the ranks of 'undesirables' to the front line
- Having an epiphany about Edgar Allan Poe
- How cryptography and poetry are linked
Ken Adam